Chapter 20

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I open my eyes, but I have the worst headache ever. I can sense eyes looking at me as I turn to look at them. I am hit with a watery green-eyed Hayley.

What the hell happened?

I move, but I am being held. I look to my side and realize that I'm not alone. Carly is looking toward Hayley now, smirking at her. I move fast and out of the bed, but only realize that I'm completely naked.

Hayley looks at me as tears flow down her cheeks. She turns and runs out of the guest house without saying a word.

"Go to mate," says Jake, but he is still slurring his words like he had been drinking loads of booze himself.

"Baby, please leave her and come back to bed," says Carly. I snarl at her. "What the hell happened?"

"We fucked hard last night," she says. I bent down and grabbed my trousers and pulled them on as quickly as I could.

I ran out of the guest house towards the main house, and I ran into Hayley who is pacing the floor, but she turns to me glaring. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" she shouts.

That definitely woke everyone up. I can hear movement, but then I can see the study room door open and Harvey is looking at Hayley and then at me. "What's wrong?" he asks.

Hayley looks at me, glaring. "He slept with Carly in the guest house, in my fucking bed," she says with a scream.

Right on cue, Carly walks in with barely anything on, smirking "We are mates after all," she says, I turn around and glare at her. "I thought I told you to leave me alone and that we are not mates."

Carly doesn't look at me, she keeps looking straight ahead. I turn around to find not only Hayley and Harvey standing there but Harrison, Ruth, Alpha Jacob, and Summer who have just walked in through the door.

Fuck, this can't be happening to me.

Hayley looks at me, but turns around and runs.

I go running after her, but I'm punched in the face by Harvey. Alpha Jacob pulls him away from me.

"I never slept with her; someone spiked my drink last night. I passed out on the bed," I said to him, but I realized that he was not looking at me but he is staring at Carly, who is now laughing her head off.

"I really enjoyed the show. I love making that bitch cry," she says.

I glared at her. "Why the hell would you..." But I am cut off but Alpha Jacob growling. "Harrison, grab that bitch and place her in the cells, will you?" he says.

"What the hell have I done?" she yells as Harrison grabs hold of her, but Alpha Jacob comes to the side of her. "You scheming bitch, besides what you did to Hayley, there is a matter of you funneling money out of our pack accounts into your daddy's business," he says with a snarl. "Didn't the human tell you that he mentioned your name in front of Hayley? He was such a dull human to have to work with?"

She looks back at him, stunned. "How did you..." she tries to move but Summer walks over to her and slaps her face hard. "That is for hurting my best friend," she says, but Alpha smirks at her as he grabs Summer into him, thinking he needs to calm down. "I placed cameras in the office and also set a wire on your phone when you left it behind so I have heard every single thing you have done and what you and that rogue father have planned," he says, Carly's face goes white.

"Take her to the cells. There is an agent coming to arrest you, sweetheart, but if I were you, I would get comfy. It might be a long time. If the agent doesn't know what to do with you, then I will kill you," he says snarling.

Harrison grabs her and pushes her out the door, Carly screaming at the top of her lungs. They head straight to the pack house where the cells are located.

I look toward everyone who has been staring at me. "I didn't sleep with her, I went in there as I was missing Hayley. I would never do anything like that to her," I say.

A growl escapes someone. It comes from Harvey. "I know more about this whole thing, but I want to know if he is telling the truth, send him to get tested, make sure he is telling the truth," he says. "I will take him"

"You can't be serious. Why don't you believe me?" I asked him, but there was a loud growl coming from the side me.

Alpha Jacob uses his alpha aura which makes everyone in the house submit to him including me, walks over to me and glares "Theo, you are going to the pack hospital to get tested and you are to wait there till we get the results back" he says with a snarl "Do I make myself clear?"

All I could do was grit my teeth together and nod. I submitted to him and I had to obey his command whether I wanted to or not.

"Harvey, you take him," he says to him. "We will all meet back at the pack house, my office."

"What about my daughter?" asks Ruth. I look at her. She avoids my look, but Harvey snarls. "Oh, don't worry about Hayley, Mum, we all know you don't unless it is to do with your image. When she comes back, we are all having a family chat, just the four of us," he says. "Harrison won't like what I have to say and neither will you, but once you know the truth, you are to stay out of Hayley's life for good."

What the hell?

Ruth looks at Harvey, taken aback by what he said, but she looks angry. Once she realizes how he spoke to her, she growls. "How dare you..." she goes to say, but Harvey growls louder at her. "Mother, understand me now. Shut your mouth and we will be having a family chat," he says.

He looks at me. "Come on," he says, turning on his heel and I follow after him.

We both climbed into his truck and, not saying a word, the whole ten-minute ride there. Once we stop, we head inside.

Once inside, Harvey freezes in front of me. I move around and look over at him, but all he says is, "MATE."

I look at who he is staring at, Vivian, who was staring back at him with a stunned look on her face.

Vivian gave me that drink last night. She must have done something to it.

"Theo," says the doctor. "The alpha told me that you need to have a blood test to see what is in your system."

I nod, but I can't help but look between Harvey and Vivian, who are now in each other's arms.

The pack doctor smiles. "Harvey has waited for her for three years and now they finally can be together," she says.

Vivian looks at me, but her face goes into a hard line. "Do you remember that drink I gave you?" she asks.

I nod.

"I laced it with a sleeping potion. I overheard Lucy and Carly's conversation the other day about how they wanted to drug you so you could fall for Carly," she says. "I never liked her. I was always for Hayley."

The pack doctor, who is Vivian's mother, looks alarmed. "Why would you?" she says, but her face turns to anger. "I will punish that girl of mine," she says, looking at Harvey, who is smirking.

"I just mind-linked Alpha Jacob to tell him what Vivian just said, he told me to tell you that a guard will bring Lucy to his office, and he will give her a punishment but also he said it was quick thinking for Vivian that just saved his Beta's life," he says looking at me.

I glare back. "Now you believe me," I ask him but Harvey looks at me. "Theo I have been rooting for both Hayley and you all the time even when I chased you out of her bedroom that one time but Hayley and you need to talk, find her, and let her talk to you," he says.

I smile.

"Do you know where she would have gone?" he asks.

I think for a moment, but there is one place I know I will find her, our secret spot.

I nod and run out of the pack hospital, heading straight into the forest.

Jake takes over and shifts. We need to find our mate.

We need them.

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