Chapter 51

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I was still in darkness for a while, but I kept hearing a voice calling to me.

I slowly opened my eyes, but I had to move my head slightly to the voice, to only come face to face with the most handsome man I love, Theo.

His big brown eyes were full of emotion looking back at me.

A tear slides down his face. "Baby," he says as he leans over me.

I smile back at him, "Theo..." I say, but he cuts me off with his mouth on mine.

I can't help but kiss him back.

After a few seconds, his head leans on my forehead. "Goddess Hayley, I've missed you so much," he says.

I can't help but close my eyes as I sniff at his scent. His scent wraps around me.

I can feel Raina in my head. She is close to the surface, panting. "Mate," she says, "I can hear mate again."

I can't help the tear that slides down my face.

A few seconds later, the door flies open as Theo moves back and looks back at whoever it was that came in and so do I. Everyone walks in.

I smile. "Hey," I say in a raspy voice.

Both Harrison and Harvey smiled brightly. "Hayley," they say together, which makes me laugh. "It's me. Can someone pass me some water, please?" I ask.

Summer comes over to me, pushing Theo out of the way, which makes him growl. "Here," she says as she holds out a cup with a straw for me to take a sip.

Alpha Jacob smiles back at me. "It is so nice to see you awake," he says as he places a hand on Theo's shoulder. "This one has been a nightmare to be around, moping around."

Theo snarls. "You would be too if..." he says, but he stops as he looks at me.

I smile back at him and hold my hand out to him. He smiles at me and moves closer to take me and takes my hand. He moves my hand to his mouth to place a kiss on it, which causes tingles to shoot through me.

I look back at everyone else who is pulling some silly faces and smirks, but I don't care.

The door opens and the pack doctor walks in with a smile on her face. "Hayley, it's so nice to finally see you awake," she says and comes over to me. She checks my vitals and moves some of the wires away, which I only recently noticed I was attached to.

"You are healing nicely, but I recommend you stay in for another day or two just to be on the safe side," she says and looks at me after she writes something down in my notes. "You gave us quite a fright."

I look at her. " long have I been out for?" I ask, looking at her.

She looks around at everyone and then back at me. "Hayley, you were out for ten days," she says. My eyes go wide. I've been out for over a week.


I've missed Christmas, feeling quite sad.

I stare down at my hands. "I missed Christmas," I said weakly.

Theo sits on the bed next to me and places his one hand in mine while the other hand moves my chin to make me look back at him. "Baby, Christmas was put on hold. We waited for you and now you are awake. We will celebrate when you are fully recovered. There is no rush," he says as he leans down and places his lips on mine to give me a quick kiss.

I missed those lips.

I watch him as he moves away.

I want to ask the question.

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