Chapter 45

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We have been waiting for hours for news on Hayley.

Everyone who knew her was waiting but some came and left. I'm currently sitting in the waiting room with Emma, Harrison, and Alpha Jacob.

Harvey had been in a few times, but he couldn't keep still. Agent Matthews showed her face but left when they made sure Ruth was placed in a cell and was still out cold.

Summer keeps mind-linking me, asking for updates, but I've been ignoring her for the last few minutes as my head hurts.

My emotions are everywhere, and I want my mate.

Jake was whining a lot at the start. Now he has been lying in my head with his eyes full of sadness, looking back at me.

Suddenly the door opens and Vivian walks in. We all look at her, but her eyes land on me. "Theo, my mother wanted me to give you, I mean all of you, an update on Hayley," she says, looking around.

I move out of my seat and stand in front of her. "What's happening? How is she?" I ask.

Vivian looks at me. "It's not good. Hayley lost a lot of blood, but it is the wounds that they are having a problem with. They won't close up," she says, but anger in her eyes. "It looks like Ruth laced the knife with wolf's bane or some sort of poison that doesn't heal. We are working on finding an antidote for it, but it is going to take time."

I can't help but breathe hard. I can't catch my breath. Alpha Jacob is behind me with his hand on my shoulder. "Is there anything else?" He asks her.

Vivian doesn't answer him for a moment but I look at her, her eyes are staring back at mine they are holding back a lot of emotions "I...I mean there is one thing but I have to ask if anyone has the same blood type as Hayley as we are running low on blood," she says quietly.

Harrison bolts up. "Can you test us all to find who can donate?" He asks gruffly, but she shakes her head. "We need to find someone with her blood type, but it seems Hayley has a rare blood type and we are giving O neg at the moment, but we need someone with the same blood as her."

I sit back down and place my head in my hands, which rest on my knees.

"Is Ruth awake?" She asks, which earns a few growls, but Vivian shakes her head. "I don't want to talk to her. I was wondering if we could test her blood to see if she's a match," she says.

"I will link Agent Matthews to get a sample. One of her men is a lab tech. He can get it for you," says Alpha Jacob as he sits next to me.

I can feel eyes on me, but my heart is breaking as my mate isn't getting any better.

Vivian looks at me when I look up. Her tears are now flowing down her face. "I'm sorry, Theo," she says and walks out.

I close my eyes but I know when I open them I will be crying. I move up off the chair and head to the door. "Where are you going?" Asks Alpha Jacob.

I don't look over my shoulder. "I need to get out of here. I need air, mind link me if there is any news," I say and I walk out of the waiting room door.

Once in the hospital, there are nurses everywhere, but the hospital now has settled down since fighting with the rogues.

I walk towards the entrance of the hospital and walk outside.

It is now dark; the night air has become clearer somehow. I take a deep breath in. "You okay?" asks a voice by the side of me as I let my breath out.

I look over and see Lucy, who has now got a bandage and a few bruises that are hideous on her face.

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