60. Job interviews...missing arnav terribly.

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Khushi ( POV)

" Have you received any phone call from Arnav? " asked Rose mam . " No " I replied her. I dont know whats taking them so long. Hope everything is fine.

" Aunty( thats what we call her now ) ...dont worry they will be back soon and everything will be fine. " I comforted her.

Since she was alone in her house she came over to have tea with us. She sniffed and rubbed her tears and told
" Even I want that...I just got a son and I dont want to lose my son. " She said trying to hide her cries.

" No you wouldn't lose your son veer is a strong soldier...nothing will happen to him. He will be back soon. " I comforted her for sometimes. After morning breakfast she left.

I got ready for my interviews. Yesterday I filled out every form and now its interview time. I dressed formaly. Took the chocolate that Arnav gave to me. I should eat little before leaving. I bit a little corner...not much. I don't want the chocolate to finish quickly. I want to save it.

" All the best " said Zoya bhabi kissing on my cheek...she treats me like a child..but I dont have any problem with it. I took my mothers blessing.

" chalo ab sa mera phika khana band ( from today I dont have to eat tasteless food )..." said my mother in law. " No thats not happening...I am just looking for a job not leaving your house. I do my work and also make sure you eat healthy. " I told her and her face dropped.

" But if you listen me...I might give you something sweet every sunday. " I told her and she beamed with happiness. " Promise..." she asked putting her hand out just like a little girl. " Promise. " I told her.

" All the best princess " said my mom and funny thing happened...that reminded me about Arnav. Like how he treated me so nicely on that ball night making me a princess.

Get out of it khushi...if such small words starts triggering your memories than how will you live after the divorce? " I must be going " I informed them taking my files.

" lets go...I will drop you. " Said Aditya bhai thats his way of showing support. We together drove out of that house. Aditya bhai explained me several things on the way. He was once handling the sen Companies all alone so he knows a lot about how the companies work, how they interview people. I am so glad to have him guide me.

" Should I pick you up after the interview? " asked Aditya bhai. " No I have to buy something...so its okay. " I told him and he nodded. " All the best." he said and drove away. Yes you can do it...all the best khushi.

4 Hours later

I cant believe...I got rejected from two hospitals already. But the things they wanted me to do...I cant. I do my job independently..not on someone's wish. I should probably eat something and go home.

What to eat? I am starving. Should I eat biriyani? or something else? I kept thinking when I saw a little crowd of people. They were surrounding someone sitting on the road. Whats going on?

I walked over and took a pick inside...a man sitting on the road catching his head. Someone said he fainted...someone said he was about to faint when they saw him. I cleared the crowd and went in.

The man is looking visibly pale. " Lets take him in a shade and please move.....let him get some fresh air. " I shouted and they did as I said. They made him sit on a bench in a cool shade. I with bleeding heart gave him my chocolate to eat.

" Here have it...you will get energy. " I told him. He eat without any question and after sometimes regained his composer. He looked little better. Others have already left.

He has a really gentle face and shiny eyes just like night sky, a calm expression and a sweet smile

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He has a really gentle face and shiny eyes just like night sky, a calm expression and a sweet smile. On formal also looking good. As he regained his compouser he looked more pleasing to eye. Like someone who is loved by all.

" Are you feeling better? should I take you to nearby hospital or call your family? " I asked him. He told " I am fine dont worry...I just skipped breakfast and..." he didnt finish for we know what just happened.

" Your sugar level just dropped....are you a diabetic patient? " I asked him and he nodded. For him not eating for long can be dangerous.

" You shouldn't neglect your diet like that. I am a nutritionist and I know how important it is to follow diet. " I told him trying to bring my teacher voice out.

" I Shouldn't have skipped my breakfast...but thanks for helping. I have messaged my car driver, he will be here soon. " he said still eating my chocolate...my heart is bleeding.

"  I see you're carrying lots of files...going on an interview? " he asked me. " Getting rejected from morning...thats what happening. " I told him.

" You rejected strange....here my business card. " he said handing me a card and told " I was looking for a nutritionist for my office...who will take care of my teams diet...a healthy team will give me positive feedback. "

I mean I barely know him should I agree? " I know your confused...you take time and think. And let me know by tomorrow. My name is Sanjay Ray. I am owner of Ray co preparation.  " he said.

" Thanks for the offer I will surely think about it. " I told him. A huge car pulled infront of us. He stood and said
" Hope to see you soon. " and left. Life is so strange.


" I need you to find something about Ray company sam...is it safe? " I video called him but he looks busy.

" I will send you information...by tomorrow. " he said still writing something on his laptop. " Good night." I wished him night.

" I am middle of a murder mystery cant give you much time. But once I am done...I will do something for you. " Said sam. I comforted him saying I didnt mind and ended the call.

Today samsher and saruh are in my bed but I feel so lonely. Its irritating how small things remind me about him. I took my phone and typed ' lets cancel the contract and be together ' but I didn't press the send button. Too scared for that. Hope sleep bless me tonight.

Next morning  
Terrible, terrible thing happened. I slept with my phone open and must have slept on it....I have accidentally clicked send the message to Arnav....I am gone.

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