25. Arbavs ex stroming in the house.

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Khushi ( POV )

I hardly slept last night... and when I started to get little drowsy a sudden shouting woke me up. Their is a lot of shouting coming from downstairs. It was like a hyena shouting at its might. I looked at the clock , 5:30 p.m. ...its really perfect time for fighting.

" Do they even sleep ? " asked sahara with irritated voice. " God knows what's wrong let's go down. " I told her and we both came down to see what's going on. We hurried downstairs , the sound increased as we came closer the main hall.

Arnav is debating with a girl whose face is not visible to me as I am facing her back. Aditiya sitting on sofa with Zoya lying her head on his lap watching the drama, samrat sitting with them ...looks like no one slept last night.

" What's going on ? " I asked samrat sitting on a chair next to him. Sahara sat beside Zoya and she sifted her head from Aditiya's lap to her shoulder. " That's Arnavs girlfriend... Laxmi, she came early in the morning and for twenty minutes fighting with Arnav. " he informed me , like watching Arnav fight early in the morning is regular thing for him.

" She came early.... like just last night Arnav informed her and she is here by morning... She is fast. " said sahara and I think she is right. I hardly slept for two hours and now this mess , everyone looks like they can use a good nap to freshen up.

" She wanted to open a hotel by her name but Arnav wanted to make schools for orphan kids to stay and read for free , which she at first agreed but now...... Now , She is threatening him , if he marries you than she will not do any financial or any kind of help required for the deal. And he is trying to explain her the reason of this decision. " said sam giving us updates like he is reading news for some News channel.

" Is Arnav's condition that bad that he can't build a school without that girl ? " asked sahara. " Its not about the money....its the land , and that land belongs to that beautiful lady and she wants a breakup now by hook and crook so that she can build her hotel their....and a right opportunity has just arrived. " said samrat , love has pure taste of business in their description.

" And here I was thinking she can't digest the fact that she is losing her man , whom she loved with her heart, she is just looking for ways to build her hotel ....I mean all she is thinking is her business ? ...you sure that's not your lost sister sam ? " asked sahara sarcastically.

" First girl whom I wouldn't mind making my sister..." Said sam , if he says like that than she has some major issues. " And she is worried about her reputation. " he added taking a sip of the dark , darkest , midnight dark.....I know I am overreacting but sahara told me about it so many times that I know the recipe by heart ....he literally takes three spoonful of coffee and brew it , than in a glass he adds one teaspoonful of brown sugar and adds whiskey in it and with that he mixes his coffee.

" That thing can keep you up for five centuries. " I commented on his coffee , and he is not holding a coffee cup , its a extra large beer jeer he is holding to drink coffee. " After looking at the mess the news created in one day....I don't think I will be allowed to sleep soon. " he said.

" What's her main concern ? If she wants money ....shouldn't she persuade Arnav to marry Khushi so that his property doesn't go in charity ? " asked sahara and that's an important question now.

" She doesn't want him lose money but she doesn't want him to marry either. She wants him to deal with the problem differently, cause if he marries Khushi and than they get divorced she has to marry someone who is a divorce ... and that hurts her
reputation. " said sam , sipping his yucky coffee.

" Life is so complicated. " I said lying in Sam's shoulder complaining about my life. " you have not seen half of it dear and you are tired already. " he said , something about him is really irritating , he is soo bad and yet its so nice to be with him...that's irritating.

" Aren't we going to step in ? I mean Arnav is fighting well but I think we should step in before she wakes up Aunty you know. " said sahara . That girls voice is loud and that can really wake up aunty. Zoya sat up straight took the coffee mug from samrat and took a long sip , gave the cup back to samrat and stood up.

" Will you guys stop....this is not a fish market. " she said...classic school teacher scolding I tell you. We three gave her a silent clap for her courage. Arnav sat on the sofa next to him and now his girlfriend turned to face us.... now its my turn. I took the coffee mug from samrat and took a big sip....that shit burning my throat down but I needed it. Life can't be that dramatic... Or can it ?

" My arms weren't complaining. " said samrat but I don't have time to listen him. I remembered the girl by her first sight...the one I pushed in puddle on that rainy day , she was his girlfriend , one of the few disadvantages of the world being small.

" You....so its you . " she shouted as soon as she spotted me . I really wanted to say ' Hi ! Miss puddle queen ' but I kept it in. I took another sip as an excuse for not replying her. " You two know each other by accident.... Judging by laxmi's face your encounter must not be a pleasant one. " asked sam.

" Yes we did. " she said and told the whole incident in her own way which is a complete lie. " I should have know better , people like you are always hoping to get something you can never have on your own....now if he marries you than I wouldn't even look at him. " she declared like she is queen of some imaginary kingdom. Time to pull princess down on earth.

" You know what a person having girlfriend like you is an insult to me too. I don't want to marry him , I don't lose anything by not marrying him but he loses everything by not marrying me. Only I have veto power here.....and I have decided not to marry him . so be happy I wouldn't marry him....and the property can just go to hell. " I told her and was about to leave the room when a hand holded mine and made me stop. I turned to look and to my surprise its Arnav.

" Please stay , we need to talk . " he said and he does looks miserable so I stood their. " The marriage was fixed by my father and nothing can prevent it now , she despite the fact that she is not getting anything from this Union ...other than a fake marriage, divorce tag on her , judgement of society and still she agreed , cause she respects my father. " he paused and I am interested to hear more.

" On the other hand you who claims to understand me , love me ....you shouting at my problems. Not helping me get a solution but being a problem yourself. You know what...." he bend down took a piece of paper and singed that paper.

" Here do whatever you want to do with your land , I can build my school somewhere else , I wanted to continue the relationship cause we were college friends , and business partners I thought we understand each other , we were strength of each other , we make good team but the way you insulted my family, my dad , my friends.....its time we keep our relationship up to businesses . " he said spitting anger with each word making the whole room silent.

" What do you mean by this ? " laxmi asked and this time her voice was in a whisper like she don't what's going on is true. Hell ! ..no one in the room believed what's going on in this room is true.

" To be clear....I am breaking up with you laxmi Ray. Our further conversion or meetings will completely base on business, since our relationship is not public you don't lose face. You can work on that office and as for me I will shift on our second building for further work. Business will not be effected for my decision.... everything will go nicely . " he said and the most uncomfortable part of the whole conversation is...he is still holding my hand.

" Think again.....you are losing many profits...." I believe she would have continued but Arnav cut in the middle and told " I don't do anything on impulse and you should have know that....now if you can excuse me I have a wedding to plan. " he said and walked towards the door almost dragging me with him. God help !

Author Interview :

Zoya : ' Lots of kisses 😍😍' Author they holded hands I want to dance.
Samrat : They drank my whole coffee which I made for myself.
Author : will make you another one don't worry.
Aditiya : We should make them read the vows before they change their minds.
Author : Don't worry , I am on it.

EkaV01 Davis-freeman sweetydoll32 1234567joyce and others those who have commented and voted on my work thank you so much . your support means a lot to me.

Thank you ♥ .

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