24, Finally my moms dream coming true...I aam getting married.

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Khushi ( POV )

The phone ranged twice finally mom picked up the call , why she looks sleepy ....she is an early riser right ?. I looked at my watch and saw its still 3:30 p.m. ...who cares I really need to talk with her.

" Hey sweetheart... everything okay ? You called early in the morning . " asked my mom, she is in her pajamas , her eyes looking puffy.... what should I tell her ? How should I began ? This is so annoying.

" Mom I need to talk with you about something very important. " I told her , she nodded encouraging me to tell her all about it. I took a deep breath and told her in one go " Mom , I am getting married."

Their is silence ....absolute silence and than she started to laugh , she laughed for sometimes than told
"sweety you drunk ? " I remained silent and she laughed to her content than with a serious look in her face she asked '' you serious about it ? " I simply nodded.

" How ? ...why so sudden ? I have so many questions. " if I don't stop her she can ask questions all night so I interrupted her and told " Let me tell you from beginning. " I told her about everything that happened and she listened carefully .

" I think you took the right decision dear ....Mr sen has done so much for us. I can't thank him enough for his good deeds for our family. If your marrying Arnav helps him than I think you should marry him. " she told in a serious tone.

" And here I was thinking marriage was an important issue for you and you of the people will not suggest me to do something like that....guess we learn new things everyday. " I told her in taunting tone.

" I know but its about duty and we must do our duty properly dear , I have taken help both financial and emotional from sen family and if its the way we can pay back we will. And what's to stress about its not real wedding....not like you can't marry anyone after that but.... " she paused and trust me I don't like her pauses.

" But what ? " I asked her , " we are talking about one whole year....and time is a great magician, you never know what happens ." she told in her naughty tone.

" They want to talk about it as soon as possible since they don't have much time ....be here soon. " I told her , since arguing with her is worthless.

" okay I will be there by Monday. " she told and I disconnected the call. I looked towards my bed and saw sahara staring towards me , she slept in my room and poor thing got no sleep for my restless behavior.

" Everything will be alright , stop stressing over it. " she told in her sleepy tone. " Its not that simple sahara....and since you knew about why haven't you informed me about it ? " I again charged her since my mind is in chaos.

" see I came to know about it just last night and you were the first person I wanted to call but samrat didn't allowed me , he didn't even let me text you. And since it was matter of property I didn't think it would be wise enough to just act hurriedly. " she told me and now I couldn't even blame her.

" Listen this may actually be a boon for you....listen one year you just think that you are doing a 24/7 job for the sen's and after that you will have a standard excuse for not marrying for the time you want and even aunty can't force you to commit for a real relationship. " said sahara with enthusiasm.

" Now thinking like that , you are right that can happen....that's actually a brilliant idea. " I told her and she nodded like it was her idea from start.

" But Arnav is going to think me such a gold digger and his girlfriend poor girl has to suffer so much pain for a year... I don't want to be reason of her suffering.

" You wouldn't ...first of all you never gave a second thought to what Arnav said earlier than why now ? Don't think about what he think...and as for that girl well we all will explain her and its not a real wedding , so she could meet with him , talk with him and at the end of the year....marry him , so no one is hurt. " she said holding me in her arms like I am a little girl.

Zoya ( POV )

" I told Laxmi and she was very upset about it , she will be here soon and I don't think it would be easy to explain her. " said Arnav with his head on his hands hanging low.

I am very sleepy still standing with him at night just to make sure he gets 100% sure about the wedding. " Everything is going to be alright Arnav.... don't think too much. " said sam for 100th time but still he is not convinced.

" Arnav follow me. " I told him and pulled him with me , its time for a filmy explanation. He needs a solid speech for this marriage and trust me I am ready. I took him near the hall and lit the hall which has photos of our ancestors.

" See our Great Great grandfather , Suraj Kumar sen , who has established the sen businesses with his sweat and blood on his back , he was just a driver when he came here but soon made huge fortune , here see our Great grandfather , samresh sen , he owned several schools and college and own best businessman award thrice. " I told him and looked at them with pride.

It would have been more interesting if the hall was dark and I was leading him with touch in my hand , burning to provide and giving a spooky feeling. I feel like I am explaining a defeated king who lost everything and is not ready to fight back and I am explaining him legacy of his family so that he gets charged by them and fight back.

" Now here our Great Aunt surmani sen , who has made several orphanage for children's , made so many dance school for the people who loves to dance but can't for their financial condition , our grand father , wise man he was did so much for the people..." I told him and than dragged him little further.

" Our father , you know him , how wise man he was....now you may think you know every bit about it than why am I repeating it to you ? " I asked him and he nodded.

" I am elder daughter-in-law of the sen family now , if anything goes wrong its my duty to make it right. You are a good son of the sen family... But do you want the legacy of good work to die with our father ? If you don't marry than everything established by the sen's will go in vain....you will be a son who couldn't even fulfill the last wish of his father....can you face our ancestors after
that ? "I known my words are sharp but he needs a healthy dose of drama.

" Do you want ' The wall of Fame ' ( wall which is covered with degree , awards and prizes of our ancestors and recent generation) to be disrespected by breaking it and turning it into factory or god knows what ? " I asked him and he visibly shivered. He said " Nooo, I will never let that happen...I will do everything to save reputation of my family. " he said and left absent mindedly.

" That was amazing. " said Aditiya who hiding behind a pillar for god knows how long time. " I had to do it....he may be rough and tough but I know how to make my brothers do what I want. " I said him , he chuckled and hugged me .

" you looked like lioness talking with her cub....true Elder daughter-in-law of sen family, I am proud of you. " he said and kissed my forehead. And I don't need anything else from the world.

Authors Note :

Author : Hey ! You want to read anything different to lighten your mood.
Sam : you wrote something new ?
Noor : I am ready to read anything you wrote to celebrate my happy mood.
Arnav : I don't read frictions ...sorry.
Aditiya : Never mind him I will read.
Khushi : sounds interesting, what is it ?
Author : ' Dare to love again ' Read if you like and support me.
Every one : we will.

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