40. preparing for Arnavs birthday.

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Sahara ( POV )

" My legs are hurting so bad , really rose madam has made us practice so hard. " said zoya bhai. Aditiya has to spend a sleepless night....you know why.

" Their love story is giving us pain..but you should have seen judge Hudson he was so happy about it. " said khushi rubbing her feet.

" Enough of his love story and think about Arnavs birthday...any plan ? " asked Zoya Bhabhi to khushi and she looks listless.

" I do have a plan " came a crispy voice... you know it's Eka. And ofcourse with her following samrat. They really stay very close to each other.

" What is it ? " asked Zoya Bhabhi. " You can all give him some old memories, memories which are special to you .... something in which he is their with you. Give him a flash back. " She said and must say that's a good idea.

" Hmmm I like the idea...very good. We will do it. " Said Khushi with a happy smile. First samrat and now my friend...she took everyone from me.

" Thank you, I am happy that you liked my idea. " She said like a child who is praised for a good work. " Like I said my friend is so smart , I am proud of you. " Said samrat and it's already suffocating for me.

" Weren't you doing your excercise ? " I asked samrat , he smiled and nodded, why is he being that cute...I hate it.

" Eka helped me a lot let me show " he said and somehow stood but he was not very steady. I had to be on gaurd. But he recovered fast. He took few steps and was about to fall but I caught him on time.

" Thank you..." he said , I was about to help him sit back but Eka caught his other hand . Samrat leaned on her and she helped him sit down.

My entire mind frame shattered. I had enough. I know I tell everyone that I don't love him and all but I the truth is I never stopped loving him.

He is all I have and I don't want to lose him. " My leg....Eka I think I broke a bone. " Said Zoya Bhabhi.

" Oh ! No you didn't...let me see. " Said Eka and went to her. I sat near samrats chair but didn't face him. Too embarrassed to do that.

" You okay ? " he asked, I nodded and said " yeah ! Just my legs are paining." I complained. " Rest more. " he said. Did he just cared for me ? Yes he did.

" Should we go in garden and walk a bit ? " asked Eka to samrat and before he could respond I said " Noo..." I almost shouted and grabbed his arm.

" Why ? " asked Eka. " We are planning about Arnavs birthday and as his bestfriend I think samrat should stay here. " I gave my logic but didn't let him go.

" If you say so. " Said sam and dint leave the room. That made me very happy. That time khushi's phone rang.

She picked that up said few words and than put it back. " Arnav called and said that he is stuck in a meeting, wouldn't be back tonight. " She said looking bit upset.

Call me a bad friend but I am going to disturb her now. " Bhabhi the office where Arnav went for meeting .... Laxmi works their right ? " I asked Zoya Bhabhi.

" Yes , she is daughter of large share holder so she is particularly present in every meeting " she said lazily.

" What are you trying to say ? " asked samrat. " Nothing special...it's just. Arnav went to his company where his ex works. They will meet talk about business and other stuff. Can't forget they were in relationship for a long time. " I said keeping my eyes on khushi to catch her reaction.

" And we can't forget that Arnav and khushi's marriage is a contract deal. He is with her , now going to stay night. Maybe they will have dinner together , go disco...and reconsider everything between them." I told and khushi's face changed colour.

" But do you know Arnav was the one who broke up with her. " Said Zoya Bhabhi. " Which couple doesn't fight but get back together eventually...do check his fb account can find pictures of pub or resturant. " I told khushi and she visibly looks upset.

" My friend is not like that..." Said samrat. " Comeon guys they contract married...if he wants to look for a bride after a year..I am going to support him. " I said very casually like I am just stating a normal line.

" Samrat..." Khushi almost yelled. " You said you wanted to do the ring ceremony thing....and I said let me think...well I think no date more good than Arnavs birthday, you do that on that eve. " She said and wait what did she just said.

" You sure ? " Samrat asked her, she nodded and told " Arnav needs a year not you so we are doing it as soon as possible. Can't do injustice with Eka. " She said but what about me ? She didn't wait long and left.

Slowly slowly everyone left. I was sitting alone feeling empty and angry. I am so lonely here...so lonely.


SAHARA - 😭😭😭😭😭😭
MAYA - what happened ?
SAHARA- I lost my love forever.
MAYA - I don't think so.
SAHARA - Really ?
MAYA - But the way you behaved..you might lose a friend.
SAHARA - Than what should I do ?
MAYA - Go to him and confess that you love him and talk with khushi
SAHARA - Alright.

MAYA - samrat you will really get engaged with Eka ?
SAMARAT - why should I inform you ?
MAYA - Just curious.
SAMRAT - Well not yet decided but will think soon.
MAYA - Have I seen you anywhere ?
SAMARAT - Guys read 'love is an illustration ' and support us.
MAYA - OK OK Ignore me but I will find out the truth very soon


Dear readers ,

I am so sorry that I updated late. Actually my tab was not working so it was not easy for me to write and update everyday.

But now everything is fine and I will try to update daily. Hope you forgive my fault and read and support me like earlier.

Thank you 💞.

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