Chapter 55

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It has been a long three days with Hayley in heat; thank god I told the others that she was in heat or there might have been some really awkward moments, but we have been in a world of bliss.

I have had her around every part of the cabin; her screaming my name and my seed filling her every time. I have been to heaven.

I look down at the beauty by the side of me as she sleeps soundly.

I place a kiss on her shoulder and get out of bed. I grab a pair of sports shorts and put them on. I leave Hayley to sleep.

I walk out of our bedroom and head straight into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

Once the kettle was boiled and made a cup, I sat down at the table.

Suddenly a mind link comes through. "Hey Theo, how's it going?" asks Harvey.

"Yeah, her heat has gone now; I'm just letting her rest. What's up?" I ask.

Harvey stays quiet for a moment, but he suddenly comes through again. "Harrison and I want to see Hayley, we need to talk about Nathan," he says.

I stare towards the bedroom door; Hayley hasn't mentioned anything about Nathan or about meeting him.

I sigh. "I think we need to figure out what she wants to do," I say.

"What, she hasn't mentioned anything about him?" Harvey says. I grunt, well we haven't been doing much talking over the last three days as her heat was intense and I had her bent at every angle possible. I can't tell him that, but he will soon realize that once Vivian goes into heat.

"Nope, we didn't do much talking," I say, which earns a groan. "Okay, okay, fair enough," he says, but I can't help but smirk. Obviously, someone told him what we were getting up to then.

"Look, Harrison and I will be gone in an hour. Wake her up and no hanky panky shit," he says through gritted teeth. "Nathan wants to meet her, but I have told him to wait till we talk to Hayley first."

"Okay, we will see you in an hour," I say, closing the mind link down.

I drink all my coffee and place the mug in the sick; I head back into the bedroom to find Hayley sitting up in bed, looking at me with a frown on her face. "Where did you go?" She asks.

I smile. "I had a coffee. I didn't want to wake you after all I put you through last night," I say. Hayley looks at me and smirks. "Think highly of yourself, huh," she says.

I move fast and climb back onto the bed and pin her underneath me. I lean into her neck and sniff her scent. "Baby," I say as I place a kiss on her neck and work my way up. "You are my mate, my soul, and my everything," I say as I move further up her neck and along her jawline, but move away slightly to look into her green eyes and I say. "As much as I want to fuck you once more just to prove that you are mine, we can't. Your brothers are coming here to see you," I say and place my mouth on hers.

I slide my tongue in as she moves her mouth with mine and wraps her arms around my neck.

I pull away and look at her. "Come, we will take a shower together," I said as I pulled her up with me. She smirks at me but doesn't say anything.

We both head into the bathroom and I turn on the water. Hayley was already completely naked and covered in bite marks and bruises. She leans on the doorframe, watching my every move.

"Stop looking at me like that," I say with a smirk as I drop my shorts and turn to face her. I turn to put on the water. I can feel her eyes roam every part of me.

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