43. Arnavs birthday....sam and sahara back together ( part 4 )

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Khushi's ( POV )

" stop !" Eka shouted finally making everyone silent " Sam left me on the mandap that day. Took all the blame on him , ruined his reputation ...cause I told him that I love Arjun and want to marry him. He did it for me....he took all the blame for me. " said Eka and a huge silence took over the place.

" But you didn't marry me cause you liked me....you married me to be in good light of your father. You have reminded me that every single night Arjun...... but that's it. I will not allow you to insult me anymore. I will not let you insult samrat anymore... its over between us. " said Eka to him.

" Eka you don't have to do that. " sam wanted to stop her but she smiled at him and told " No , sam that's what I should have done two years ago. I was afraid of losing him but now I am not . on my wedding night I called sam and told him that I didn't wanted to marry him.....he talked with me understood my situation and than left. The world may think whatever they want but I know how much good soul he is. " said Eka with moist eyes.

" Girl stop ruining my reputation here.... I love being the Playboy here. " said sam lighting the situation. " Dad has divided the property equally between us. Dad even said ' Arjun is one of the best lawyer in the town ' than why you hate me ?" asked samrat to Arjun.

" From what I heard its....just big misunderstanding in both the relationship. Given time and energy... they both can improve. As a father I know a parent never see their children's differently... Arjun you should try to sit with sam and finish all the misunderstanding between you two. " said Judge Hudson.

" Than why is he doing engagement ceremony with my wife ? "he said and trust me I think he completely lost it. Now I wonder how he became a lawyer. " ummm...today we gathered here to celebrate my birthday and not samrat's engagement. " said Arnav. Everyone is sympathizing with him thinking Arnav didn't knew anything about it. But only I know that Arnav always knew about Arjun. Sam never hides anything from Arnav.

Now he looks truly embarrassed. " And I crashed in your birthday... So sorry about that. "he said and Eka walked away from him towards the garden. " sam I am sorry.."Arjun said to him and of course.. Sam is sam. "Sorry....was that a sorry ? Did I hear wrong ? God what days are you showing me ? " that drama king.

" such drama..." Said Arjun but from I see the war between them came to an end. " so this was actually my plan to make you realize your love for Eka and to explain someone here that....they don't hate me as much as they think. " said sam and gave sahara a look...my poor friend.

" okay , case closed. Now I usually don't allow people to cut my rose flowers from my garden....but for you I can make an exception. " said Judge Hudson. He went and cut a fresh red rose from his garden handed it to Arjun and said " Go tell her how much you like her. " Judge Hudson encouraged him.

" That guy encouraging others to propose .....hold me or I may faint. " whispered Arnav to me. And see who is judging him. Well Arjun took the rose and followed Eka. Our parents actually left before Arjun enters so now its just us standing awkwardly.

" I think we should leave them alone. And its quite late too. " said Aditiya who was quite for long time. " Right bro I think we must leave. They will come back when they are done. " said Arnav.

" Don't worry I am here with them . And my people will clean this decoration up so don't worry. Once again Happy Birthday Arnav. " said Judge Hudson. We thanked him and came back home. Zoya bhabi went in her room. I inquired about saruh and samshers dinner. And than checked them.. they are sleeping in their cosy bed. Samsher and I are not tuning ...but he feels safe when saruh is around me and never interrupts. Just sits nearby or just walks away.

Morning he walks like king of the jungle but when he sleeps he looks so adorable. I stood near his bed and told " your duplicate of your daddy..angry and cold just like Arnav....don't make my grandson like you okay.. Or mummy will be very angry. Good night. " I whispered and came back in my room.

Arnav is sitting in bed with wet towel in hand. How can anyone look that good by just drying their hair.....wait what ? What am I thinking ? Its a contract marriage.... Calm down. I took my cloths and went in the bathroom cause I need some cold water to cool of my head.

Sahara ( POV )

" samrat can I talk with you ? " I asked standing in the door. He was in his phone he looked up and said " yes why not....come in. "I went in his room and sat beside him not knowing what to say.

" what's up ? " he asked me. " samrat...I am sorry. I am sorry that I always doubted you , I never tried to understand you , I never listened you , you loved me but I never understood you..." I took a deep breath to continue cause if I can't say today its never going to happen.

" But in the past days when I felt I lost you , I can't call you mine , I can't hold you... It suffocated me. That time I realized that I can't do anything but love you. You mean everything to me.....and I don't want to lose you. Can you love me again please ? " I asked him with tears coming out of my eyes. I almost folded my hands but he caught them.

" Hey ! don't .....you don't have to beg for something that's already your. I know I didn't anything extraordinary to earn your trust but trust me when I say ' sahara I love you more than myself , I live to love you , and that's never gonna change. " he whispered and I hugged him. I am never letting him go.

" ummm and since I am getting such treatment..... Can I get a cup of coffee ? " he asked. And he ruined my moment , I slapped his arm and he giggled.... Seriously he is too much.

Authors Interview :

Author : sam you said Arjun is one of the best lawyer in your town...is it true ?
Samrat : yes , why would you ask ?
Author : Than what about you ?
Samrat : I am best lawyer in the world....their is difference.
Author : Got it. Oh ! Garimasrivasatava has sent you a cup of coffee ☕
Samrat : Ahh ! Just how I like it....thanks her on my behalf.
Author : will do.

Authors Note :

My dear samstars ,

I was thinking what if I write a complete new story for samrat ? Starting from his childhood....featuring his life ? Will it be good ? What do you think ? Comment and let me know.

Thank you 🍫🍰

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