Chapter 44

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We have them surrounded, and they all sound like they are having a party.

There are at least three thousand rogues here.

We are all crouched down around the perimeter where mainly some are staying in human form. They must have been here for weeks with the tents and the stench that was coming from this campsite gave it all away.

A loud, piercing scream comes from a tent and I'm doubled over in pain.

"MATE," Jake howls in my head. I can't help but double over in pain once again and lean into a tree in front of me.

Alpha Jacob, Harvey, and Harrison look at me. "What's going on?" asks Harvey through a mind link.

"They're torturing her, I can feel it. We need to go now," I say through gritted teeth.

Alpha Jacob lets out an almighty roar and all the pack members are charging straight into some very confused rogues. We all follow Alpha Jacobs's lead with Harvey, Harrison and I joining him. There are loads of rogues and everyone is mucking in even the she-wolf turn on the rogues and attacks them. I noticed one skinny-looking woman but when she turned around; it was Ashley; she used to go to school with Hayley and me.

"Agent Matthews will be joining us soon and she has brought some more people with her too, even the odds for us," says Harvey suddenly through a mind link.

Jake wants out and we look towards a tent that the scream came from but someone is screaming around the side catching me off guard. It's Lucy. A rogue was dragging her away; she looks like she doesn't want to go willingly with him.

Jake has had enough now; we shift into our wolf form and attack the hideous man. Jake jumps onto top of him and bites through his neck with one bite and rips his head clean off. Jake is pissed and wants to do more but another agonizing scream comes from the tent which both Jake and I knew to be Hayley but the pain she's in is too much to take, I shift back into my human form and Lucy looks towards the tent and then back at me. "Ruth is going to kill her," she screams. "Theo, you need to get in there."

I was about to move when a man who I had recognized from the footage earlier and who I had wanted dead for killing my parents came out to find the carnage of dead rogues and the fighting going on.

I growl loudly at him.

He turns and faces me, but when he recognizes my face; he smirks. "Ah, Beta, you have the beauty of a mate," he says. "I had my way with her, but now I think I will kill you instead and let her mother kill her." He growls.

I was about to attack him suddenly. "THEO, DUCK," shouts Alpha Jacob through the mind link and I do as I am told as Alpha Jacob's wolf jumps over me and lands right in front of me. "Go to Hayley. Harvey and Harrison will be with you," he says. "I will avenge our parents," he says with anger and rage fueling him for the both of us.

Gary shifts into a mattered black wolf, which is no match for Alpha Jacob's wolf, who probably has a good foot over him.

Gary's wolf looks at Alpha Jacobs and snarls, charging straight at him. I ran out of the way as the two wolves clashed and I ran straight to the entrance of the tent opening but stopped suddenly when I heard Ruth. "You pathetic little bitch, you need to die," she says and I walk in as she lifts her knife to strike Hayley.

There is blood everywhere all over the tent; Hayley seems to be slipping in and out of consciousness.

I growl loud. "DROP THE KNIFE," I say through gritted teeth. "RUTH NOW."

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