52. watching a beautiful sunrise with Arnav.

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Khushi ( POV )

" careful...watch your steps. " Arnav kept repeating as we walk. Trust me I am not a morning person and the fact that I tucked in saruh with blanket while coming made me more sleepy.

You know the feeling that come in you when you get ready for school in freezing cold weather and see all others are sleeping while you're struggling to wear layers after layer to keep yourself warm...I felt just like that.

I just wanted to cuddle with my little saruh under warm blanket. But than Arnav holded my hand to guide me through the way and I don't have any regrets anymore.

I could hear a rushing river nearby and I think we are close. " Here it is. " Said Arnav and we sat near a beautiful river. Its still dusky and the sun not out yet. We sat down on the river bank.

The sound of rushing river is like melody. " yesterday Arjun was saying that it is believed that if you wish something when the first light hits the river it comes true. " said Arnav, never knew he believe in such stuff.

" you believe in it? " I asked him.
" Well I don't have any strong proof to disagree to..." he said and yes thats a valid point.

" Khushi you once said you went to many blind dates, were forced to meet new people...cause you didn't wanted to marry. May I know why? If you don't mind. Cause I don't think you did it for your career. " he asked.well this single question has many answers which I never voiced out.

" Arnav...my dad left us when we were very young. My mother had to do lot of hard works to raise me. It was uncle who helped us and saved our lives. " I said and paused cause those memories pains me.

" So that gave me a pretty bad picture about marriage and I didn't wanted anyone to hurt me like my dad hurted my mom. " here finally I said the truth.

" And after what you had to do for me the idea of marriage must have become more worse for you ? " he asked. No, thats not true.

" No, here I saw some good couples, I saw love in different light, I have learned not to judge anyone quickly..." I paused and looked towards him and he laughed.

" Yes, yes you judged me as cold hearted villain of some dark thriller? Ready to kill at any moment. " he joked but thats what I thought at first.

" well....to be honest I thought you were very handsome but than you spoke and..." I didnt finish my line cause he understood it without me saying it out loud.

" You used ' were ' don't I look handsome now? " he asked. " Of course you do..." I said without thinking and he smiled a teasing grin. True friend of sam.

" Even you said I wasn't good enough to make anyone a good wife. " I reminded him. " Excuse me...you felt sorry for my future wife thinking she has to stay with a man like me for rest of her life. " he said that making a face .

" I didn't knew that you were dating laxmi...than I would have changed my sentence. " I said and he made a funny face. I laughed hard on that face.

" Jokes apart have you ever meet with your father...or heard about him? " he asked. " No I wanted to know but mentioning his name always pained mom and I didn't wanted to hurt her...so never asked her. " I told him the truth.

" Sorry if that was uncomfortable for you. " he whispered. " No its okay...I am fine." I replied to him. We sat silently without saying anything.
" Hey its time....wish. " he said and closed his eyes.

I folded my hands and wished " I know I never agreed but today I understand and now I don't want to end the relationship....please keep us together. " I wished and slowly the sunlight touched the land.

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