23. contract marriage thats whats happening.

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Zoya ( POV )

" I do have a plan which may help you both ...." I said and they both jumped up like a lone traveller got the sight of water after long travelling in the scorching heat of desert.

" what is it ....do tell us. " they both asked desperately , I took sometimes and than told " Contract marriage. " silence overtook the moment and I know my suggestion went over head so have to explain them about it.

" Khushi doesn't want to marry you and you have your loyalties towards laxmi so you can't marry her right ? " I asked them , feels like I am talking with school kids, they nodded in agreement.

" But marriage is important or Arnav you loss property.... for which our father has worked so hard and even you worked very hard to make the company what it is today.....can't let it go out of hands like that right ? " I asked them again , should have done power point presentation on it.

" of course I did worked hard on those projects and have many on the way , can't let them go like this right ? " replied Arnav , something which I was waiting to hear.

" Hmmm and Khushi.....you had very less interaction with my father in law , but he had a really good impression about you , and I am sure you respect him equally ? " I paused and she nodded with sincerity.

" What I think he just wanted to help your mother when she was in the low point in her life and made such a will , so that he could at least secure your future ....so that your mum could relax. Now you will not disrespect someone who thought so much about you at his last stage of his life. " I told her and she whispered " Noo " I feel like such a bad character playing with emotions.

" Since both of you agree with me I think my suggestion will help you both in this situation. " I told paused so that they could digest the situation and than told " You both get married.......contract marriage for a year. In this marriage you sign a deal for a year , Arnav gets his company , Khushi fulfills the last wish of my father-in - law .....after a year you take divorce. Than Khushi back to her life and Arnav you are free to marry laxmi....isn't it possible
sam ? " I looked towards sam for his help.

" Possible, we can do that , its just said married with Khushi sharma, not forever living thing is required and even for divorce also six months is given by court , immediate divorce can't be taken so one year is a great deal. " said sam sealing my suggestion.

" you talk with laxmi about it I am sure she wouldn't mind about it , at least she will believe your loyalty and that way you wouldn't break your promise. " said sahara, more the marrier and you wait my girl soon you will have the sane taste of medicine.

" Nice plan but have to talk with laxmi about it. " said Arnav , yes , yes talk to your heart content but their will be no future of you and laxmi together..... Why I am talking like negative character of serial's. Should stop watching beyhaad....I started behaving like Maya.

" we have to think about Khushi too .... If they get divorced in an year people are going to talk about it and she have to face so much humiliation. " said Aditiya, that's not going to happen but can't say that now.

" yes , yes we will make sure she is not in the bad side of the deal and as for her reputation , the sen family is with her , we will protect you dear...... her reputation should be our duty. " I told Khushi , half hugging her. " sam make sure everything is mentioned in their contract. " I instructed sam.

" If its like this than I am ready " said Khushi and I am ready to dance. " Yes , if its that unavoidable than even I am ready. " said Arnav and now..... Wedding bells are ringing.

" Both of you write your own points for your contract and hand them to me. " said sam handing them both two pages. They book took one page and started writing , after sometimes they handed the papers back and the points they wrote are.

Arnavs and Khushi wedding contract -

1. Its a secret between Sharma and sen family , the person telling the secrets shall be punished.
2. From July 2021 to July 2022 , the marriage shall get over in a year.
3. No string attached between two parties.
4. Separate lives led by the two parties.
5. No interfering in each others lives.
6. Personal space be maintained.
7. No wedding rights should be claimed.
8. Private and professional lives should be different.
9. After July 2022 no relationship should be claimed by any party.
10. No emotional attachment should be their.

" well than I will print them and you can sign it on the day of your wedding. " said sam cross checking everything " Khushi will get her share and I will mention it in the contract. " said sam and finally I am happy.

" since for aunties happiness and for her health we are hiding the true fact from her we have to give a lavish wedding with every rituals and guests..." Said sam. And I was dying for this moment.

" Aditiya will tell mom and sam and I will infrom Khushi's mom. We have to print cards , invite guests , prepare gifts , have everything ready..... So much to do. " I told them and instructed them accordingly.

" why so much trouble its just a fake wedding. " commented Arnav. " Not for mom and for her you have to tolerate everything , cause she wouldn't want her Arnavs betas wedding to be simple. " I told him and he didn't say another word.

" I will call my mom. " said Khushi and left , I looked towards sahara , hope sam told her everything and she will understand me , she saw my gaze nodded and went behind Khushi......good job. Now everything is going to be alright.

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