D. 14 February special ( Part 2)

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Author : we are back and now the team has new addition please welcome Rukshar , khalid, Noor, Viraj, sankalpa.

New members : Thank you, thank you.

Author : Now lets began. So my topic or question for the day on which we are going to have a massive discussion is ' what is love? And what you find annoying about it? '

Khalid : Thats really heavy topic very hard to discuss so randomly.

Rukshar : specially for the people who changes girlfriend like pages of calander.

Khalid : I am still looking and girls who date me knows how I am so its not like I am cheating them.

Aditiya : People may not like me for saying this but if you don't explore, not meet half heads like them...( pointing sam ) how will you find you the one and only? you can't find them at home right.

Zoya : But in arranged marriage system also people finds their true one. One with whom they spend their whole lives.

Aditiya : True. But every time that doesn't work out...and if you feel that things doesn't work after marriage thinking of family you cant even divorce.

Samrat : In total....you can find love after many experiments or sometimes on arranged marriages like you found Aditiya.

Aditiya : ( Realization hits him ) yes I found mine very nicely. And not letting her go for even the riches of the world. ( Holding her hand )

zoya : ( Blushes ) such drama.

Samrat : ( To Author ) I should get free entry in heaven.

Author : ( To samrat ) Doing such social work saturn will.....god will be so happy to have you.

Author : Tell me some of your favorite Valentine day memories. Anything that is very special....starting from Judge Hudson.

Judge Hudson : well in my time it was not that famous. But I gave a whole garden to my wife ( first one ).

Samrat : what about now when its well know and you came to know about it?

Judge Hudson : will learn more about it and together enjoy the day.

Arnav : Thats the spirit Judge Hudson I liked it.

Judge Hudson : Before you go..I have a good one. When Arnav was in class 5 he almost took every rose from my garden. Cause he was having crush on his English teacher.

Arnav : Really I supported you and thats how you repaid me.

Judge Hudson : On my lonely days you were their with me...those are my precious memories.

Khalid : Arnav your teacher...after getting roses what did she say?

samrat : Thanks beta....I can give them to your uncle. Thanks for helping me.

Khushi : she was married Arnav?

Arnav : Yes she was....I didnt focus on that.

Viraj : what were you watching than?

Khalid : He was a kid viraj....

Noor : Change of subject please. Would appreciate that.

Author : well what about you khushi? Do you have any good memories ?

khushi : Well I have a funny memory. Well their was an expensive restaurant near our college. Food was so expensive that I never eat their. On valentine's day their was 60 % off. So me and veer we faked being a couple and eat their.

Veer : well that is my favorite memory too. Their food was really good and we eat our full....and for us the price was really low.

Author : well thats funny. Arnav whats your Valentine story ?

Arnav : I started to earn really early so I could pay for laxmis food and I did pay. But it wasn't anything special.

Samrat : Of course discussing science project on dates isnt fun.

Khalid : But was it biology? Than it wouldn't be boring at all.

Viraj : Guys grow up will you? Class 10 biology isn't that advanced.

Sankalpa : well you should be asking the expert to know the exact chapter to enjoy...read.

Noor : You all are hopeless...and you guys made the nice guy like you. Bigar diya larkah kuh.

Author : well Aditiya whats you favorite Valentine memory.

Aditiya : Its not funny or cute....its scary. So I came home nearly at four in the evening and sat to watch cricket. I was having flight that night only. So I was watching and Zoya said nothing.

Yuvraj : Jhanvi would have killed me for that work bro.

Aditiya: yes she didn't say anything. Nearly at six she walked towards me gave me a back hug...said something and left. And I was so much in the game I didn't realise that she left.

Sankalpa : something tells me thats not going to be a happy ending.

Aditiya : Nearly at eight I switched off my tv. Stood to get ready and she wasn't their. So I started to look for her. Our house help said she left for her trip. I called her and she was already in another state. And I had so important flight that I couldn't go to her.

Veer : you spend the whole month alone?

Aditiya : No the Valentine week I was alone than I took my plane too her and dragged her back to me.

Author : Thats so sweet...and scary. Now who got more gifts in Valentine's day?

Khalid : Me I used to keep gifts in store room...still they were a lot.

Sahara: why?

Khalid : Simple... I am Nawab of Bhopal.

Everyone : 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂.

Author : Just a random question....how many of you had a crush on Aditiya...not knowing that he had a wife?

Rukshar : Knew he was married....

samrat : Did it stop you though?

Rukshar : No...but I am Innocent like you sam.

Samrat : Great point.

Sahara : No never.

Khushi : Stop it....we live in same house its awkward.

Author : sorry...moving on.

Zoya : Dont worry I get that a lot.

Author : veer you were in contract boyfriendhood with khushi. You guys never felt anything for each other.
Thats garimas question.

Veer : I will message her my reply.

Arnav : we dont bite.

Veer : precaution is better than cure.

Author : So any advice for my lovely readers.

Samrat : You wouldn't get your life again so have fun, do mistakes and live your fullest.

Sankalpa : Have a healthy and relaxed month.

Sahara : Exercise, eat well and keep calm. Be happy and thats the important thing.

Arnav : Do tell your loved ones how much you love them cause you never know how much time you have with them. Its dark but true.

Khushi : Chips and a good movie...dont cry if you dont have a date. Those things can keep you entertained for life.

Zoya : Dont jump on conclusion....research. It takes little time to propose and marry but long time to actually carry out the promise.

Author : Thanks for the advices. It was lovely to have you here. Happy valentines day to you all.

Everyone : Happy Valentine's day.

Since our calander is little different we cant celebrate valentine day..but hope you enjoyed the conversation. Have a healthy and happy month.

Good night.

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