77. Planning a family tour with Mr Ray.

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My head feels like someone is hammering it soo badly....I couldn't even keep my eyes open. The sunlight is blinding me....what did I do last night?

I remember going out with the girls and drinking juice......then I dont remember anything. I feel tired, my legs and arms are paining like anything. Am I having a fever?

A note beside my bed caught my eye, I took it from the table.

' Good Morning,

Had to leave for a meeting. you drank a lot last night, our house help has changed your clothes for you. You may feel uncomfortable.....drink lots of water, take medicine. Eat breakfast on time...have a good day.


Yes, I remember I drank quite a lot last night. Hope I didn't do anything funny. I must know what I did last night from others. I have to ask sahara about it.

" I usually don't do this but lucky you..." said a samrat handing me a cup of coffee. He really took the trouble to bring me coffee...he hates sharing coffee.

" Have a seat. " I said taking the coffee. " So what do you want to share with me? " I asked him. " Someone is getting smart. " he said in his teasing tone.

" Samrat....what did I do last night? " I asked, I figured out that his information has something to do with yesterday night.

" I could have told you but...you wouldn't believe me. " he said having his coffee. If coffee propose him then he may cheat on sahara.

" Why would I believe you? I always believe you. " I told him, samrat is a person you can always trust...but not when he is in a teasing mood. But he would let you know that he is teasing.

" Oh! but I thought Playboy and lawyers are not to be trusted. " he said to me. " Did I say that to you? "I asked him and he nodded. Oh my god! what else did I do?

" samrat please....please tell me what else I did? " I pleaded and he had his time of enjoyment. " Okay...okay, you called Arnav handsome.." he said, well he is handsome.

" And treated him like a girl whom you're protecting from the world. " he continued and I slowly sunk in my hands. He told me how I danced at the club and in the middle of the road. He told me how I almost beat up a guy whom I thought was stealing the sky with him.

How I almost flirted with him....which I don't believe. He told me how I got out of the car and wished to fly back home and Arnav and sam in turn had to carry me half of the road since I wasn't ready to go inside.

" After that we got home...after that what you did I don't know. " Concluded samrat and I am beet red from embarrassment. I did all of that....great.

" khushi....I think you should talk with Arnav about your feelings now. " advised samrat. " But what if he doesn't feel the same for me? " I asked him.

" I doubt it...but what will be the worst case...he will say no...but you will have an answer right. " he said and of course again he is not wrong about it.

" And you may have told him everything....since he didnt over react I think its safe to try. " he said and placed the food tray which he brought with him in my bed.

" Momo ( my mother ) told me to inform you that....mr sanjay wants to meet with you. If you're okay than you should meet with him. " Said samrat.

" What should I do samrat? " I asked him. " See..what you want is your wish I will not say anything...but aunty was too alone for a long time. You should think about it. " he said and left the room. Maybe I should think about it.

In Sanjay's office

Twelve o'clock.

I think I should meet with him and listen to what he has to say. I walked in....a few days ago I walked in as an employee...but today it's so different.

The person whom I am going to meet is not anybody...he is my father. The person for whom I waited for such a long time. As I walked in I saw him standing by the glass window, light shinning on him, he looks like a king. But a broken one...he is watching something.

As I walked closer I saw him watching a family eating ice cream together and having fun. The girl sitting on her fathers lap is smiling from ear to ear. This scene has brought tears in our eyes.

" You know the difference between him and me? " said Mr Ray sitting looking out. How he knew I am here?

" I have everything money, power...but still I have nothing. But he may not have millions on bank but he has everything. " he said looking back at me.

" Its no one's fault that you dont have anything...you have taken decision to be where you're right now. " I told him and he nodded.

" I dont blame anyone...its my fault but being alone is the most painful feeling in the world. I dont want to be alone..." he said and I could hear the pain in his voice.

" What you want me to do? " I asked him. " I want to know you more...laxmi wants to know her mother. Can we go out for a little vacation? just four of us....after that we will decided what to do next. " Suggested Mr Ray.

" I am not sure about it..." I told him.Mom may not agree. " Please beta....please do it for me. I want to do something....I may not have long time to spend...my youth is gone but I want to spend rest of my life with my family. " he said and I know he is not lying.

Mom didnt move on because she was too much in love. She may say that she doesn't love him anymore...but she does love him....and if being together makes them happy than be it.

" You promise to treasure her...not to hurt her? " I asked him. " I not only promise but will show it with my work. " he said.

" Well than where are we going dad? " I asked him calling him father for first time. He hugged me and started crying. His tears made me teary.

" You made me the happiest father in the world. " he said to me and I am glad....I finally have my father with me.

Accidental Marriage. ( Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now