78. Planning to go Lotus Town.

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khushi ( POV )


It's an awkward lunch with my full family. we gathered here to talk about our trip. Laxmi didn't say much and sat silently.

" If you really want us to go out with you that much...and if that means spending some time with my daughter...I am in. " Said mom after thinking for a long time.

" I dont have any problem...I just want to be with mom. " Said laxmi. I have never seen her that silent in my life. Thats really something to see.

" So where are we going? Have you decided anything? " asked mom. Even I am excited to know about the place.

" Well friend of mine has told me to visit a place newly made. He says its quite popular now...the place is in
' lotus town '. " he said, well I did heard about lotus town.

" I heard about it....but whats so special about it? " asked mom. I know that they have a beautiful glass garden which looks wonderful in moonlight.....nothing more.

" The mayor of the town Zack Vancouver....is my business partner. He childhood he spent in village with his grandparents and is quite a passoinate man about village life. So he has build a ' Hut land ' resturant in that town. " Said dad...hut land never heard of it.

" Its just houses made of mud...whats so interesting about it? " asked laxmi who is clearly not interested with the idea.

" He calls it ' going back to 80's or going back to your childhood ' the entire hotel is like a village set up. They have areas from where you can pluck fresh vegetables and fruits, ponds to fish if you want, animal farms to visit, they have pottery iteams.....24 hour service. " he said and that sounds like fun.

" Laxmi...people now are so busy that they dont have time to spend with their family. If this place helps us catch up with what we have left behind...I think we should try it. " Said mom putting her hand on laxmi's head.

" As you say mom. " She replied and than said nothing. " I am interested book flight...and of course the bill should be split between us..." said mother in a ' I dont want to hear anything else ' tone.

" khushi...if you want to go somewhere else...you can say. " asked dad to me. " I am quite curious about the place you just mentioned I will go their. " I replied him.

" It's really beautiful, we can visit many places...they have a lotus river, temples and many more things, their culture and rituals are just
awesome. " he said and I am really excited now.

" Laxmi...you sure you want to go there? you dont have to agree to do things you dont like." mom asked her.

" The place doesn't matter as long as I get to spent time with you. " She replied. So its settled that we are going for a family trip...just four of us together.

We talked about more details of the trip and its decided that we are leaving tomorrow...dad made an early reservation for us. Since We had things to pack we came home early.

As I was about to go in my room my mom stopped me and asked " May I know what are you made of ? " she asked in a serious tone.

" Why? " I asked her all curious. " You should be angry...not talking with us. Calling us names.....angry for leaving you just like Laxmi...but look at you so calm and composed. You forgave us and now going on a family trip. Trying to mend my relationship with him..." she asked sitting on a sofa looking down. I sat beside her.

" Because I figured....staying angry and doing all that you said isnt worth it. Life is short and must cheerish everything we have. I had two options one to be angry and get hurt and second to forgive, get healing and have a family...and I choose the second one. " I replied her, why should I be sad when I can be happy.

" But its too late I dont think I can be with him again...." said mom looking sad. " You dont have to decide now...take your time. And doesn't matter what you do I am with you. But on the trip....can I ask something from you? " I asked my mother hope she agrees.

" what is it? " she asked. " Love laxmi little more....from what I have heard from dad he wasn't around for laxmi. And she is little sensative about motherly love...if she thinks you dont love her...which you do...she may feel sad. " I tried to say more but my mother pulled me in a hug.

" I dont know if I deserve you beta. " She said sobbing in my arms. " I love you. " I said to comfort her....hope everything turns out well.

Arnav ( POV )

As I walked in I saw sansher lying on the floor carpet and khushi lying on his stomach reading a book and saruh lying on her other arm. She looks cozy and warm....a comfortable sight.

Its like I came back to my family. As I walked little close I heard her happily chatting with them like they understand her and will answer any minute.

" Samsher....mummy wasn't here when your wife left you or I wouldn't have let you meet someone soo bad. " She said than looking at saruh she said " leaving such a good child....no worries granny will find a lovely mother for you and a nice wifey for samsher.." she said while flipping the pages.

" Granny will be away for few days....dont be naughty and disturb your grandpa. Be good boys and granny  will bring gifts for you. " She said and why am I surprised...she talks with them everyday.

" Where is your granny going? " I asked making her sit all of a sudden. Her sudden move made both samsher and saruh alert and they leapt on their legs.

" Its okay...its just grandpa....guys go out and play. " She said and patted them. They both left the room. Samsher my pet...was ready to attack me if I was a threat to khushi. And they listen her like anything.

" They really loves you. " I told sitting next to her. " They do....listen Arnav I am really sorry for whatever happened last night. " She said but I am not sorry for what happened that night. 

" Its okay....you did nothing to say sorry but you said something and I want to know...were they true? " I asked her as I saw her face changing to shade of red blush.

" Dad wants to go on a family vacation for seven days....just four of us. I should be packing. " She said trying to change the topic. Seven days thats a long trip but with her condition I cant say anything.

" Have a good trip. " I told, after that incident we tried to talk about it today but she seems not ready to talk about it....and I dont want to make her uncomfortable so lets no talk more.

" Where are you going? " I asked her to which she started to explain excitedly. And something tells me she is going to have so much fun. I wish Ray family becomes one happy family  again.

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