2. A day in the hospital...its tiring.

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Two days later.

Khushi ( POV )

Once in a while I get the duty to make a round in the children's department. And , today is the day when I make my visit , I bought lots of chocolates for everyone. And here you go....the party is on.

" Kids please behave. " Sister January is running behind the kids but who listens her . Recently three kids are admitted here. And they are super naughty , full of life. Rosy is admitted for her broken arm , Jenny is here with high fever and Jennifer for a mini surgery but look at them now it looks like they came for summer vacation.

" No , no I wouldn't take injection its too painful...I said no" said Jenny with teary eyes. I mean I can't blame her , even I use to hate shots when I was a kid. But trust me she is a drama queen. And that's part of her daily drama. I mean if you don't give her attention than she will throw tantrums.

" That food is too much boring please bring me something spicy . " Said Jennifer and that girl is under a strict diet and is not allowed to eat too much spicy food but why our tantrum queen will listen that ? She went through such a big surgery but look at her still so playful , joyful and full of life.

" That medicine is bitter I wouldn't drink it. " said Rosy wrinkling her nose and I think I should get inside now or sister January will become mad with them. Yes they drive her crazy all the time. They loves to irritate her and make her job hard for her.

" Hey girls! good morning. " I entered the room and sister January is in the Verge of crying poor lady. I sat on one bed and they all came to sit near me.

" Why such long faces ? what happened girls ? " I asked them and no one is ready to reply. As usual sister complained a ton.

" But I thought they were being good and I even learned a story to tell them now whom I will tell the story ? " I made a sad face while talking and you can already see their changed expressions. It works like a magic.

" Tell us the story. We want to know about the story . " said rosy with such a cute face that my heart is melting with love. The kids are super cute... but they are very naughty at the same time.

" Dr Khushi, please tell us your new story . We promise not to be naughty. We will listen you and do as you say. " said Jennifer with her adorable eyes pleading to hear a new story. Okay , its time to make them do what I want ( I sound so much evil right now but its for a good cause ).

" Than finish your soup first. If you remain a good girl than I will think about changing your diet. " I gave her the soup , first she made faces but in the end she dranked that whole soup. I helped her clean up now its Rosy's turn.

" Rosy what's wrong dear why didn't you finish your medicine ? " I asked her and she looked down and said in a soft voice " Its very bitter doctor. " Yes , even I don't like bitter medicines . I took out the chocolate box which I bought for them as it is just perfect for them and gave it to sister January.

" If they behave well , eat medicine on time , eat food on time and be nice please treat them with one chocolate per person. But remember one chocolate per day" I gave medicine to Rosy and she with a sad face dranked the whole thing but when I handed her the chocolate , her whole face glowed like sunshine. Now miss shot and its going to be a very hard job.

" Jenny its your turn dear. " I said but she just turned her head towards other direction. I could feel her , even I would have chosen silence in place of a shot but I am a doctor and I can't think like that so I have to convince her to take the shot.

" Ohk if jenny don't want to hear my story than I will just leave. " With the injection in my hand I stood up and no reaction ( someone is getting smart ).

" Sister put Jenny's chocolate away and don't give her anything sweet today. Jenifer and Rosy come I will tell you story but not to Jenny. " I kept the chocolate in the desk gave the injection to sister January and started to tell a story from Arabian Night. Slowly , slowly Jenny started to concentrate in the story. I motioned sister January to give her the shot and she did.

" That's cheating Doctor Khushi.....she gave me injection without asking. " She said with a swollen face when she understood what happened with her. I pulled her in my lap and gave her chocolate and kissed on her cheek .

" A little cheating is allowed for a good cause . And I knew my Jenny is very brave and can withstand anything . Now be good girls don't disturb sister and I will see you soon. " I put her down and came in my cabin ....really I am super tired to do anything else but at least I can rest a bit now. My assistant cracked opened my door and asked " Mam should I send in your first patient ? " ...never mind.

Zoyas ( POV )

" we are getting late will you hurry up " I called aditya again. I took a shower got ready , did my makeup and that man is still sleeping. I called him several times but who listens me.

He grabbed me by my waist and dragged me near him " Good morning beautiful. " he lied lazily on my shoulder.

" Good afternoon Aditya . Now get ready , if we became late than joy will kill me for sure. Its her wedding day and she wants everything perfect. And since you are home , I want you to come with me. " I told him and I pushed him towards bathroom.

" You are looking so pretty Jaan . I can't take my eyes from you. " he slowly whispered in my ear. Okay , literally I don't have time for his flirting.

" Okay , now get up or we will be late. " I pushed him towards the bathroom.

He caught my hand and made me sit on his lap and told " Agar tumsa pyaar karne main puri Zannat chut jaya tu bhi gum nahi ( If loving you means losing heaven than I will happily lose heaven for you ) " he pushed his fingers through my hairs and pulled me closer to his face , pressing his forehead with mine , I could feel his hot airs on my neck , shivers went down my spine , he slowly whispered " Kya tumha aisa feel nahi huta ? ( Don't you feel the same ? ) " he asked.

" Bhabi...." a knock on the door made us jump out. I adjusted my posture and went to open the door.

" Bhabi .... you up ? " said Arnav , he knocked again on the door. I opened the door for him. He is looking down , that's a gentleman standing here. " Bhabi , you wanted to talk with me ? " oh ! I remember.

" Yes , I will be very busy , here is the appointment slip for
Dr Khushi sharma , a very good nutritionist , can you please go and meet with her for maa. " I told him.

" Okay ... SZK hospital , 1:30 p.m. alright I will meet with her for maa...." he told and left the door. Hope everything goes alright.

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