Chapter 59

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I couldn't believe what was unfolding before my eyes.

I stare back and fore at Aunt Jackie and Nathan, who are now looking back at each other.

I pull Hayley away from Jackie; who I might say is speechless but has a massive grin on her face.

I can't help but look at Harrison and Harvey, who is smirking at the whole thing.

"How?" says Nathan as he walks over to Jackie.

Jackie, for the years I have known her, is stunned into silence.

"I don't know," she says in a whisper.

Agent Matthews looks on and smirks. "Well now you will have to stay in the pack Nathan, this is where Jackie lives after all," she says.

I can't help but smile.

"I think we should let these two get to know each other," I say as I look around at everyone who is now nodding in agreement with me.

Everyone walks away, leaving the new mates still standing there staring at each other in shock.

I wrap my arms around Hayley and move her towards the way we came. "Can we walk back to the cabin?" She asks suddenly with a blank expression on her face.

I smile. "Yeah sure. Harvey looks like he..." I say as I look towards him has now picked Vivian up and carried her over his shoulder back into the pack house.

I chuckle, but I chuckle more when I see Hayley's face. "Why did I have to turn around and see that?" She says in a hiss.

I wrap my arms around her so she faces me, and I place my lips on hers. I move away slowly and she looks at me with a smile. "You are definitely a good distraction," she says.

She takes my hand and we start to walk back to the cabin.

It is a fair walk, but it is nice and fresh out.

Once we are out of sight of the pack house, Hayley starts to strip in front of me and turns with a smirk "As much as I want you naked and to fuck, how about we let Jake and Raina have a run for a while. I think my horny little wolf wants her mate really bad," she says and shifts into her black and white, gorgeous wolf.

I'm stunned into silence as I stare back at Raina, but I walk over once I recover and smooth the soft fur on her head. "Hey Raina," I say. She moves her head into my hand with her eyes closed.

I can feel Jake getting impatient in my head as he can see Raina in front of me. "Hurry up human," he says, wagging his tail.

Without a second thought, Jake shreds my clothes and shifts into his form in front of Raina.

Both Raina and Jake run around for miles, enjoying each other and even mating a few times.

After three hours, I shift back into human form after what seemed ages to find Hayley sitting next to me, looking at me as I slowly get back up from being laying on the ground.

She looks at me. "Hey," she says, but her face looks weary.

I start to panic. "Are you okay?" I ask, lifting myself up off the ground to stand and sticking my hand out to her to take.

She gives me a small smile. "Yeah I am, I want to talk to you about something," she says as I pull her to her feet in front of me. "I wanted to tell you something earlier and back at the hospital, but we never had the time or someone was around us," she says.

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