Chapter 32

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I just marked my mate.

I finally have Hayley.

I move up the bed as I watch her sleep. Being marked takes it out of you. It did to me earlier when she marked me.

I watch her breathe in and out and snuggle up closer to me. Her scent is strong once again, and it settles Jake. "We finally marked our mate," he says with his tail wagging. "We need to keep mates here."

I know what he means; he wants her here in the pack house with us. After everything that happened with Ruth, I would want that, but I know what it is like not to have your mother around. It is sad.

I will try to persuade Hayley to talk to her once everything settles down.

"Mate is perfect," says Jake, who has been looking through my eyes watching her.

"I wish we knew about pups," he says in a whine.

When I found out about the baby, I was shocked and when I learned that it was mine; I felt like my whole world had just come undone. It took all three of the men in that office to hold me back as we heard everything. Harvey was trying to hold back Harrison and me with Alpha Jacob, but when I looked at summer, she looked hurt. She not only didn't tell me, but she never told her best friend.

I opened a mind link to Alpha Jacob. "Hey, you okay?" I asked.

"I should be asking that question to you," he says. "I'm okay, I'm on the couch in our room as Summer is pissed at me that I didn't tell her about Hayley, but I made a promise to Harvey not to."

"I know I can understand why, Hayley told me everything. We talked and cleared the air as well..." I say but he cuts me off. "You both marked each other," he says "I'm so happy for you both, I can feel the connection between you both."

I smile. "Yeah, I'm happy, but can you help me out tomorrow? I need to get Hayley a Christmas present as Christmas Day is five days away and I need your help in finding something for her. Maybe the girls could talk, as Hayley might want to clear the air with Summer."

Alpha Jacob takes a few moments before he speaks. "I think we should do that, but Theo, I think Hayley needs to talk to Summer on her own. Summer was really upset that she never confided in her about everything and it hurt her deeply," he says.

"I know how she felt," I said. "Hayley should have opened up to all of us, but Carly made it harder for her to come back."

"I know, but there could have been something that she could have done," he says.

I look down at my mate and move a bit of her hair from her face. "She was in a dark place after it happened. She lost her job and apartment and even moved in with Harvey. She was in a bad way and I don't think anyone could get her out of it even if we knew," I said. "Not only did she tell me everything but she also confronted her mother about stuff too."

"Shit," he says. "I bet that was hard to watch. I remember her mother always having a go at her for wanting to go to training with us all or even doing anything in regards to you," he says.

"I remember," I say, "I think everything needed to come out, even for them. Ruth looked hurt when Hayley told her about the baby."

"Her mother should have been on her side more, not believing Carly and Lucy's crap," he says.

Suddenly I remembered something. "Hey, what punishment did you give Lucy after?" I asked him but his laugh comes through the mind link. "Well, her mother wanted me to place her in her care and she would deal with her punishment but she did allow me to show her the monitor of the confrontation between Cary and Hayley," he says.

"What happened when she watched it?" I asked.

Alpha Jacob sighed. "Well, Lucy cried. She never knew the full extent of what happened and how far Carly went. She wants to apologize to Hayley for her part but she did mention a few things that happened in high school that happened to Hayley that neither you nor I knew about," he says with a slight snarl.

"Like what?" I ask him.

"Well, I didn't know that Carly attacked Hayley after the football game. She beat her up" he says, ″I can't help but let a growl slip through at the thought as I remember Hayley told us that she fell and split her lip open when she tripped over a log when she went for a run before the game.

"Also, she locked her in the women's bathroom a few times," he said. "They were the times she was late for either class or to meet you."

"Carly was one physio bitch," I say through gritted teeth.

"Have to ask, did you ever sleep with her?" He asks.

I go quiet for a moment and sigh. "Yeah I did, but it was when I came back from the first assignment you sent me on, we were all out celebrating the new alliance with The Black Moon Pack, I drank myself stupid and I'm sure I had one of those lethal cocktails you made which sent my head spinning," I said. "Hayley told me she came back and told me she saw me that night with her."

"Theo," he says with a growl, but I cut him off "I know, I know," I said. "I fucked up, but I was thinking about Hayley the whole time, every time I had anyone in here I was thinking about her, Jake never wanted anyone else except her, and I was the same but I was thinking with my dick at the time and not my heart."

There was silence coming from Alpha Jacob but after a few moments. "I know you were a mess back then. That's why I sent you away all the time to make sure you never fucked up again," he says. "Well, I best get some sleep. By the way, remind me to order a bigger couch for my room. I don't fit on this one."

I can't help but chuckle. "Okay, we will order one as we shop for the girls for Christmas," I say.

He laughs. "Yep, I need to get something for Summer, too."

I knew he would. He's always last minute at buying things.

He closes down the mind link and I move further down the bed to snuggle up to Hayley.

It's not long till I'm fully asleep as I inhale her scent, which calms everything in my body.

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