Chapter 54

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Theo places me down on the ground with my feet touching the floor right outside the cabin.

I walk out of his arms and open the door to explore the cabin. I mean, our new home.

Theo follows me around, pointing at everything and telling me how it was. He even took before and after photographs of the place.

There was definitely a lot that has changed here.

Each room has everything I wanted when we planned as teenagers, the four bedrooms which he informed me would be our pup's bedrooms were in one section of the house but the main bedroom, our room was on its own down the hall. When I walked in, I was amazed at how talented my mate was.

He placed a king-sized bed in the middle of the wall. There was a desk on the side which had all my things. I assume Summer moved everything in here, as it was all tidy and neat.

There were two doors, one leading to a walk-in closet that was rammed full of gorgeous outfits for Theo and me. "Where the hell did all these clothes come from?" I ask.

I look over my shoulder to see the frown on his face as he leans on the doorframe. "I stupidly gave my credit card to the girls for them to pick up some clothes for you and they came back with all this," he says.

I can't help but giggle. "Well, that was a dull move," I say.

I don't see him coming as he uses his speed and grabs hold of my waist, pulling me into him. "I know, but I wanted you to have everything in here," he says as he leans into me.

I don't move as he sniffs my neck, and he looks back at me "You have to see the bathroom" he says as he grabs my hand and drags me back out of the closet, and opens the other door to every open bathroom plan.

My mouth drops open. There was a huge bathtub in the middle of the bathroom which was closer to the window. It overlooks the forest, which would be so nice. The tub is big enough for ten people; the toilet is behind a closed door but there's a built-in shower that you could walk into.

"Well, what do you think?" Theo says as he comes behind me and wraps his arms around me. "Our home," he says as he plants a kiss on my shoulder.

The tingles shoot through me like a tidal wave and I move around to look at him. I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love it," I say and place my mouth on his.

The heat inside me ignites me and all I can want right now is my mate.

My arousal fills the air, thick and strong.

Theo moves away from me slightly. "Baby," he says, but I don't give him any option. I move closer to him as I move my mouth on his.

His hands start to move us towards the door and back through the bedroom as I hit the back of the bed with my legs and I fall back on the bed, sitting, panting hard.

Theo moves away from me, panting hard. "Baby," he says as he kneels down in front of me. He places his hands in my hair and places his mouth on mine.

I feel like I'm on fire and all I want is his touch on me. The clothes I'm wearing are burning right through me.

I start to claw at him. Theo moves back and looks back at me. "What's wrong?" he asks me.

I have no clue what's wrong with me, but even Raina is in a panting mess but she looks at me with lust. "MATE, MATE WITH MATE," she says, panting hard. "WE IN HEAT," she roars.

Theo feels my head and moves it quickly. "Fuck, Hayley, you're burning up."

I look back at him. "I think I'm in heat," I say, but all I want right now is Theo. I lunge at him and place my mouth on his again. He groans out. "Baby," he says, but he moves his mouth with mine.

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