83. Visiting Krishna mandir : was it a dream?

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" what a pleasant surprise....you didn't even tell me you were going to be here. " I asked Arnav.

" I was going to surprise you by suddenly appearing in your hotel....but you surprised me here. I didnt knew I will meet with you here. We were going to rest here than meet you people tommorow. " he said sitting down in the bed.

" well...we moved here today. " I narrated him everything that happened in the hotel. He listened carefully and than told " well looks like that incident helped you in some way. "

Well it did improved my relationship with laxmi.  "  what brought you here? And where is our gang? " I asked him. He looks little worried like he wasn't prepared for the question but he controlled himself. And I think I imagined it.

" Well I came here for meeting and thought before returning home but sam told we should meet with you. " Replied Arnav. Well somehow that makes sense.

" And as for others they are little busy...anyways what are your plans for today? " asked Arnav. " we are going Radha krishna mandir today to pray. Than eat at the new restaurant...food is really good their. " I replied.

" You dont look that happy to see me here..." said Arnav. I know he teased me but I am concered about something. " Arnav I happy that you're here...but I am concerned for laxmi...my relationship just got better with her...I dont want to make it worse. " I replied...I am really concerned about it.

" Don't over think I am sure its going to be fine. Let me change than we can talk. " Said Arnav and left. Hope what he said comes true...hope everything goes just fine.


" Hope we are not disturbing you people. " Said Arnav polietly. " No...its nice to have company. " Said mom who is preparing the puja thali. She is wearing a red sari and looking awesome. Dad couldn't move his eyes from her.

" Arnav as per as I know we dont deal with anyone here. And no important meetings were settled to be here....the moment we got out you checked in....exactly what type of deal you did may I ask? " asked laxmi looking suspicious.

" we do have clients who lives here and sometimes for big projects you have to meet them in person....hope that I don't have to explain to you. " replied Arnav little irritated.

" Project....and I though without dads signature starting new projects were not possible....guess I know wrong. " Replied laxmi with the same temper as Arnav.

" And thats why not a match. " Whispered sam in my ear. " Both just like each other...would have turned into robots and dismantled each
other. "  Well he is entirely not wrong about it.

" Enough business talk....we are going for puja lets concentrate on it please. " Said dad putting an end on the conversation.

The temple is not that far from the hotel so we decided to walk. The roadsides are full of people. In some distance we saw  shops for prasad, flowers, candles, diyas, puja thalis. We purchased everything we need from their. Arnav helped me carry the thali since it was heavy.

We took the white marble stairs to reach the temple. The whole temple is decorated with diyas, a sweet smell roaming around the whole place. We walked in and saw the Idol of Radha Krishna.

My whole soul got calm looking at the beautiful idol. Its not too crowdy here. Panditji is doing all the rituals. Mom took over the rituals part. she talked with panditji and did all the work. And finally we gave puja.

She took sam and laxmi with her to give to distribute prasad among the devotees. Before going she handed me and Arnav the diya thalis and told us to put them in the river near the temple.

Arnav and I took the thali and went near the river. The river is shining like dark night filled with stars. Little diyas floating in the water, little leaf boats carrying flowers and diyas....its heavenly.

" Let me hold it for you. " Said Aranv. We sat on the ghat and one by one I sailed the diyas in the water. They sailed in the water floating far away. This place is soo heavenly.

After doing all the work we sat their watching the river, the moonlight shining in the river.

" Its so beautiful here Arnav....never thought I will see such thing...and with you. " I told him.

" Neither did I....we were just for fighting. I never thought I will be able to be friends with you. " he replied still looking at the river.

" But here we are eleven  months in a relationship that at first we didn't want.....but we have come so far so nicely. " he added after a pause.

" something which is almost coming to an end....one more month and.." I couldn't finish my sentence, tears threatened to come out and I was forced to keep silent.

" We still have time....can we talk about something else please. " Said Arnav. " We cant avoid it for long...we have to talk about it Arnav. " I told him. He didn't say anything...and since we have somemany people around I didn't push the matter.

" Lets go. " I whispered and together we came back in the temple. Lord Krishna standing with radhika with love, they are true definition of love. I have experienced that love in my life, I have tasted its sweetness....but dont know if I can live it.

But if I can't live it...thats fine. I have soo many memories of this relationship and can live rest of my life with it.

" Arnav mom said today if we pray for anything than the wish will come true...go ahead. " I told him. " Really? " he asked curiously, I nodded.

" Think twice.....maang loh tumha ( should I ask for you ) " he asked in a whisper. I looked at him in disbelief and to my surprise he didn't even change his sentence.

" kya....I mean what? " I asked him with a beating heart. Thinking he will surely change the sentence.

" Maang luh tumha ( should I ask for you)?" He repeated what he said and now I am confused. I surely heard wrong...before I could ask dad came and told " Beta come panditji is calling you. " I nodded....and looked at Arnav. He went back to his serious self like those moments were a dream...god help me.

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