Chapter 56

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I stare at the door behind Harvey.

I know he is out there. I know I have to meet him sooner or later, but I still don't know. I still remember what my father said in my dream about giving it a go with him, but it is so weird.

"Hayley," says Theo, who brings me out of my mind.

I look over at him as he looks at me. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but Nathan has been here for nearly two weeks and he has been waiting for the right time to meet you," he says.

I stare back at him. "You met him too?" I asked, his face softened.

Great, everyone has met him, but why wouldn't they have said anything to me about it, especially Theo?

Theo clears his throat and walks around to me. "Hayley," he says as he comes to the side of me and kneels down, placing his finger under my chin to move me to look at him. I stare back at those big brown eyes. "Baby, he saved you, too."

I sigh. "What do you mean?" I ask even though I knew the answer, but no one else has talked about this to me except Vivian.

Theo searches my eyes, trying to figure out what I'm feeling. "Nathan and you have the same rare blood type. Apparently, it's a family thing," he says. "You needed blood due to blood loss from the wounds," he says and places his finger on the one on my leg, I can feel his touch running over my scar through my jeans. "He donated some blood and helped you. I think you should meet him."

He says and slowly gets up; placing a kiss on my lips. "You might have something in common with him and also you can find out more about your background."

He moves away and walks to the door. He opens it.

I move the chair slowly and walk towards him, there waiting a few feet away from the door, was a tall man staring back at me.

Theo grabs my coat and bobble hat. "You both need to talk and baby," he says. "You need your boots on."

I stare at the man before me; I turn around and grab everything that I need. I made sure I was bundled up warmly and headed towards the man outside the cabin.

I knew my brothers and Theo were by the front door watching everything unfold, but I didn't need an audience.

I slowly walk towards the man, who is still staring at me, but smiles as I get closer.

"Hayley," he says in a deep voice. "It is so nice to finally meet you."

I nod; I don't want to say anything as I don't know what my voice will do.

He looks back towards the cabin and smiles. "You have a lovely home," he says.

I stare at him and look at every inch of him; he looks young, but you can see the years have made him weary; he has black hair with silver running through most of his hair. He has brown eyes, which means I got my eyes from my mother. But his nose is like mine and his lips.

Nathan looks at me, "I know this is hard to take in but I wanted to meet you as..." he says but stops.

"I..." I start to say but look back at the three big men by the door. I know they can hear me. I close my mouth and close my eyes for a moment. Raina sits back on her hind legs, watching with intent. "You can do this," she says in a whisper.

I open my eyes and look back at the man. "Shall we go for a walk?" I ask.

Nathan smiles. "That would be lovely," he says.

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