Chapter 22

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I ran all the way to the clearing. Jake shifted so we could get there quicker, but when we arrived, Hayley was nowhere to be found.

Her scent was around part of the area. I just missed her.

Where the hell has she gone? I thought.

Suddenly, Alpha Jacob's voice comes through a mind link. "Theo, where are you?" He asks.

"I'm by the clearing, looking for Hayley. I know you told me not to look for her but..." I start to say but he cuts me off. "She is back here in the pack house Theo, come straight to the office," he says.

I shut down the mind link and head back the way I came. Why would Hayley be going to the pack house? She always hated going there as her mother used to be there all the time, but she did always sneak into my room on the off chance just so she could have a break from her mother during the nights when her mother and she argued a lot.

As we approached the pack house, Jake shifted back into human form and I ran straight into the office only to come face to face with many faces. I looked at all the faces before me, but the one I wanted to see wasn't there.

"Where's Hayley?" I ask looking between each one.

There, standing in front of me, was Harvey, Vivian, Harrison, Emma, Alpha Jacob, Summer, and a woman I have never met before.

"Where is she?" I ask again, but this time Alpha Jacob looks at me and sighs. "You need to sit down," he says.

I shook my head, but the woman who I had never met spoke next. "Hayley is in the cells. She just went in there to talk to Carly. Carly won't speak to any of us, we knew that, but with Hayley, she might slip up, we need her to confess," she says.

I look at her, confused. "Confess to what?"

"She needs to confess to everything that she has done and more. She funneled money from your alpha and also she wanted to see Hayley suffer," she says and looks at me. "We are going to watch the show as your alpha has placed cameras in there so we can see and also hear everything that is being said."

I nod. "But why Hayley? Why does she have to do it?" I ask. "Someone should be with her."

But the woman growls, "Listen Beta, Hayley needs to do this. That poor girl has been through so much in the last few years, she needs it more than anyone. But no one and I mean no one needs to be there with them, especially not you," she says with a hiss. "This all started because of you, and let Hayley finish it."

"Why should I listen to you?" I ask with a growl, but Alpha Jacob stands up and glares at me. "Theo this is Agent Matthews, she is the one leading the investigation about the money that has been disappearing from the company and many others too but she is also from the werewolf council as a werewolf was involved in the matter, she will decide on what charges Carly will have," he says.

"Theo, Hayley needs to do this but you might not like what will come out, you can either stay or Alpha Jacob will send you to your room with guards standing outside till it is done," says Harvey in a gruff voice and holding onto Vivian's waist.

I look back at every single person in the room. Every single one of them has their eyes on me.

I sigh and nod. "I will stay," I said.

Agent Matthews smiles. "We all have to be quiet and I want to remind you that no one in this room will leave till we get what we want," she says and looks at me. "Theo, please understand that she needs to do this."

I nod and take a seat next to Harrison and Summer sits on the other side of me, she looks at me. "I have no clue what's been going on either Theo but we need to find out and if it means we are not going to like what we are about to hear then at least the two of us will be in the same boat," she says and places her hand on mine to give it a squeeze.

I look over my shoulder at my best friend who has a blank expression on his face but he looks at me. "I know she's my mate, but you both are going to need each other when you hear everything," he says in a whisper.

That doesn't sound comforting at all.

Agent Matthews moves to the monitor and switches it on. In front of me is my mate standing outside the cell where Carly is looking out the barred windows.

Hayley is only wearing a T-shirt, but she looks so cute. "Mate needs this," says Jake. "I can feel her wolf."

I look back at him, stunned. "How can you feel her wolf?" I asked him and looked back while sitting on his hind legs. "I could feel her when we mated with her now. Human, listen to what mate has to say," he says. He comes closer to watch everything that is on the screen.

All of a sudden we hear. "I was wondering when you would show your face," Carly says as she turns around to face Hayley with a smirk on her face. "I think we need to clear the air about some things, don't you?"

Hayley doesn't say anything at first. She looks as if she is talking to her wolf but after a few seconds her eyes say a lot more, "I want to know why you did what you did?" She says with a snarl.

"What do you want to know first? Why did I set you up to take the fall for the funneling of the money or about what I did to you all those years ago," Carly says with a smirk.

Summer's hand which is in my hand grips me tighter. This can't be about all the crap she did all those years ago.

Hayley growls. "I want to know everything," she shouts. "Why?"

Carly doesn't say anything, but she smiles.

"Why would you do such a horrible thing?" She screams. "Why would you push me down the stairs and beat me?"

I growl and I can feel a hand on my shoulder. I can sense Alpha Jacob is behind me. Harvey is doing the same to Harrison. The tension in the room is strong with anger.

Carly still doesn't say anything, but her smile gets wider, which only makes Hayley angrier.

"Why would you do that?" She screams. "I was pregnant."

I stare back at the monitor in shock. She was pregnant, but the next sentence that comes out of her mouth hits me like a ton of bricks. "You killed my baby," she screams at her.

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