Chapter 57

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We have been waiting for Nathan and Hayley to come back for over an hour.

Both Theo and I are sitting around the kitchen table waiting, but Harrison has been pacing back and fore, peeking through the window every so often.

"I hope everything is going alright," says Theo, suddenly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, they are," says Harrison peeking through the window and he turns back to us. "They are outside; they seem to be still talking."

"Wait till they both come in," I tell them. Both Theo and I stare at the door as Harrison makes his way back to his chair by the table.

The door opens to a very red-faced Hayley and Nathan; they both blow out their breaths as they walk in.

They both take their coats and boots off and head straight to us in the kitchen.

Hayley walks straight to Theo and places a kiss on his lips; he pulls her onto his lap as Nathan sits in between us.

"How did it go?" asks Harrison, looking between the two even though it was more aimed at Hayley.

Nathan and Hayley smiled at one another, but it was Hayley who spoke. "It was ok, we are going to get to know each other and Nathan is going to stay around the pack, to help Alpha Jacob for now with the pack business," she says as she looks at me.

"Harvey, I want to see Mum," she says, suddenly getting straight to the point.

I can't help the snarl that escapes my mouth "Not yet, Hayley, you have been through so much over the last few weeks."

Hayley glares at me; I can see Theo trying to calm her down, but something in her eyes is telling me more. She frowns. "I'm an adult, I need to do it," she says.

"Why do you need to do it now? Why so soon?" asks Harrison, looking slightly pissed.

She glares between both Harrison and me. "How would you feel if our mum stuck a knife in your body and twisted it around," she says and lifts her top up to reveal her scars, Harrison turns away but I can't seem to take my eyes off them, they were very deep and thick. "She gave me these. I have to live with these for the rest of my life, knowing my mother did them to me."

She places her top down; stares at me, then her eyes land on her hands that are now resting on the table in front of her. "I remember every single thing she said to me in that tent, I mean everything," she says as she looks up. I can see tears in the back of her eyes. "Even her final words were goodbye bitch," she says with a snarl.

Hayley looks at me. "Harv, I need to do this. She has caused me so much pain not just for the last few weeks but throughout my whole life; I don't want to go on my own, though. I want all you four to come with me when I do, but I need to have my final say and then she is out of my life forever," she says.

Hayley moves out of Theo's lap and moves around the table and stands in between Harrison and me, she kneels between us taking our hands in each one of hers, she looks between us with determination I think in her face, 'You two have been my rocks throughout my life, you both have helped me through everything especially when I was a child. You both made a pact to protect me the night she started being really mean to me. I was only five at the time," she said, looking between the both of us.

How the hell did she know about the pact? I can't help but look at Harrison, who has the same look as I do.

Looking between the both of us, she smiles. "I was pretending to sleep that night. I heard you both talk. I never said anything," she said. "I was so happy that you were with my knights in shining armor."

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