76. Drunk khushi flirts with Arnav.

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samrat ( POV )

I got an urgent text from sahara saying I should go and pick them up from the club as some of them are too drunk to drive.

she also mentioned to bring Arnav with me as I might need more help. Odd request but okay. I took Arnav and together we drove to the
' Diamond night club '.

Teenagers with wild looks get in and out. The loud sound music accompanied with shouts of people...well the door is not doing a good job concealing them.

It's been a long time...I almost forgot how it feels like to be in a club. I used to be a Playboy but clubbing was never a thing for me...Arnav looked around him and his expression became cold.

Lets not bother with him and go inside. As we walked in I saw Sahara, Zoya bhabi and Eka standing and looking at something....what are they looking at?

Arnav and I walked to them. And what I saw was beyond my wildest dreams....khushi was on the dance floor dancing with others. I never saw her do something like that.

I looked at the girls for an explaination. " Dont ask. " Said Eka hiding her face in her hands. " I am going to ask...what happened? " asked Arnav finally recovering from the initial schok...I need time.

" Well, we were dancing...she misunderstood wine for something else and drank half bottle of vodka..." said zoya bhabi and that explains a lot.

" She has really low alcohol tolerance...even beer can make her drunk. " Said sahara, well that is so obvious.

" Arnav please bring her down. " I told Arnav...' who gave me a look like who me ? ' and I gave him a look saying ' who else? ' he agreed but khushi came down before that.

" My...my isn't the evening little wild " she said putting an arm around zoya bhabi. Than her eyes fall on us...particullarly on me. " My...my who is here? Is it the famous lawyer of our town? Ayyyy...legends are true. Your look is poisonous. " She said...and she is looking like ladysamrat now.

"  why poisonous? " asked Eka, she really had to ask that question.
" Enough to kill....mosquitoes. Not enough for me though.  " She said with a wink....than told " Lawyers and playboys are never to be trusted. " She said trying to take another shot but Arnav stopped her.

" You had enough drinks. " he said taking the glass from her. She looked at him for sometimes titling her head to get different angle look. " Handsome are you alone? " she asked...did she just called Arnav handsome....its going to be awesome. Better record it.

" This place is not good handsome....for someone with your looks...you should have guards with you. There are three handsome guys in this town....handsome you surpass them all...simply gorgeous. " Said Khushi putting her palm on Arnav's cheek.

" One must be you....second Arnav...than third beauty? " asked Eka in a hushed voice. " Aditya " I told and she nodded like thats not unnatural.

" Handsome come let me protect you." She said pulling Arnav closer to her. And please listen the rest from Arnav.

Arnav ( POV )

A strong smell of Alcohol is coming from her. But still she is looking so cute. And her sprouting nonsense is making me laugh.

" Lets go home..." I told and tried to pull her out of the crowd. But she started shouting. " HELP! HELP...this handsome kidnapper is trying to kidnap me...." she shouted at the top of her voice.

Few people stepped in to help. I had to tell them she was my wife and she is little drunk. They didn't seem to believe me but samrat stepped in and saved me.

zoya bhabi and Eka helped me bring her out since others were getting suspesious about me. As we arrived in front of our car shedidnt do anything funny. Samrat sat on the driving seat with sahara while I sat back with zoya bhabi and Khushi. Eka went with her friend for a sleepover.

Khyshi didnt caused trouble for sometimes and slept in my arm. And I thought we can go home like that...boy was I wrong.

But in the middle of the road when it started to rain she woke up. " Why is the sky leaking? Poor materials can damage everything....too much lekage. " She said looking at the rain.

" Water mustn't be wasted....lets shower. " She said and almost tried to  jump out of the moving car. So samrat had to stop and she got out of the car. In the middle of the road....she danced like an angle. Samrat was standing near the cars door holding sahara's hand.

He may not admit...he lives just for her. And as I looked at the girl jumping on the mud water....I knew for whom I was going to live for.  She pulled sahara to dance with her...than she tugged my shelves.

" Will you hold my hand handsome ? I just feel if I dont hold your hand you may disappear.  " she said and you know action speaks volume so I just took her hand. It was not in my plan but we like kids danced in the rain. Sometimes we must do things thats not planned for us, stuff that we never dreamed we would do.

But once we do it...it feels like magic. Her being with me feels like magic. We after sometimes started our journey.....twenty minute journey became one hour ride home.

As we came back home I saw Aditya bhai and Arjun waiting on the gate. Zoya bhabi and Eka who returned with her other friend  got down from that car.  She rushed towards Arjun . They hugged them with relief in their faces. Its so nice to see them soo much in love.

It must be a nice feeling to be in someones arms after a hard day of work. " Is she alright? " asked Aditya bhai. " Yes just drunk. " I replied him.

" Take care of her. " he said and they all went in the house. I supported my drunk wife and brought her in. She walked with me but tripped near the staircase.

" Stairs.....why is it moving? Am I in hogwarts? Did I get selected? Thats why moving stairs." she said and she loves her fantasy novels soo...

I helped her up and she kept counting the stairs. I brought her in bathroom and she vomited a lot...hope she feels well. I brought a house help who helped me change her cloths. Our relationship isn't that good and if I change her without asking than she will not like it tomorrow.

After that I put her in bed. She looked at her covered body and told " I am invisible....should take part in avengers. " Well that was a good one can tease her with it.

" Handsome are you cold? come let me hold you. " She said opening her arms for me. I should have said no but I kind if wanted to hug her so I just got into the covers with her, holding her tight and lying on her stomach.

" Angel....heaven must be empty without you. But will stay with me forever? I like you....I want you to be here. " She said suffling my hairs.

" Arnav..." she called in clear voice. I looked at her cause her voice sounded normal to me. " I really dont want to lose you...." she mumbled with her clear eyes shining. Than she closed her eyes.....she mumbled something and I think she said " I love you. " Before closing her eyes....but I am not sure. It could be sleep talking. I just lied on her stomach again.

Its nice to be held by her....I feel so much loved. I holded her hand and told " I...lo...look forward to be with you forever. " I found my peace in her. I found my life in her....and here I am happy.

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