82. visiting krishna mandir: A cute family moment ( part 1 )

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" The angle....its not nice..can you click another. " requested mom to laxmi. They are busy photographers.
laxmi clicked so many photos for her but she isnt satisfied.

After that little incident we shifted from that hotel and came in another one, Its name is ' Moon Star ' . We are in the main city now and here we can have our phones and everything.

Mom and laxmi are busy from morning clicking pictures while I am trying to call Arnav...his phone is switched off....like where is he?

I even tried to call sam but even he is busy...where are they? " can you please put that phone down...we are trying to plan our day. " Said laxmi taking my phone.

" Yes...sorry..what were you saying? " I asked her . She returned my phone and said " we are planning to go Krishna temple...its very beautiful place here and I really want to visit it. " She said in her excited voice.

" Krishna temple it is " said dad who seems interested in his afternoon nap right now and nothing else cause he is droozing.

" I guess we visit the temple tonight and now that you have time...take a nap. " I encourage him and as if turning a switch on he fell in deep sleep. Mom sat in the corner of the room with a book to read. That left us sisters alone.

" Lets go on a walk? " I asked laxmi...she thought about it and said
" sure lets go. " Well that's nice. I climbed down the stairs with her. An afternoon walk is good for us.

As we walked towards the lobby to go in the hotel garden we saw the stuffs moving like crazy...running with towels, putting more pictures in the hall. The manager waiting nervously in the hall..what are they doing?

" okay what are they doing? " I asked laxmi. " Looking at their running feet...I assume a VIP is coming today. And to impress him or her they are running like that. " She said in her I don't care look.

Sometimes I feel like she and Arnav are so same....they both have I dont care look in their face, likes to talk business, cold to whole world other than their own family, Just sam as friend and super lonely.

" Must be wealthy to get this treatment. " Said laxmi and yep! again She is not wrong but who are they?

" I have news both are very cold temperated....will be here for a day...you have to do your best. " The manager is explaining things to his stuff. As I was walking looking at the working stuff I striked with someone.

And a loud crash almost made me deaf....I turned slowly and saw I striked with a waiter and knocked a wine bottle from his tray....other things are where they were.

she stood frozen looking at the broken bottle...that must be expensive bottle or she wouldn't have given such reaction.

" I am sorry...sorry. " I apologized to that person. I made her day even worse for her...poor girl. " Its okay...its okay. " She said while trying to fix what just happened. I pulled out my phone to pay when I heard the someone say.

" Some people have no sense at all...do you know how much that bottle cost us? " I turned around and saw Assistant of the manager. When we arrived he wasn't here and the fact that I am roaming in causual dress outside the hotel made him think I dont desrve to be here.

Even without my dad and Arnav I have saved enough to stay here on my own . " This was an accident....I said I am sorry" I told him trying not to ruin my mood over that person.

" Sorry my foot. By the way....who allowed you in? Those guards letting just anyone in. You're lucky we are having a guest or I would have taken money from you for the broken bottles...now get lost. " he told in his high pitched voice. Now that really hurts.

Before I could say anything I heard a loud crash...and its loudest than before. We all turned and saw laxmi threw every single expensive item in the floor. Her eyes are red and she a cold aura around her making others shiver in fear.

" What are you doing? " shouted the assistant and she broken another. He says something and she breaks another one. She looks angry, I rushed to her and holded her to prevent her from breaking stuff but that girl is angry as a cat.

" How dare you insulted my sister? If she wants their wouldn't be any hotel here within an hour and I can ensure you that....you will be under so much dept that even death will be luxury for you. " She almosed hissed at them....she scolded them for me. Thats cute but have to stop her.

" Whats going on here? " finally the manager came in the scene. " Miss Laxmi Ray...is their any problem? " he asked laxmi. She told him exactly what happened and I saw color drain from the assistants face.

" You insulted the elder daughter of Ray family....are you insane? " asked the manager to his assistant. The assistant having hard time to reply and at that classic moment like movies a car came in the driveway. The VIPs are here.

Door opened and Arnav walked out...arnav walked out? But what is he doing here? I dont know what happened to me after looking at him...which magic happened but the strong me broked and I feel so wronged now.

I rushed to him...and he without any words pulled me in his hug...like words have zero value between us. I wanted to tell him what happened but I don't know why I just couldn't do that.

Before I could have handle the situation but laxmi's standing up for me made me silent and now his hugs making me silent

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Before I could have handle the situation but laxmi's standing up for me made me silent and now his hugs making me silent.

" Hey! everything okay whats
wrong? " asked Arnav softly. I pulled myself away from him unwillingly.

" Sir...you know Miss Ray? " asked the manager nervously. " Yes...thats my wife khushi sen...daughter in law of sen family.....whats going on here? " Said Arnav making my day even better.

" Nothing sir....just some miscommunication now everything is fine. " Said the manager to make things okay..but laxmi told arnav everything anyway.

" Fire him today.....sam makes sure Moonstar company can do no business with us or any other company that we deal with. " Said Arnav looking as angry as laxmi.

" On it. " Said samrat making things even worse. " Its okay...its okay...it was an accident....dont have to go that far. Please.....thats my wish. " I told Arnav and well he listened me.

" But yes fire that thing....no need in this hotel. Hope that will be done. " I asked the manager and jumped in excitement and for impressing me said " Done....mam fired. From now on I dont know him. " he said all that in one breath.

" Good....our room please. " Asked samrat to the manager. " Please follow me sir. " said the manager becoming super active. Arnav holded my hand and said " lets go. "


Arnav went in with Khushi and I holded laxmi's hand to stop her from following. She looked at me with ' let me go ' look in her face...her eyes still watery.

" laxmi....its time. " I told her and her eyes overflowed with tears. A sight that even her dad have never witnessed....she tries to look strong and hard but she is just an broken girl waiting to be whole again.

" In this story....do I lose everything? " she asked softly. " No....you gained too much. A sister, your mother...and your school best friend....we are all back to you. " I told her and she broke into tears in my embrace. I didn't stop her...after crying I know she will feel much better. Sometimes its hard to be someone's best friend but I am sure I can handle it.

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