Chapter 30

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I watch as Theo leaves with Hayley.

I close the door behind me and look back at the woman who now is sitting on the kitchen counter looking at the photo of the baby.

"You knew, didn't you?" she asks me.

I don't say anything but walk into the kitchen to grab two beers. I pull the tops off of them and move around to stand on the other side of the kitchen counter.

"Judging by your silence, I have my answer," she says and looks up at me.

I don't smile at her; she has been a cruel mother to Hayley. We all witnessed it and she thought we never noticed.

She looks at me. "Why didn't..." she says but I can't help the growl that slips out of my mouth. "Don't pretend to be a mother to her now and show you care," I say to her, she looks taken back. "You think we didn't notice how you treated Hayley, Mum we heard everything Carly was saying as she was spreading rumors around the school. I never believed any of them, and neither did Harrison, as for the no training. Hayley was trained by us and dad when you were at your precious clubs at the pack house. You never knew what was going on with Hayley because you never bothered trying," I said.

She doesn't say anything. She grabs the second beer bottle that I placed down in front of us and takes a swig. I look at my bottle and start to play with the label. "You know I was there when she delivered Luke," I said and looked up at her, her eyes were on me. "Hayley took it hard, she couldn't remember what happened to her, she was knocked out by Carly so bad that she blacked out when she came around she had to deliver him."

"I had to watch my little sister cry, her heart breaking because a she-wolf didn't want her to be with a guy that is her mate," I say with a growl.

My mother looks down. "Harv, I never thought..." she says and stops. She looks at me. "Your father knew, didn't he?" she says in a whisper.

I nod. "Yeah, he had a phone call saying that Hayley was injured, and he needed to be there for consent, but he rang me as he had to catch a flight," I said to her.

She huffs out "He should have told me what was going on, she's my daughter," she says.

"What would you have done? You both argued, and you never liked Theo. We all knew that. We listened all the time while you were telling our father how he was a bad influence on her and he shouldn't show her any attention, as she was weak," I said through gritted teeth. "Why did you treat her like that?"

"You heard us," she said, sounding surprised.

I look at her. She can't be seriously thinking that they were arguing quietly. I move closer to her so she can feel my anger toward her. "Yeah, we did, even Hayley who, by the way, would cry herself to sleep," I said.

I moved back and I went into my back pocket, pulled out the letter that my father gave me to give to her. I slide it across the table. "Here! This is for you. I was told to give you this," I said. "Dad wrote a letter to you and gave it to his lawyer, who is a friend of my bosses. He gave it to me. The instruction I had was to hand it to you."

I leave the letter and move away from the table and slowly walk towards the door but I stop, my mother looking at the letter with my father's writing on it. A tear slides down her face but she looks up at me. but she doesn't say anything. "I'm staying at my mate's house tonight and Mum," I say and she just looks at me. "Leave Hayley alone. You both need space. Maybe give her a few days to calm down and she needs to be with her mate."

I turn and walk out, leaving my mum with her letter. Hopefully, something in the letter will give away something to her, especially for the way she was treating Hayley.

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