Chapter 8

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I cannot believe she has a key.

I stare back at my mother.

"What did you just hear?" I asked her, but her face says a lot.

"I heard and seen everything," she says. She walks into the room after closing the door behind her. She walks over to the bed.

"Hayley, what's going on?" She asks as she sits on my bed. I grab a hoodie to do the zip-up.

"I have a boyfriend back home in Florida. We moved in together about five months ago," I said with a sigh. "We work together at the law firm back there."

She looks at me. "What about Theo?" She asks.

I look at her. "What about him?" I asked. I'm not telling her he's my mate.

"Hayley, I just saw you both have sex behind the guest house. You are lucky that Harrison didn't see you," she says in a hushed voice.

"I don't know, it just happened," I said, getting up and grabbing some night clothes from the closet.

I'm definitely not going back out there again tonight.

My mother watches me. "Theo's your mate, isn't he?" she says quietly.

I don't answer her.

"You need to come clean to him, break it off with..." she doesn't finish as I turn to glare at her. "I don't have to come clean to him. He is nothing to me. I will not break it off with Shane. I love him," I shout. "You have no right to tell me what I should and shouldn't do; I am old enough to make up my own mind."

My mother looks at me, stunned. "I never brought you up to be like this Hayley, You can't string both men along. Theo deserves..." she says, but I cut her off. "I don't care what Theo deserves, he doesn't deserve me," I lash out. "I think you best leave," I said, feeling angry.

My mother glares at me and gets up. She walks to the door but stops suddenly. "What the hell happened to my little girl?" She says quietly.

"She grew up," I shouted.

With that, she goes through the door and leaves, closing it behind her.

My eyes are brimmed with tears. I never have spoken to my mother like that, not enough when I was younger.

I sit back on my bed and pull my legs up to my chest.

I look at my phone. It lights up with an email from Shane.

I can't believe I have to do some work, but I can't look at it.

I stay on the bed for a while, trying not to think, but after a little while, there is a knock at the door.

I got up thinking it was Harrison or my mum, but it wasn't.

I can smell his scent as I come closer. I stop by the door.

"Hayley, please open the door," Theo asks. "I want to talk to you; I want to know what I did."

I stare at the door with my hand on the door handle. I sigh and pull it open.

Theo leans on the door frame, his eyes connecting with mine. "Please Hayley, I want..." but I cut him off. "I can't do this Theo, I have a boyfriend."

There was a loud growl. "MINE," he says and opens the door wider but I stand my ground "No, I'm not yours," I say, sounding very unconvincing.

He leans in further, his scent wraps me once again. "Hayley, we are mates...."

I shake my head at him. "YOU HURT ME," I shouted.

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