26. My wedding card came early in the morning.

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" I am so sorry. " I told Arnav, we are sitting on the green house surrounded with lots of vegetables , fruits , and flower plants. Arnav is sitting on the sofa with his head on his hands looking weak and miserable. He kind of looks sad , which made me think that relationship means a little something to him than that wild thing he called girlfriend.

" You are sorry for what ? " he asked still not looking up. " you wanted to do a good work but for me now you can't.... I swear that day ..it was not my fault. She literally lied about the incident. " I tried to show him that I am innocent, it wouldn't have mattered to me about what he thinks about me but knowing his motive and his defense for me....I thought I should explain myself.

" Never mind... she wouldn't have agreed anyways. But that puddle thing... that was funny. I kind of wished to watch it myself... So what happened that day ? " he asked raising his head , I told him details about what happened and he literally laughed. We both made some jokes on that story and laughed.

" well , jokes apart we really got a serious issue in our hand right now which we have to solve. " he said and I know we soon have to discuss something I really don't want to but have to. " since the wedding can't be avoided ....I have a plan which may work for both of us. " he said , " I am listening . " I told him.

" We should get married for the sake of some papers, than let's keep it secret between us , sam told me he can do that. I was planning to do anything nice for this place anyway ...so I am thinking to start my high school project here , it will help me stay here without raising any questions and we can keep the wedding a secret and after a year split up happily. " he said and I think that's a brilliant idea.

" Not bad idea Arnav , will aunty agree ? You are her younger son , she wants you to get married grandly. " I asked him , he thought for a moment and than told " we will tell her that since the wedding is happening so fast we don't want to reveal anything now but after completing one year on our first anniversary we will through a grand event ....just the way she wants. " he told.

" well , that works just fine....I think you have a nice plan." I told , we planned further about the subject. " you sure your pets wouldn't treat me as their late night dinner ? " I asked him , he laughed and told " Its going to be alright.... they will not hurt you. " I still doubt him.

" let's go and take a nap , we have lot to deal with. " he said and I agree with that. I need my sleep. The whole house will up in uproar but I need to catch on my sleep can't compromise with that.

2 : 00 p.m.

I woke up from my sleep , took a shower and came downstairs for lunch. And the first person I saw was my mum casually gossiping with aunty , two best friends chatting together. Zoya serving them tea and food , they seems to be deciding something and having a serious conversation about it.

Aditiya sitting respectfully but that guy will bang his head on the table if he doesn't get up on time....yes he is sleeping. Zoya is looking so lively , I don't understand her enthusiasm sometimes , what is making her that happy ?

I slowly walked down , my mom saw me and gave me a tight hug , she smells of roses and Jasmine , her presence made everything so beautiful to me, she brought peace for my heart. We sat together on the sofa and aunty beamed with happiness.

" I knew Mr sen always did what's right for the family , he never gave me chance to complain about him....may his soul rest in peace. " she said rubbing a tear from her eyes. I know he tried to help my mother but his way of helping.....well can't appreciate that too much.

" let's eat sweet and celebrate the sweet moment . " said Zoya bringing out the most big thali in the house filled with sweets.

And of course Aunties eyes sparkled with the sweets

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And of course Aunties eyes sparkled with the sweets. I let her have one and others eat , I eat half of it .....its not I hate sweets , its just I don't feel like eating one now. Aunty was going for another their I stopped her.

" I am your mother -in - law you can't stop me now . " she said teasingly. " I am still your doctor and for your health I am stopping you....no more than one sweet. " I told her and she made face like child but its for her own good.

" Since I know you people are busy and probably don't have much time for arrangement , I printed few cards in advance , as samrat said its not going to be that grand wedding but we need a card for shagun at least. " said my mom pulling out a card .

Khalid you are such a dead meat , cause I know its his plan or my mom wouldn't have thought of making a card and that also that early. He has his own press and printing something like this is nothing for him .....have to give him piece of my mind.

" This is so beautiful

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" This is so beautiful..... has a royal look to it , I love it. " said Zoya admiring the card , and to be truthful that card looks really good , 9/10 to Khalid for his efforts.

Arnav came downstairs , his eyes are puffy but he looks like he had a good sleep. Sam and Sahara joined us in the main room , Zoya gave them sweets and showed them the card. Arnav took the card and stared at it for sometimes and than gave it back to Zoya.

" I called my sister Noor , she and her husband will be here by evening , sahara said her friend sankalpa will be here for the wedding , Khalid will also be here for the wedding and I think we are good with the guest list. " said Zoya and yes I don't want more people than them.

" Kids this days are so hard to understand. " said aunty grumpily but she will get over it I know. So , its happening I am going to get married with the person I once hated...can life get any dramatic ?

Authors Note :

Hi ! My lovely readers , thank you for supporting me so much , your support means a lot to me.

If you are confused with the character ' Khalid ' , ' sankalpa ' than let me tell you that ' Khalid ' is from the story ' Dare to love ' and sankalpa from ' Husband from now on I will spoil you '

' Noor ' and her husband ( little spoiler alert ) are from the story ' Arrange marriage for love , its where I am writing Zoya and Aditiya's love story. You can say its the second book of this story.

All the stories are interlinked and the characters will just come and go in events ,cause they are all friends. To understand more I would suggest to follow my other stories but that's totally up to you.

And now the most important part :

Arshi are getting married and you all are invited , here is the invention card , hope to see you at the wedding

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Arshi are getting married and you all are invited , here is the invention card , hope to see you at the wedding. Its going to be grand so don't miss the wedding.

Thank you ♥.

Accidental Marriage. ( Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now