Chapter 47

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Both Harrison and I leave Theo with Hayley. He needs to be with his mate.

We both want to do what's right for Hayley. As we head to the front of the hospital, Vivian comes running toward me. "He is here, babe," she says.

I can't help but look towards my brother, who stares back at me, Emma by his side. We both take off and head back to the office with our mates following us.

Agent Matthews was standing outside the pack house as we came closer and we can see she was not alone.

"Babe, we will leave you to it," says Vivian suddenly as the man looks at all four of us walking towards them. "Both Emma and I will get changed and wait for you back at her house," she says and Emma nods. "We will make sure Aunt Jackie is with us too."

We kiss our mates goodbye as they turn around to head in a different direction to Emma's house.

A man looks at us with a grim look, but once Agent Matthews tells him something, he looks back at us and gives us a small smile. "Ah, Harvey, Harrison, this is Alpha Nathan," Agent Matthews says, looking at the three of us.

Alpha Nathan smiles. "It's nice to meet you," he says, holding out his hand for us to shake. "I think we should get inside out of prying eyes, don't you," he says looking around.

After we both shake his hand, we just follow both Agent Matthews and Alpha Nathan back into the pack house and straight through to the office. No one else was here except Alpha Jacob, who looked up at us as we all worked.

Alpha Nathan looks at him and gives him a warm smile. "Jacob is that really you, I haven't seen you since your parent's funeral, you have changed so much," he says as Alpha Jacob moves out of his seat and wraps the man into a hug.

"It's so good to see you, Nath, Father would have been so happy that we were meeting once again but obviously not under these circumstances," he says with a grim look as we all take seats around the office.

Alpha Nathan, Alpha Jacob, and Agent Matthews sit near one another as both Harrison and I take our seats on the couch.

"This whole situation is just awful," Alpha Nathan says suddenly. "I think I best start telling you my side of the story. Has Ruth told you anything yet?" He asks Agent Matthews, who shakes her head. "No, she is still out cold in the cells but she will be waking up soon I think we should wait for..." she says but looks at both Harrison and me, but she closes her mouth.

Alpha Nathan looks at both of us. "What happened to Gary Lawson?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"Well, that is a fine story to tell. I killed him by ripping out his throat," Alpha Jacob says.

Alpha Nathan smirks. "That's the best thing for the low life after all the lives he ruined over the years," he says.

"What happened to you?" I ask suddenly, as I want to find out more about this man before I even consider anything that regards him going anywhere near Hayley.

Alpha Nathan looks at me. "Well, young wolf, I was an alpha to a small pack not far from here. I must have had over a hundred wolves under me and we were loyal to your pack, many others too, but mainly to the old alpha and also Jacob too. But suddenly we were having rogue attack after rogue attack until there were not even half of us left. One night my Luna and son were getting ready to leave the territory to get to safety when Gary killed them. It was heart-wrenching, to say the least," he says trying to keep his emotions in check "When Gary came to the pack he wanted me to submit to him but I fought until I couldn't no more, he placed me in the cells but he never knew about our secret passageway to get in and out which was dated back five hundred years" he says. "I managed to escape and found sanctuary at the werewolf council, where I met Agent Matthews."

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