20. Birthday preparation...a domb is waiting for us.

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Khushi ( POV )

I barely slept last night , always thinking samsher came in with his son for late night dinner.... even the thought of it is so scary. I quickly freshened up and came down .

The party of three beauty standing together , probably came from their usual exercise, Zoya is looking warm and beautiful, not to mention about the boys looking like film stars out of some kind of action movie.

" you woke up so early....must say I am impressed. " said Aditya, I just smiled at him not having the courage to say the truth. " why you look like you didn't slept a wink last night ? " asked Zoya , her sharp eyes caught me red handed.

" Cause I didn't... Was too afraid to sleep. " I confessed sheepishly, she laughed and told " Same thing happened with me when I came here for the first time so I kind of know that look. " she teased but man how can someone look this beautiful and that also that early in the morning ?

Arnav didn't talk he was trying to contact someone on the phone but I think the phone was not getting through. He tried more , muttered something under his breath and than left the room with that sour expression if his.

" Someone is salty " I commented , Zoya nodded and told " He is trying to call his girlfriend laxmi but she is not picking up her phone. " her sentence almost knocked me down... even our devil king has a girlfriend ? My mother would kill me if she knows about it.

" Maybe she is salty cause we didn't invite her on mom's birthday party and is angry with him. " told Aditya. Zoya made a face and told " I wouldn't invite her in my house even on my nightmares, not happening. " she commented. A girl brave enough to be Arnavs girlfriend than why is she hated by Zoya ?

" Breath Khushi... " Aditya's words made me realize that I was standing their holding my breath for too long. I took a long breath , " still alive ? " asked Aditiya , I nodded and he continued
" I know its hard to believe but he does have a girlfriend name laxmi Ray , her and Arnav are business partners and they know each other from college time. " his speech amazed me.

" Wanna go out for a run with us Khushi ? " asked Zoya , I happily declined , I would enjoy an early breakfast before calling my mom all alone and just the way I like it and no one to judge my food taste , can the day get any better ?

The breakfast table is empty but their is bread , jam and honey on the table , and I think I am good. I took two bread applied honey on it , than applied jam on the bread nicely and here you go my breakfast is ready. This looks so beautiful and so yummy hopefully it will taste good.

" That's too much sugar you known that ? " Arnav's voice startled me

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" That's too much sugar you known that ? " Arnav's voice startled me. He made a face and told " You who advice others not to eat unhealthy food and here you are....." he didn't finish his sentence looking towards my food and I know what he meant.

" I don't have any issue I can easily eat this ....and as a nutritionist I know how much sugar I should intake so you don't have to worry about me. " I told him making my sandwich and taking my plate , I should eat it in my room.

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