61. Mr sanjay Ray's life advice... arnav is home.

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Khushi ( POV )

It has been a week after that incident and arnav hasn't seen the message yet...probably their is some network issues. But here I am having life issues.

Well my recent problem is my job.... yes my job. So after getting almost green signal from sam I went to join that work. It was all good. Even the work load is less.

But the real problem started when I met my bosses  daughter....none other laxmi Ray. What a coincidence right.
Well the first day she saw me she almost threw a tantrum at the office.

Her poor father he was so embarrassed for her actions. well let me give you some example to make you understand why I am so pissed at her.

So the first day she saw me I was in my room calculating calories and fat for lunch of the workers and our dear mam just drust opens the door and walks in.

We both stared at each other for two minutes and than she erupted. Literally erupted....she was like " what the hell are you doing here? " she asked me. I explained her that I work their and it was my working time.

She than said " you with your disgusting attitude want to work here...are you even qualified? worthless...just knows how to steal from others. I will have that person thrown out who appointed you...doesnt know only what they are doing. " She said angrily to me.

Her words hurted me of course but I will not let her walk out after insulting me. " First of all...I dont know what are you talking about. But I am here not by mercy...Sanjay Ray has appointed me. You can talk with him. " I told her and she became " My father...he would never appoint you. I will call him right now. " She said and took her phone and called her father.

In few minutes sanjay Ray was their and he supported me. He told it was he who appointed me. She first shouted and than tried to emotionally blackmail him. She said " How could you believe a random girl? what if her diet makes other sick. " She went on for sometimes but when her father didn't reply...she changed her way.

She with tears said " She took my only love from my life. That sly thing took Arnav and now you...why are you trying to hurt me so much. " She said and I felt the need to clap for her performance ( which I didn't ).

" Arnav told me everything about the will thing....and it was you who didn't wanted him after a year so he called the wedding off. " her father scolded her and she left with a swollen face.

Hate for her has increased in my heart. She than made it her mission to make my life miserable. She would try to increase my work load. Make my health chart for her dad check by other doctors to see if their is anything wrong. Often saying how bad I look with Arnav...as if she would have looked good.

But something happened and that changed my view about her a little. One day I was working and she monitoring my work. A call came in my phone from my mother. She gave an annoying glance at my screen but when she saw it says mother...she strangely said nothing and started doing her work.

I picked up the phone....my mom who went home for work came back to stay with me for few days. She was at an airport and wanted me to pick her up. But with laxmi that was not possible.

But strangely when I asked her...she said yes. She even told me to take office car and to take half day off to spend with my mom. And thats it...after that I never saw that side of her in the office.

She would shout like ' you're nine seconds late ', ' Is it safe to eat? ', ' Do you even know what are you doing? ' , ' I think we should consult a new doctor and see weather she is giving you proper nutrition or not ' , ' our works have become too lazy after eating her Greece food '  and more stuff like that. I could just leave the job but I am their for sanjay Ray, he is really a nice person. And I promised to improve his health with my diet...cant break that promise.

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