68. calling the whole gang back for puja.

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Khushi ( POV )

" saruh will you not through a tantrum....I am getting late for work." I told saruh who is not eating anything just sitting with a stubborn look on his face.

" Thats new....I never saw him behave like that with you. " Said zoya bhabi who is roaming with Angel in her hand.

" He is getting all moody...." I told her and she laughed. " Give me....let me feed him. " Said samrat. I know saruh will not like him but I passed him the feeding bowl and surprisingly saruh eat everything. Now....something is super wrong.

" see they love me more. " Said samrat winking at me. " You're going to regret it. " I told him in a low voice.
" Threating the lawyer....I would recommend you not to do that. " he said to me....oh boy he doesn't how I can ruin the lawyer to nothing.

" I will show everyone your dupatta dance. " I told him and color dropped from his face. " I will be going than. " I said and was about to leave when Aditya bhai walked in. He finally came back from work...and looking zoya bhabi with kid his eyes lit up.

" Oh my god....I missed you little kiddo. " he said giving angel a kiss.
" Her name is angel...I gave it. " Said zoya bhabi.

" She gave her the name. " I added and Aditya bhai gave her a proud look. " Sweet name. " he said.

" Oh! by the way....sam I have a gift for you. " Said Aditya bhai. " Oh really...what is it ? " asked sam excited.

" Its so big that I couldn't carry it alone...I needed help. So..let me just call...." he said and raising his voice he called " Come in..." what is it going to be ?

All eyes on the door....and in few minutes a girl came in.....sahara came back. My best friend is back...I cant believe it. Samrat stood from the floor,  I went and hugged her.

" Girl I missed you so much." I told her and she said " I missed you too. " I am so happy she is back...finally can discuss some stuff with her. But first I have my job.

" I would have loved to stay with you but I have a job...and I cant be late. " I told her " you rest and eat....I will see you soon. " I quickly took my things said bye to others and walked out of the house. Hope laxmi doesn't throw another fit today.

Laxmi ( POV )

" she is five minutes late...why dont you just fire her. " I asked my dad but he ignored me....well most people ignores me now.

" Dad. " I said out of frustration. " Lux...maybe she is in the road...things happen...dont Judge her early. " he said, always taking her side always.

" why you always take her side? " I asked him. " Its not taking her side...I am teaching you something. You will always not get things that you want...you have to have patience for that. One day this company will be yours...so learn early. " he said never looking up from his papers.

Thats how he is always busy with his work. I grew up with my nanny. Every time I approached him....he replaced his time with money and somehow I stopped doing that. And now that he wants to connect with me...well I dont like it.

I always tried to be best...tried to be number one in everything just to be good in his eyes. I worked hard for his affection....to be noticed by him. And now that he started doing that...khushi has to get in between us.

" Lux...are you listening " dad's voice brought me back. " Sorry...what were you saying again? " I asked him.
" Well,yesterday I was talking with bahu begum of bhopal and she told me her younger son khalid young nawab of bhopal is still bachelor...do you want to..." I know what he wants to say but not happening here.

" Dad...you know I dont want to marry anyone else but Arnav. " I told him. " He is married dear....you cant have him. " My dad said finally looking up from his papers.

" Its a contract marriage....it will be over in three more months and than he will be mine. " I told him. " I am afraid marriages doesn't work like that. " he said, I know all for that girl. He wants her happy but not me.

" Yes it works like that and he will love me..." I told and got out of his room and came in my cabin. Arnav was their for me when I was sad and he always supported me. He is just angry that I didnt allow him to make that school. But once I correct it..he may like me.

If only my mother was with me...she would have told me what to do and what not to do. I wish she was with me here. Why khushi has everything a loving mother, father figured boss and Arnav and I got nothing but loneliness?

Thats going to change I am not a weak girl who sits and cries on her faith I will take back Arnav...by hook or by crook. He was supposed to be mine and he will be mine soon. No one can stop me from doing that.

Khushi ( POV )

Seven hours later in Sen family

" I am so glad you guys came back..finally it feels like home. " Aditya said to my mom. Yes my mom and Arnav's mother they came back today from their trip.

" Its good to be back too. " Said my mother in law. " And I am soo happy to see this little Angle in our house. But I am angry with you. " She said to us.

" Angry...but why? " I asked her in concern. " You people brought our little laxmi home...and didn't do puja in her honor." she said to us.

" We didn't knew what to do...but since you're here...we can do puja by next Tuesday. " Said zoya bhabi to her. Well that will be a good idea.

" Well do it....infact invite the whole circus home...it has been so long time that I have not seen them. " Said my mother. Yes, even I miss them. Lets call them all...and since our final day is coming I want them all to be here to witness whats going to happen.

I looked towards sam...he smiled as if to calm me down. Well with him with me...I think we can win the Battle. But sometimes I feel sam is ocean of secrets....like he knows something I dont know. But time has taught me to trust him and I will trust him..lets see what happens.

In Bed room.

" I cant believe it nine months has passed Arnav....it feels like yesterday we signed those papers. " I told Arnav who is lying next to me.

" I dont like counting days khushi...can't  you just enjoy the moments?" he asked looking at the heavy rain...its a thunderstorm.

" Whats so good about thunder strom? I hate them....they scare me. " I told him holding his everytime thunder falls.

" Dont be scared....you're with me, you will be safe. Just enjoy the rain." he told me, well I can do that work. As I was thinking it thundered loudly and I jumped into his embrace. " Its okay...its okay I am here just go back to sleep." he said almost like a song and slowly slowly sleep caught up with me and I slept.

Next morning

samrat ( POV )

" you're going to fall out of that window....what are you trying to look at risking your life? " I asked Arnav pulling him from the window.

" Do you think its going to rain today?....something with huge thunders? " he asked me. Strange question...yes I know.

" Its not going to rain soon..." I told him and he said " God such a bad day" he said and left. And people call me confusing.....his each word went over my head. God bless my poor friend...he became mad out of love. But I dont have time...I have to go and pick a pack of jokers....cause each one is coming back.

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