58. saying goodbye to some friends.

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Khushi ( POV )

we are all ready to leave. But our team is going to be short since Eka and Arjun will not be joining us. Arjun has some important works so he will not be joining us.

They came to drop us in the airport. Everyone feeling little sad cause we spend too much time with Eka and it would be hard to leave her here.

" Finally I dont have to see you everytime I woke up. " Said samrat to Arjun. He laughed and said " I know you're going to miss me the most...brother. " samrat punched him in his hand.

" In your dreams..." said samrat but I know he will miss his brother a lot. They did some more funny argument on the topic. " Atleast you dont have a twin problem. " Said sahara as a joke but my mother who was drinking her juice coughed and spills half of her drink on the floor...and I don't think thats a good sign.

We finally boarded the plan. Since its a private plane...saruh is allowed to be with us. I tried to keep him comfortable as much as possible. Saruh slept as soon as we sat on the flight. Now I can talk with Arnav about my desire.

Arnav ( POV )

" Arnav I think I should start looking for a job. " said khushi looking towards saruh in her lap.

" That would be great...where are you thinking to apply? " I asked her. I think I can find a place where she can work without any problem.

" I have few hospitals in my mind where I want to work. I will hand mothers reports to the new nutritionist that you will hire for her so that she dont have any problem. " She said in a soft voice.

" What? " I could only ask that. As if I didn't understood what she was saying she said " I don't wish to continue working in your house after a year...that would be bit embarrassing for us both. I would try to...you understand right. " She said and that goes without saying she wants to avoid me after our contract gets canceled. She wants this divorce to happen.

" Saruh will miss you a lot...he got so attached with you. " I told her and she laughed and told " He will get used to it don't worry. He will forget me soon." Like its that easy.

" Have you made any plans....like what are you going to do after that? " I asked her. " Going back to my old life...job, blind dates....sleep. Same my boring life. " She said trying to make it funny which is not.

" What about you? " she asked me and well I told her the truth " I have no plans for such kind of future. " She made no answer.

" About your job...I will give some good recommendations...you can get a good job. " I told her. That would be really good. Thank you. " She said. After that we remained silent for little long time. Should I just ask her? I know the place is not good...but lets just give it a go.

" We could just...you know cancle the contract and make our wedding public? " I asked her but she is lying on her seat eyes closed. she is sleeping.

Khushi ( POV )

we arrived at delhi. And here samrat and sahara will go their house. I was not ready for that yet. " But you were supposed to stay with us for the year. " I told them.

" Khushi you know I cant take more leaves from hospital. But I will be their before the important day. " She promised me.

" Even cases piled up in my office have to go back. But soon I will be their with you people. " Said samrat to Arnav.

" Samrat...thats not fair you know I am angry with you. " I told him in an angry tone. He was supposed to help me.

" Listen..dont be angry okay. I will be their before you know it. Now listen very carefully I have some news for you and if thats correct than I will be back...very soon. " he promised.

" Young man..leaving so soon what about our chess match? " asked judge Hudson to him. " I will be back for that dont worry. " he replied in his own style.

" Bhabi will miss you. " Said zoya bhabi cutely pouting at him. " Bhai will not let that happen. " Said samrat teasing her and getting punch in reply.

I cried holding sahara. Both of them left and from their we took another flight...its going to be so boring.


We reached home almost at mind night. The large house is vacant and empty. It is so lifeless. Saruh went to his father and they cuddled together. I dont feel like eating so I just took a bath and lied on the large couch on the balcony looking at the moon.

" The house is so empty. " Said Arnav lying next to me. " Its really boring without them. " I told him. " It was such a wonderful time with the whole team. We had best time of our life. " Said Arnav. And those memories are going to last forever in my mind.

" Your strawberry jam and honey on bread is going to be a viral thing..." he said. " Hey! thats the most delicious thing in the world okay. " I told him making a face and he laughed. He does look good when he laughs.

" What? " he asked looking towards me. " Nothing...you just laugh a lot now. " I told him and I never thought he would say but he said " yeah! cause I have you. " I thought he would explain himself but he said nothing...nothing at all.

" you took good care of my mother, bhabi is so happy to find a sister in you, bhai is also happy...he likes you more than me. Saruh is on the moon to have you as his granny. " he told, where is he going with that?

" My father trusted you so much...he wanted you to be part of the family. You made this grumpy me laugh...we do have a good history....whatever you did for me...if I thank you for that than that will be an insult but khushi from core of my heart I thank you. " he said holding my hand close to his heart. Before I could say anything samsher jumped in the couch and lied in between us.

Well now I am not that scared of him. She lied and our joined hands making it impossible to move. I softly scratched his back saying " you missed me...you missed mummy? " I asked him. He likes me a lot now and does listens to what I say.

" Should we look for a bride for samsher? " he asked....another tiger?

" why? " I asked him. " Well than he can be little busy you know.....and you know its not easy to stay all alone...without a tigress who thinks he is cold and arrogant " he said to me..is he teasing me?

" But he may think that the new tigress scent isn't pleasing. " I joked and he laughed. " Your not going to be a strict mother in law are you? " he asked me.

" That I have to think. " I told and we joked more on it. Finally with samsher between us we fell asleep. Hope the new morning brings new light if hope for us.

Author Interview :

Author : samrat what are you hiding?

samrat : Nothing

Author : sure?

Samrat : of course can I lie to you? ( To readers) can I?

Author Note :

If you have to describe my characters with songs than what song it would be?

1. Arnav.
2. Khushi.
3. Samrat.
4. Sahara.
5. Aditya
6. Zoya
7. Arjun
8. Eka
9. Judge Hudson
10. Rose mam.

Which song describes Arnavs recent condition? comment and let me know.

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