67. Rainy days : Arnav and his sayari.

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Khushi ( POV )

" Did tornado hit this place after we left? " asked zoya bhabi. We slowly went inside, the floor is covered with toys and milk and whatnot. Its a mess I tell you.

But upon entering we encountered one cutes scene ever. The baby is sleeping on the sofa and Arnav and samrat sleeping on the edges. Arnavs hairs still have milk powder in them, he is holding a toy in one of his hand.

Samrat is holding a milk bottle in his hand both fast asleep. " You wake them up....let me heat up the dinner. They must be starving. " Said zoya bhabi and left for the kitchen.

I walked up to Arnav and slowly poked him in his arm to wake him up. He stirred up a little and than shifted to lie in my shoulder. He still smells like baby milk and baby products...cute.

" Arnav...get up. " I slowly called him up. He slowly opened his sleepy eyes to look at me and smiled " Hey! you're back. " he whispered snuggling more to be comfortable. Like a little baby looking for comfort.

" Yes, why are you sleeping in the ground? Get up...have dinner. " I told him. " I am so tired khushi. " he whispered but I cant let him sit here all day can I?

" okay, get up and eat than you can go to sleep. " I told him and he finally woke up properly. " Wake him up please. " I told him showing samrat. He literally extended his leg and kicked him hard. Samrat woke up with a jerk.

" What...what...happened. " that poor guy still sleepy. " Nothing....we are back. Get up and eat food than you can sleep. " I told him getting up from the floor. " let me go and help zoya bhabi...you two come for dinner. " I told them and took the baby in my lap. She is sleeping in peace. Will put her in her cradle near our dinner table so that we can keep an eye on her.

20 Minutes later.

They eat like they never saw food before. But something is strange...why samsher and sahru acting so moody today? They didnt even look at me. Just sat together cuddled up.....the pair of father and son looked so pitiful. Like I abused them....are they angry that I left them for whole day?

But they do stay nicely when I go to work...than what happened today? From the day the baby arrived....they dont look that happy about it. Not that they tried to harm the baby...never infact people trying to touch the baby can loss a hand but still they seems sad.

The dinner went nicely. " Can I take her in my room tonight? " asked zoya bhabi. I would be more than happy if she does that. " Sure.....but you dont have to push it...you can take one step at a time. " I told her.

" I think I am ready...." she said and finally took the baby in her lap. I want to dance.  " Its not nice we call her just baby...why don't we name her something " suggested samrat.

" She came in our life like a fairy and improved it for something better. So lets call her Angel. " Said zoya bhabi. And we all agreed since its such a wonderful name.

" Angel it is. " I told her. She took the baby with her. Samrat just lied on the couch...he said he doesnt have the strength to go in his toom. And strangely samsher lied on the opposite sofa...not trying to follow us....thats odd. Saruh jumped in with his father....even that little fellow...my heart hurts. But I didnt disturb them and with Arnav came back in my room.

" Take a shower....you smell like baby products. " I told Arnav dusting some of the milk powder from his hairs. He leaned little forward and told " Is it bad though...." what is he doing?

" No but your hairs will be sticky. " I told him. " Alright " he said and went in to take shower. That guy is acting crazy.

I changed myself, made the bed and put some lotion on me. He came out from shower smelling like roses. His hairs still dropping little bits of water soaking his new t-shirt.  He does looks super sometimes....well where I stay and in my new friends cycle I should have gotten over the fact every single one looked like freaking flim star....but I can never get enough of him.

" You okay? " asked Arnav with a teasing smile. " Yes why would you ask? " I asked him to cover up the embarrassing situation. " You're staring " he said and their you go he noticed.

" Water...you haven't dried your hairs enough they're dripping. " I told him quickly. " Oh!" he said touching his hairs. " Come let me help you. " I told him grabbing a fresh dry towel from the closet. He sat down and I sat on bed with towel in my hand. " Sit still " I told him and he nodded. I dried his hairs while he told me what he did all day....which is soo funny.

" Here all done. " I told him. " Thank you...lets go in the garden and watch the moon." said Arnav. " Aren't you tired? " I asked him. " I was but not now. " he told all enthusiastically.

" Buts its cloudy....it can rain any time. How about we sit by the window in our couch? " I asked him. Its big enough for two of us....just not enough to keep distance. But we will just sit their.

" Okay " he said, we dragged the couch by the window and sat together watching the night sky....its so peaceful and nice. " Let me play some music. " Said Arnav and played a song in his phone. It was so peaceful....but slowly the moon vanished and the sky filled with clouds...the air heavy with musky smell of soil.

" Your moon hid behind those clouds." I told him. He said " Mera chaand mera pass hi hain....( My moon is with me ). " and what???. I gave him a confused look. " Its a sayari. " he told. Oh! and I thought....whatever.

" continue " I told him looking at the sky. " I heard it in a movie...name I forgot but it went like this :

Jhu baadal main chup gaya bhu mera nahi mera chaand mera bahoo main hain.

Jhu suraj sa udhaar lakar noor jaag main bekhare bhu mera chaand nahi.

Mera chaand ki noor uski khubshoorat dil sa hai.

Puri duniya dhak jaya ghaana badaal sa bhi tu kya meri zindagi roshan mera chaand sa hai.

( The moon that hide behind clouds that's not my moon, My moon is in my embrace.

The moon which rents light from sun is not my moon.

My moon's beauty is from her beautiful soul.

If the whole world is covered with clouds I dont care cause my life is lit with the love of my own moon. )

" Its so good....I never knew you like sayari. " I told him. " I like more things...things that you dont know. " he whispered. " Recently I fell in love with rain....for some reasons I just love it. " he said enjoying the cold air with his closed eyes. And in his phone next music played ' Dil Ibadaat'. Guess its not bad....enjoying rain with soft music.

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