Chapter 21

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I had to get out of the house. I felt like it was going to smother me. Everyone showed up, but seeing Carly's face when she came into the house was worse; she didn't even change, just stood there in her bra and skirt.

I ran as fast as I could in human form, but Raina took over and shifted into her form. She kept running till we came to the clearing.

Our spot, the spot where it all happened, everything from my first kiss to my heart is shattered into a million pieces.

Raina moves slowly into the clearing and sits down, she looks around the place. It hasn't changed one bit since except for a few extra trees but everything here still looked the same and it was still peaceful as I could remember.

"I think mate was telling the truth," says Raina suddenly. "There was no smell of sex in the air and he looked generally shocked to find her there in bed with him."

I don't say anything; I need to think about what I just saw.

"You know, I'm right," she says with a smirk.

"I don't know. I just saw the woman who has messed everything up in my life for the last several years," I said.

Raina lowers down and lies on the ground with her head resting on her paws.

"She killed our pup," I said as a tear slipped down my cheek.

Raina growled. "And she will pay for what she did. Whether it is by the pack or by our hands, she will be killed."

I look down and feel the grief once again. I needed to become normal again, but how can you when you need the one person in your life?

"Mate will understand but we need to tell him about the pup and why we never came back home," she says.

Losing the baby was not just hard on me but also on Raina too. She went deep within my head with a block up. She didn't speak to me for months, until one night when I begged her to come forward. I needed my wolf, and I needed my friend.

I remember seeing her face, tears were crying between us over what we lost and we talked about it all, but she never forgave herself for not protecting both the pup and me. We couldn't remember for the first six months when it happened.

But when Harvey came to me about someone who was going to set up his boss, he wanted my help. Both Raina and I agreed as we needed a distraction. It helped for a while, but one night, both Raina and I went through the whole memory of what happened. It felt like I was reliving it all over again. It broke us once more, but it made us stronger and as one. We realized who caused the whole thing, and she needed to suffer, but we needed to find proof for Harvey first that Shane was involved, then I was going to stand up to Carly. But it was only when we came here that we realized that Theo was the only mate, even though Raina also thought he was as she had a really good connection with his wolf back in high school, but it was confirmed when we came home.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Raina sighed. "I think we should talk to mate. He needs to know," she says. "But I want to run something past you and if you agree then maybe you will get the answers you always wanted," she said.

"What do you mean I would get the answers I always wanted? Raina, what are you talking about?" I asked.

She looks at me. "I think you should mark mate," she says. My mouth drops open, and I was about to tell her my answer but she shakes her head. "I think we should. When we mark each other, we can feel everything our mate feels. We know if they are telling the truth. If we mark our mate, we can ask all the questions that run inside your head all the time, questions about the night and the times we came to see him."

I stare back at her but don't say anything. She has a point but what if I don't like the answer he gives me I thought but Raina cocks her head to the side. "If we don't like what we hear then I will hurt him myself," she says with a smirk. "Hayley, there was a connection between him when you were fifteen that's why we agreed to go out with him," she says.

I look at her for a moment but breathe out the air I was holding. "Raina I think you have an idea and I am willing to take a shot but what about telling him about the baby?" I ask her.

She looks back at me with sadness in her eyes. "We will tell him when we get back home. He needs to know about it. It will devastate our mate, but he needs to know."

I nod and look through her eyes. It is so peaceful.

We have only been laying here for half an hour but I want to go back home.

Raina gets up and we walk back through the forest. "I think mate will be in the pack house," says Raina suddenly. "We should go there."

I nod in agreement.

We head back to the pack house. No, Theo in sight, but we stop dead in our tracks at the sight before us.

Harrison was dragging a screaming Carly toward the pack cells.

What the hell?

What did I miss?

Raina lets me take back the reins and I shift back into my human form, hiding behind the tree. On a branch behind the cells was a t-shirt hanging up. I place it over my head and pull it down. I don't know who it is but I need to cover myself up.

I made sure I was out of sight while I waited for Harrison to come up. When he did, he was muttering a few choice words as he walked past and walked into the pack house.

I love Harrison but he has the same temper as my mother; he is very protective but I have a funny feeling he knew more about what was going on with me over the years as he kept in contact even though he was sent out on many assignments to deal with rogue issues.

I waited for another few minutes. "We should go in," says Raina suddenly, looking through my eyes.

We open the cell door and head straight down. The smell as we got closer to the cells was revolting. There was vomit, blood, and even death. When was this place last cleaned? I thought.

I looked around and no one was around. I searched each cell until I came to her cell. Carly had her back to me, looking through the barred window.

"I was wondering when you would show your face," she says as she turns around to me with a smirk. "I think we need to clear the air about some things, don't you?"

I can't help but growl.

I need answers to everything.

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