62. Arnav came back with a little surprise.

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khushi ( POV )

" Hi ! ...what the ...vidhaaba
huna hai tumha ? ( you want to be a widow or what ? ) " that voice... I looked and saw Arnav standing on the door and me with a vase on the air with two royal Bengal tiger on standby. Nice way to get home....and nice way to receive someone.

" Arnav...hi! " I said putting the vase down and letting him in. He came in and samsher and saruh relaxed their positions. " Wow, look at you...standing with an amry...ready to attack. " he said while putting his things down. It finally settled into me that he is back...and I am happy. I just hugged him and...well that scene became comical.

Cause I hugged him samsher and saruh decided that it was best time for hug and they jumped on him...and we all landed up on Arnav...poor guy. Well he didn't get angry and laughed it off.

We all got back to our feet. Arnav gave some attention to the naughty ones and than told " Can you make something for me? " I nodded...he must be hungry.

" Baby its just dad...dont worry go to sleep...its late. And do take saruh with you. " I told and samsher left the room with saruh. Saruh didn't wanted to leave but samsher took him.

" Baby?

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" Baby?...you just addressed the most terrifying animal as baby? " asked Arnav and I nodded, he said nothing but left for our room with a basket in his hand. Wonder what it is. Well what should I cook for him at night? well some noddles will be good. Nothing better than noddles.

So recently I tried something new and it tasted good. I crushed my noddles and put them in a cooking pan....added some chillie powder, garam masala and air fried them for sometimes...it had to be constantly stirred or it burns.

Than added water in it after five minutes, added the maggie masala and cooked till the water is dry. I half friend an egg and topped the noddles with it. It turned out perfect. I made another one for me and poured his favorite carrot juice for him.

Arnav came down with the basket. Why is he carrying that everywhere?
" Here...food is ready. " I told him. He sat down on the table and said " That looks delicious...thank you. " and started eating his food.

" Judge Hudson went home already? " I asked him. " No...he has not returned. He is going to stay for another week. " Said Arnav without looking up. I wonder why?

while eating I suddenly remember about my message that I sent him by mistake...should I ask? But he has not brought up the matter either. Is he waiting for me to start?

" I have to buy a new phone..." said Arnav, I gave him questioning look. He said "The day... we were in so much hurry that I didn't notice that my phone got stolen, I noticed  when we were at the base.." so he never got the message. Just wonderful.

" How is veer? " I asked him and he looks really tensed. " Khushi...You know how his wife was pregnant right?  " he asked and I nodded. " Well khushi she died during child birth. Veer was late. And that very day while doing duty veer went missing...and people are not sure what happened...may be..." he couldn't finish his line.

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