27. wedding preparation...getting ready for the battle.

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Sahara's ( POV )

" Alright the whole party will be divided into two parts , one grooms party another brides party " said Zoya taking her position as the wedding planner , " just so you can't cheat I made a bowl of jar with names written on it. People getting Khushi's name will be in her team and vise versa. " she said bringing a glass bowl which is a shape of little fish tanks. Two party sitting on two sides with a table in the middle.

Her sister Noor and viraj has arrived and must say they are a lively couple. Its evening and we all are sitting in the hall discussing about the wedding plans and stuff like that. Noor works with her sister and is specially called for the wedding. She is more of a fashion designer and would be in charge of our cloths.

" Starting from Aditiya ..." She passed the bowl to her husband , he pulled out a little paper opened it and told "Khushi. " well , didn't expect that , he stood and sat on the brides side. Zoya pulled a piece of paper next and she froze for few seconds than told
" Arnav " well , I don't blame her.

" Tough decision bhabi...." Said sam in a teasing tone. " Very tough , I feel sorry for you Appi. " said Noor her sister. Zoya colored a little as everyone is teasing her but she composed herself and passed the bowl to sam. He took out a paper and
told " Arnav " , and wheeled that side.

Next it was my turn , I took the bowl and took out a piece of paper and opened it without thinking and it was written ' Khushi ' on it , thank god , I went and joined Aditiya's team.

Noor went in Arnav's team and viraj ( her husband ) in our team , well and that's our recent groom and brides team. " Panditji will be here soon.." Zoya was saying something but both Arnav and Khushi said together " For delivering chocolates ?" , Zoya laughed at their statement.

" Your panditji is doing swiggy services this days ? " asked viraj and yeah ! even I am curious about it. Zoya looked towards her mother-in,-law than told how she made panditji bring chocolates for her because they didn't allow her to have any.

" Well , as soon as the dates are finalized we will start our ceremonies , few shopping are left and tonnes of work to be done." She said taking her laptop . she has everything ready , such a professional worker.

" The mansion will be divided into two parts , one for from another for bride and before wedding no meeting.... Absolutely no meeting. " said Zoya but that's something Arnav and Khushi would never do , that's voluntarily meet with each other.

" Let's see The members of both the team , so in Khushi's side we have : Aditiya , sahara and Noor . And in Arnav's side we have me , sam and Viraj. " well , that's a pretty cool team , I really liked them a lot .

" Is it only for the new couple or all the people who are divided ? " asked sam , than to be more specific he added " like Aditiya and Zoya , viraj and Noor. " he asked , like I would meet with him anyway .

" But if we don't meet than how will we discuss about the plans ? We really need to think about it fast . " said Zoya but I think sam has other plans in his mind. And trust me those are not going to be lovely.

" we literally have two wedding planner we don't need this thing, yes timing we have to maintain but Zoya don't you want to go with haldi in Khushi's house as her bhabi ? Don't you want to dance in Arnavs barat ? " asked viraj.

" yes , I do want to....than what do you suggest ? " she asked . The became silent , suddenly Roshni aunty said " well , programs like mehendi , engagement , haldi can be done jointly by both of our awesome wedding organizers . And as for sangeet let's have a dance face off. Groom party v/s Brides party. And the party who will win can organize the wedding ceremony and the one who lose will arrange the reception party... You agree. " Now that's what you call plan.

" That's a super idea , loved it. " said Zoya. " challenge accepted " said Noor. This is going to be so juicy to watch. I thought this is going to be the most boring wedding ever....turns out I was wrong.

" Guys our team doesn't have enough members , I can't dance with my broken leg. " I complained and they thought about it but what can be done ?. " You can have Khalid in your team , he will be here by tomorrow with his friend Rukshar. " said Khushi who is playing cheese with Arnav , think they growing little close...maybe just friends.

" what about Rukshar ? She will be in your team and again we are going to be less. " said Zoya and she does have a point. " you just can't forget sankalpa , he can be in your team....by the by how you guys know Dr sankalpa ? " I asked. " He is my brother from my mothers side....masih ka deta hai. ( son of my mother's sister ). Family full of doctors and lawyers.

" In Arnav's team now we have :

1. Zoya.
2. Sam ( not going to dance for broken leg )
3. Viraj
4. Khalid
5. Sankalpa

In Khushi's team now we have :

1. Aditiya.
2. Sahara.
3. Noor.
4. Rukshar.

Now we have equal participants , no need to worry anymore. " said Zoya counting the number of people. " We are going to make sure no couple tries to meet with each other and if they do than they have to give fifty push -ups as punishment. " said Aunty and I think that's a tough rule for Zoya and Aditiya.

" And the person who makes a program more perfect than the other will get ' Best performance award.' Now left wing for bride and right for groom , pack your bags and leave before morning , we have plans to do. " said Roshni aunty.

" Alright " they all whispered and my mind is like let's go packing, its going to be so much fun .

Panditji arrived

" Their is no good time than ' 30 /06/2021 ' you will have a very good time. " said panditji reading the kundalis. Well , its not that late , we have to start as soon as possible.

Aunty blessed Khushi with Jewelry and sari and now its our time to get ready , have to leave before the curfew starts or I have to give fifty push - ups. Its 24 /06/2021 , and the engagement ceremony is in two days , hope everything goes well. This ceremony will be held in common hall so that both party can enjoy together. Its going to be fun , I can't wait for it.

Authors Note :

26 /06 / 2021 - Engagement
27 /06/2021- Mehendi ceremony
28 / 06 / 2021 - sangeet ceremony.
29/06/2021 - Haldi ceremony
30 /06 / 2021 - wedding.
01 /07/2021 - Reception.

Do let me know weather you are Team Khushi or team Arnav ? Do support them and have a pleasant time reading.
EkaV01 ryaa456 DimplePunjabi user46729827 and others who voted and commented in my story I thank you so much. You all are invited for the grand wedding.

One request for the writers who are reading my story. Please give your romantic story the tag of #wohapnasa , I used it but very less people uses that tag. If you use than my other stories will also have readers. Thank you ♥.

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