53. Boys group baking cake.

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Arnav ( POV )

" Since you lost the bet and you're going to bake a cake let us give you some instructions. " Said Zoya bhabi to us.

" Since you have some over smart guys we want to give you some rules. " Said sahara pulling out a list of things.

" 1. Cant buy and give us that already made cake.
2. Cant use ready made cake mixture.
3. Cant take help other than the group people.
4. Everyone in the team has to contribute.

" Dont worry guys I have the receipe written here. Lets see it first. " Said Arjun putting his laptop in the kitchen counter.

The list of making strawberry cake :

2 cups white sugar

1 (3 ounce) package strawberry flavored Jell-O.

1 cup butter, softened

4 eggs (room temperature)

2 ¾ cups sifted cake flour

2 ½ teaspoons baking powder

1 cup whole milk, room temperature

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

½ cup strawberry puree made from frozen sweetened strawberries

Step 1. First make sure you have all the raw materials.

step 2. Mix all the dry ingredient together.

Step 3. Than add in the butter, milk and the strawberry puree. Mix everything well.

Step 4. Greece a pan with oil and put the mixture in it.

step 5. Pre heat a oven and than bake your cake in it for 30 min.

Step 6. Now decorate it with cream and fruits.

step 7. serve with strawberry syrup sprinkled over it.

" Well since we have everything. Arjun you melt the butter. Arnav make the strawberry puree. Sanrat you measure the dry ingredients. Aditiya cut some strawberries for the decoration and crack some eggs. " instructed judge Hudson.

" And what are you going to do? " I asked him. " Well I will pre heat the oven and help you bake it. " he said to us.

" Thats like doing nothing you know. " Said Aditiya. " You know how to use the microwave? " he asked. Fair enough.

Well I have to make strawberry puree...its like juice right? I took some strawberries and put it in the blender to make it a thick paste but I didnt hold the cover of the blender and everything scattered around the room.

" Good job Arnav " said Aditiya and we started collecting our strawberries. Somehow we have arranged the raw ingredients.

" was it going to be that light mixture? " asked samrat to Arjun who poured the cake mixture and the texture of the mixture was like water. " No it was supposed to be thick. " Said Aditiya bhai.

" Put some more flour in it and make it thick. " Said judge Hudson. Aditiya bhai added some more flour to it. Hope everything goes well.

Sahara ( POV )

" I am sooo happy.....Zoya bhabi thats a great plan . " I said jumping with happiness .

" calm down calm down....youre excitement is going to let the whole village know about it. " Said zoya in low whisper.

" Sorry....but thats a great plan. But are you sure its going to work? " I asked and she nodded. " Whatever I heard from you and things I got from my sources I am dam sure its going to work. Just do as I say. " She said and of course I am going to do that only.

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