29. Girls v/s boys...battle of rights.

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Noor ( POV )

Team Khushi : leader Zoya .
Team mates : sahara , Noor , Khushi and Rukshar.
Mission : Getting a Rose from judges house.
Meeting Base : Girls Bathroom.

" We are quite safe here , they will not listen our conversation. " said sahara excitedly. We took little tools and sat together to form a plan , we must not let the other party win.

" Well , for the people who doesn't know about Judge Hudson, let me tell you. His full name is Hudson wells , that man has a son living in London, he lives alone in that big house , his wife Mrs wells died years ago. " said Appi than paused to think weather she missed anything.

" He loves his roses dearly , does gardening himself... and he doesn't let anyone enter his garden ever....and let me tell you he hates people trying to steal flowers from his garden..... he hates them. " she said , and I am not having a good feeling about it.

" In total its like walking in a dragon's den to stole its egg....highly difficult task , I must say. " said Rukshar with a worried look , what was sam thinking ...giving such stupid ideas.

" He doesn't own any guns right ? " asked sahara crossing her fingers trying to be right , hell I want her to be right about it. Appi smiled but said nothing but action spoke for her..he does owns a gun. We are doomed.

" And exactly what you guys are doing in bathroom ? " asked Khushi who was where I don't know but looks like she came in after having a hard battle with the wind. " where were you ? " asked her friend sahara

" I was in the garden and the rain started so I was stuck their for long time, just know when the wind is little mild I came back." She said and sat beside Appi looking curious about our meeting . Appi told her whatever she missed and meeting began again.

" If sam doesn't step in and help the boys than I think they will be as clues less as us...and I hope sam doesn't cheat. " said Khushi, with a followed silence , that can't be said about sam...nope.

" They have Khalid and trust me that guy can do anything so we have to be alter. " said rukshar trying to look concerned but you could hear the pride in her voice for Khalid.... are we having another cute couple here ?

" We have to work for the wedding and think for the mission... life is so hard. " said Appi dramatically. Think about me I literally have to go back in that team for wedding arrangements, I can't go their if we lose this game. Think about my misery.

" Invitation card...." Said Khushi excitedly " Bhabi have you already invited Judge Hudson for the wedding ? " asked Khushi to Appi. " No actually I forgot to do that why ? " asked Appi all confused, heck we all are confused.

" Good tomorrow first thing one of us can go Hudson house to give the invitation card to Mr Hudson and before coming scan his garden, possible risks , rescue roots and the flower near the gate. And after that we will make a plan to go in. " said Khushi . why does it sounds like the next question will be ' But who is going to tie bell on the cats neck ? '

" But who will go to give the invitation ? " asked Khushi, " Of course it has to be zoya bhabi. Khushi is bride herself and we all are guests so we can't go to invite so it has to be her. " said Rukshar and for the first time I love her.

" Alright , I will do it than but we have to make it fast and even click picture for sam to show him the proof that we took the flower from Hudson house. " said Appi not looking very happy but its a battle for respect and we shall , and we will win it.

Khalid ( POV )

Team Arnav: leader Aditya
Team mates : Khalid, Arnav, sankalpa and viraj
Mission : Getting a Rose from judges house.
Meeting Base : Gaming room.

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