49. khushi's surprise gift from Arnav. ( Part 1 )

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Khushi ( POV )

we finally arrived in our destination. Its a nice looking place. Its part of our previous hotel...its just bit far away from that one. Arnav helped me get down.

" so we won this hotel as our gift. " Said Arnav and as I stared at him all confused he said " This one is not ordinary hotel...its Richard hotel but for newly weds designed by his wife Garima. Shall we. " he said showing me the way.

We came inside the new hotel. Its big and beautiful. A person in suit approached us and he talked with Arnav. Arnav showed him the ticket and he gave us our keys. We slowly walked into the elevator and came into 12 th floor. Their we had to look for room number 1037.

And we found it. Arnav opened the door and oh my god...its such a huge room. Its beautiful and the most beautiful part of it was the window near the dinner table . It was a glass window facing the city. And since its the top most room the view is amazing.

" since its really cold here we can't take dinner outside so.." he said and well that make sense. But the thing which doesn't make sense is why he brought me here...so that he could date me? ( Author : To play Ringa Ringa Roses with you. )

" Arnav it says....its for honeymoon couple. " I said and he looked at me with a grin...like when you give a big smile and than stop smiling and said
" I know...I know but its our prize and I didn't want to miss it. And it has the most beautiful view trust me. " And this days...thats what I do...Trust him.

We had our dinner so of course its not a dinner date...other things I dont want to think ( Author : I can write if you want ) since when you started talking in middle? ( Author : Go on I wouldn't disturb...go little rock star ).

The hotel staff had already made the room temperature suitable for the weather brought the most famous sweets , hot chocolate with marshmallow and left us alone.

I had my Cinderella time but now its really irritating so I changed into something comfy. Arnav changed too. Since none of us were sleepy we sat by the window with hot chocolate and cake. Its snowing outside and its the most beautiful view in the world.

The man whom I cursed to be single forever. Whom I called heartless and cold blooded...he made my Cinderella dream come true. Whom I never wanted to see in my life is now the only one in line of my sight. That made me laugh out loud. He looked at me all curious.

" I used to say that if you were the last man on the planet still I wouldn't marry you...but look where time has brought us. " I told him and he nodded while laughing.

" Well yes what amazing encounters we had....literally trying to kill each other. Fighting over literally nothing...bhabi was so worried. But who can stop us angry cats. " he said. And I laughed again, thats true we used to fight a lot.

" Which made me realise that I don't know anything about you. We talked about random staff but never talked about ourselves....so lets do it. see basic introduction we have but lets try to know more about each other.
" well that sounds like a good plan.

" What do you want to know ? " I bite into a chocolate cake after asking him the question . He seems ready with his questions.

" starting with how come you never visited our house before....like I knew aunty saw her before but saw you walking in our house.

" I was a very shy kid...never going out a lot. But I did visit your house from time to time but it always happened that you're absent. " I told him and he looks surprised.

" Should have known that...we could have started our fights from that time. " he said, making me laugh...yes our so called fights, old jokes never dies and this one is classic.

" My turn...From the time I know you I have seen you working...just working. Do you like to do anything else...any hobby? " I asked him. Let me guess...he would like to do boring stuff only like ' just working ' or ' playing chess '.

" well, I loved car racing. I was a champion car racer in my college. And now I dont have much time but I love buying cars now...race cars. " he said and here you go hobbies of rich kids.

" My turn....you look like you have never lied in your life but tell me about one time when you lied to yout mom ?. Dont say you didnt... " he asked me. Oh my god my deep dark secrets are out.

" Well, I was a quite kid...not a good one. So when I was in class 12, you know they take exam before the board exam. The one if you dont pass youre not allowed to sit on the main exam? " I asked and he nodded and said " yes that test paper. " I nodded.

" I got really bad marks in Economics ...I failed you can say that. But didnt say that to my mom. I told her results will come out late...I gave re-exam and passed. so I showed other marks to my mom and showed the economics one at last. " I said with my eyes closed and he laughed.

" Even thats possible..." he said while laughing. " Okay my turn. Tell me how naughty were you in your childhood...or always strict and hard working? " I asked him, he stopped laughing and started thinking.

" umm...tough question well I was a naughty kid. Me and judge Hudson have quite a memory where I even scared him acting like a ghost in bedsheets. So yes I was quite a naughty kid. " he replied. Well that was a easy question.

" Now tell me you had any boyfriend when you were in school or college? " he asked and thats the question I would like to avoid but its ok.

" Well, I never had a boyfriend. When sahara started dating sam I felt the need to have a boyfriend so I had one for a year....but it was a contract boyfriend. " I told him....and now contract husband..how ironic right.
( Author : How about a contract kid? ) shooo....

" I guess no one wants me without any reason. " I told him. " Thats not true...its just you haven't found the one who can treasure you. " he said and that warmed my heart. Hope my dreamland never breaks apart. I am too happy in it.

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