Chapter 29

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All three of us walk into the house, my mum and Harrison already sitting around the kitchen counter.

Harvey and I walk in, taking the seats that were left while Theo was behind me, leaning on the wall.

"Well, what is it all about?" What have you done now?" says my mother while looking at me.

"Why do you think I always have done something wrong? You never heard my side of any story, but you always believed everyone else's stories," I say.

"You lie to me all the time and I can tell," she says. "You and Theo shouldn't have been seeing each other when you were younger, as you never knew you were mates."

She looks at me and my blood boiling; she does this all the time to me.

Harvey and Harrison growl but Harvey speaks "You know nothing about Hayley and what has been though mother," he says through gritted teeth. "You belittled her every day when we were kids," he says.

She looks at him, stunned. "How would you know? None of you were there. It was just Hayley and me," she says. "I had to put up with her behavior. She was out of control."

"Who told you that?" asks Theo, who has been quiet, but I can feel he is getting angry with what has been said.

My mother looks at him. "Loads of people but she never listened to me. She's weak, she would never survive, but I taught her..." she says, but I had enough.

Raina is on all fours in my head, growling. "ENOUGH." We both say together, which I know makes three of the people looking at me in silence stunned, but not Harvey, who smirks.

"How can you..." says my mother in a whisper.

I glare at her. "What mother? How can my wolf and I be as one?" I snarl at her. "We practiced every day and we communicated with each other on another level. After what happened to me, it brought us closer together," I said.

She looks at me, slightly confused. "What happened to you?" She asks.

I look at my hands. "I was pregnant when I left here with Harrison and I lost the baby due to being pushed down the stairs by Carly," I said.

There was no word being shared. I can feel the heartache running through both Theo and me.

I look at my mother who is looking at me "You were..." she says but her face changes "You were pregnant? You slut," she shouts.

I look back at her, stunned. So do my brothers and Theo, but she carries on. "Carly was right about you, you were a slut. You always were after men," she says.

I moved fast and slapped her face so hard that she didn't have time to react or know what happened. Her hand goes straight to her cheek, which is now red, and looks back at me in horror. I'm beyond angry. "YOU BELIEVED HER," I shouted at her. "She lied to your mother, as she lied to me on prom night" she looks back at me stunned. "You couldn't have..." but I shake my head "Oh I heard everything because your mother never came upstairs to check to see if your daughter was home, but when the pack slut comes to you degrading your daughter you believe her. I heard her tell you that Theo was her mate and that I should leave him well alone." I look back at her. "You argued with me all the time about it. Why the hell do you think I went with Harrison," I said.

I can feel everyone's eyes on me, but this has been brewing for years.

"I never wanted to come back here. You made Harvey contact my boss. You had to be in control of my life again, but guess what, mother? That isn't happening anymore," I say.

I look at her with tears in my eyes. "You were supposed to be my mother," I say to her. "You thought I was weak and pathetic all because you listened to everyone else like Carly and her friends, you wouldn't let me go to training because you thought I would embarrass you, you made sure everyone knew I couldn't do anything right, you never wanted to know me hell you don't know what I like and don't like," I say seething.

Harvey leaves the room. My suitcase has been by the back door and I can see it out of the corner of my eye.

I walk over to it, leaving my mother looking back at me.

My mother, Harrison, and Theo watching my every move, "YOU WANT PROOF," I shout to her.

I grab my suitcase and bring it onto the table and unzip it.

I grab the box and slide it to her. "Open it," I say to her, but she just looks at me and doesn't move. "OPEN IT!" I scream, which startles her, and she jumps into action. I turn around and look through the back window as my mother opens the box. There was a gasp.

There in the box as I know was a blanket that Luke was wrapped up in, a few photos of him and myself, his birth certificate, and a letter from the doctor who was a werewolf in the hospital at the time, telling every detailed injury that my son had sustained and also his small little band that read his name.

Theo is close behind me; I can see the back of his head. I can feel the pain running through him.

"Hayley," says my mother in a whisper. "I....." but she doesn't say anything after that.

I close my eyes and turn around as the tears flow down my face. Theo moves to the side and is holding a photo of our son. The photo that was taken made Luke look a lot like Theo, with every single part of his facial features.

"He was Theo's," she said quietly. "Did you..." she says, but Theo shakes his head. "No, I found out today, but if I did, Hayley and Luke would have been here with me. I was on a mission with Harrison," he says as he looks at the birth certificate and hands it to Harrison to read.

Harrison takes the certificate and looks at it, but he closes his eyes as a tear escapes. I know why he wasn't around. I heard all about the mission in my dazed state from Harvey, but I can't remember most of it, but it did concern losing a close friend and family member.

"Hayley, Carly said that she..." my mother tried to say but Theo growled and looked at her. "Carly was never my mate Ruth. It has always been Hayley. The whole reason why we were together was that our wolves could feel a connection between us," he says and wraps his arm around me. "I would have done anything for Hayley, Carly was a slut, and everyone in the pack knew it."

She looks at him but then at me. "Hayley I..." she says, but I shake my head. "No, Mum, I can't," I say, and I look up to see Harvey. Harrison pushes back on the seat and leaves the house without saying a word.

"I'm not staying here. I'm going back to the pack house with Theo," I said without looking at her or at Harvey.

Theo places all the things back in the box and makes sure my suitcase is done up with the box inside.

I don't say a word but I look at Harvey, who nods at me. "Well done, brave girl," he says through a mind link.

I can't say anything back and Harvey passes his truck keys to Theo. "Use my truck and Hayley," he says. "I will be there to see you tomorrow."

I nod and head through the door.

Theo places the suitcase on the ground and holds my hand while guiding me to the truck, leaving Harvey and Mum alone.

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