Chapter 5

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Ruth opened the door with a big smile, she welcomed everyone in.

When it came to me, she smiled, "Welcome Theo, so glad you could be here," she says and looks over her shoulder. I couldn't help but follow her gaze, but Harrison was staring at the kitchen while Emma was standing by the side of him trying to get his attention.

"Why don't you go and have a look around," says Ruth with a smile "There might be someone here that you will want to see."

My heart skips a beat thinking about one person in particular, Hayley.

I walk into the living room; everyone was drinking and having food. No games were being played just yet, but I could see Aunt Jackie on the whisky making her rounds. Some people watch her with caution, while some are polite. I can't help but laugh.

I walk over to the bar, but I spot Carly leaning on it.

She stares back at me with a smirk as I walk over to her. "Well handsome, so glad you are here, this party was getting a little boring," she says. I can't help but grunt at her, "leave me alone Carly, it will never happen again it was a one-time thing," I say through gritted teeth.

She moves closer to me and slides her hand over my hand. "Baby, it was more than one time thing. We have been hooking up over the years and we both have no mates, we should choose each other as mates," she says, trying to act sexy, but she is far from it.

I slept with Carly over the last few years, prom being the first time. I thought she was my mate, but the scent I smelt went away. I never found her, she disappeared. Carly only comes to me when she is horny. I have to admit if I'm wasted, I always end up with her, but there was always one woman on my mind when I fuck and that was Hayley.

I grab a beer, opening it and take a sip. I turn around and notice that Carly still lingers by me. I can see Ruth glaring at me for some strange reason, and then it hits me, the scent from prom night.

Jake stands to attention, trying to figure out where it is coming from. I can't help but sniff the air.

I look around the room and then I am met with the green eyes, the green eyes that I have missed so much. She doesn't even acknowledge me. I sniff and the scent is coming from her.


I look over and damn fuck she looks hot.

Her hair is loose and long down her back. She must have dyed it as it had blonde highlights through it with some brown still coming through. Her skin was tanned. Where the hell has she been? I can't help but take her in. My mouth starts watering and my cock getting hard at the sight of her. The dress she is wearing shows all of her curves and fuck her legs are gorgeous. They go on for miles.

She sniffs the air; I know she can sense that I am her mate and sense I'm looking at her.

I want to see the girl that I have missed so much, the one I have longed for.

However, before I can do anything, Carly comes to the front of me and pulls my face to hers, and she kisses me on the lips.

I take too long to remove her, but when I look up, Hayley was gone.

"Get the fuck off me," I say to Carly through gritted teeth, pushing her away.

"I wanted a kiss baby..." she says, but I cut her off. "Leave me the fuck alone, you're not my mate," I snarl at her.

I can feel that Jake is pissed off in my head. "I told you to leave that pussy alone," he says with a growl, "Now mate has gone."

I scan the room.

I have to look for her.

I move away from Carly and towards where I last saw Hayley.

Her scent is strong, damn she smells so good.

I look around and see her once again. She's with Summer and Alpha Jacob, and she has her back to me.

I walk over to them. Summer smiles as I come closer, but the body in front of me tenses as I stand behind her. She knows it's me. "Ah there you are Theo, look who is back for the party," says Summer.

Hayley doesn't move. if I would had guessed, she is probably giving Summer the death stare which she would always give if she was put in an awkward situation.

I lean forward and close to her ear. "Hello mate," I say as I breathe in her scent; she shudders in response but turns around, so I instantly straighten up as she looks up at me.

Her green eyes look straight into mine. She never leaves them. She doesn't even check me out or anything. Her face has a blank expression on it. "Hello Theo, nice to see you again, How is Carly?" She says with no emotion.

"OUCH DUDE," says Alpha Jacob through a mind link but I ignore him.

I can't help but keep looking at Hayley. "I have no clue how Carly is, but it is damn good to see you," I said to her.

She tightens her grip on her glass. "Well, it was nice to need to go, I need a drink," she says stuttering slightly. She moves herself to the side of me, but I take the same step.

She moves to the over side and I do the same again. She looks at me frustrated. "Please leave me alone," she says in a whisper with her eyes shut.

I take a step closer to her, and I know she can feel the warmth coming from me and my scent. I can already feel Jake coming closer. He wants his mate like I want Hayley. I lean in and say, "I will never leave you alone, you're mine" in a hushed voice, leaning closer to her neck to sniff in her scent. I place a kiss on her neck. "Please Hayley, I've missed you."

I can feel her tense and I know she is arguing with her wolf. She opens her eyes and looks at me. "Leave me alone," she says through gritted teeth, "Go back to that slut that you were just kissing."

With that, she moves away and goes to the bar.

I can't help but watch her every move, her hips sway from side to side.

Damn that woman can move.

"You fucked up," says Summer as she comes to the side of me. "Why the hell did you go near that slut for? I told you she was bad news, but no, you had to think with your cock."

I can't help but let a growl slip out. "I know I fucked up," I said, still watching Hayley.

"Damn she looks so good," I say, a little too loudly which earns a smirk from Summer and Alpha Jacob. "She does mate, living in Florida has done her a world of good."

I turn around to look at him. "You knew where she was," I asked him, but he shakes his head. "Don't go there, if I had known I would have sent you in that direction to her. She was just telling us a few moments ago," he says while looking at Summer who is nodding in agreement with him.

I look back at the woman I loved all my life.

I have a chance to win her back.

But I know I'm going to need a Christmas miracle to get her back.

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