72. The house within the house.

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Arnav ( POV )

She kept crying....I went in and sat beside her. She lifted her head to look at me for once and than broke into another violent sob.

" Are you here to tell me not to cry? or tell me to forgive them and be happy? Tell me that I am being selfish for feeling that way? " she asked all that in one breath.

" No...I am not going to judge you, I am not going to advice you anything nor tell you to stop crying...I Just want to say I am here with you. " I told her. She put her head on my lap silently shedding tears.

" I dont know what to feel anymore Arnav.....I dont know why I am saying this to you. " She said in her broken voice. " You can tell me anything you want and I would never judge you for that....relax." I told her and she holded my hand still crying.

Arati sen

" I want answer why you never let me meet my daughter? " asked Akash to Roshni who is sitting with her head down.

" You even woven a story of me cheating you...making her hate me. She grew up hating me...She grew up not trusting relationship. " continued Akash still blaming her.

" Dont you dare...." said Roshni softly.
" What? " akash asked her. " Dont you dare blame me....if you didnt betray your wife to be with me...this might not happen. You walked in my life with bag of lies....your father ruined my life by putting me in such situation where I had to choose...." she said with voice full of anger. For years this wild side of her was hidden which broke free today.

" I could have had a good home, loving husband and a nice family...but that night had ruined my life. " She said to him. " Than why are you still single? " And I thought age matured him...he is still the same.

Roshni laughed out loud like crazy. She said " You think I am single for you? No...no I had a daughter to look after and I couldn't risk getting a step father who ruins her childhood....its not for you. I had to think about her childhood....couldn't live for pleasure like you....you. " She said and again broke into violent sob.

" what did you tell my other daughter?...she is daughter of your ex...her mother died..what did you say? " she asked him and even I wonder what he said.

" why you care for her? you left her..." said Akash. " She was snatched from me for your cold mansion. " Shouted back Roshni.

" Look khushi had me in her life, is having me.....and in future will just have me. You were not their and even now we dont need you. I can handle her....you just take care of the one you stole from me. " Said Roshni and towards the end her voice broke.

" STOP IT. " I had to interrupt them.
" You both made mistakes and now its time you decide nothing...let the kids know and if they want you in their life you stay or...I dont know. " I told them and they didnt say anything.

" Akash...please go back home...we can talk later. " I him and he left. Roshni lied in my lap...its going to be tough journey for her.

Khushi ( POV )

" can you explain what are we doing infront of your fancy unused dinning room? . " I asked Arnav. Its a dinning room with table that can serve twenty people at once....once used when they used to through party but not anymore.

I am pretty sober now...I cried a lot but I somehow got a grip of myself. I am used to it. As soon as I calmed down he dragged me here with him.

" This is where I used to hide whenever I used to be angry or sad or just needed some me time...and today I brought you here for a outing. " he said pulling the cover up a little and told me " Hop in. " Is he joking? Nope it doesn't look like it.

" I told you I want to leave the house for the night....to forget everything....not change rooms. " I told him. " It would feel like a new world...trust me. " he said, well lets see.

I sat and went in....its so good. Its has a soft matt spread in it. With a charge light to lit the inside, some pillows in the corner, covers lifted enought to let air in, its big for two people. It has a mini fan in it,  a mini fridge which can only have chocolate. Everyday I learn something about him.

" Its silly but....perfect when you want to read a book without being disturbed. " he said. Its not silly its just perfect.

" You must be hungry so I brought you some instant noddles, egg on top, and a cold drink. I have chocolate and cakes too. " he said handing them to me.

" Thanks. " I told him and started eating my noddles. Its silly but I think I am away from the world hidden in some other place just with him...its funny but sweet. I forgot what happened after the yummy meal.

" I used to play tent here, its like house within the house ....or thinking I camping in the jungle. " he said and that made me laugh. " I never thought I will show it to anyone...but here you are. "he said and I am glad he shared it with me.

" I shouldnt ask...but what is your view about the situation ? he asked me as I lie down in one of the pillows.

" Arnav....I dont know what to feel. Should I feel bad for myself? Blame mom for everything...or dad. I dont know what to feel. " I told him, I dont need answers I just need someone to listen and he is doing a good job.

" On my birthdays I used to see mom crying...I thought it reminded her about dad. They must have separated on that day and I never wanted to celebrate my birthday...but she insisted on celebrating.....turns out she used to miss my sister. " I told while eating a cake.

" I used to blame dad....blame him for not being on important events of my life, blame for not being their for me...turns out he never knew about me. I dont know what to do..." I told and he just sat their holding my hand.

" Its okay....relax. Calm down okay. You dont have to think about everyone....for once be selfish, think about yourself and trust me it will be fine....I am with you. " he told me and I dont want anything else from the world.

Accidental Marriage. ( Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now