Chapter 19

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Mr. Norris helps me out of his car and walks me to the house that he shares with his wife, Connie.

The house is quite small for them; they are the sweetest couple I have ever met.

I walked in with Mr. Norris following behind me with my suitcase. "Honey, I'm home and we have a guest for tonight," he calls out.

Connie walks in from the kitchen with her apron around her waist and smiles. "Hayley, it is so nice to see you again," she says and looks at the suitcase. She frowns. "What happened?"

I look at Mr. Norris and he stares back. "We need to talk," he says to her and I nod to him.

Mr. Norris never keeps anything from Connie. She listens to Shane and Maxine's schemes for taking his money, and then it was my turn to tell her about the affair they were having.

Connie looked pissed. "That weasel and slut, you ok Hayley?" She says.

I smile. "I'm fine, to be honest; it never came as a shock to me. I should have read the signs," I said.

She nods but then gets serious. "What about the apartment?" She asks. "It's in your name, isn't it?"

I nod. "Yeah, but Harvey and Jacob have sorted that out, but I wanted to ask both Mr. Norris and you something," I say to them. They both nod.

I smile. "I want papers to be drawn up tonight. I want both of you to have the apartment. I'm moving back home and I won't need it. It is all decorated, you can either move in or sell it and it is completely up to you," I tell them. Both mouths drop open and don't say a word.

"Well," I ask them.

Connie recovers quickly and smiles. "Are you sure? It is a nice apartment, Andy," she says to Mr. Norris.

He nods but looks at me. "But why us?" He says.

I look at him. "I know I need to get rid of it and I thought a true friend should have it. If Shane ever gets out, then he has no place to go. He thought about the whole thing about putting all the money in my name, but he never had a backup plan if he ever got caught," I said to him. "Also, if he does get off, then he has to move."

Mr. Norris smiles at me. "Okay, we will have it," he says and turns to Connie, who has the biggest smile on her face.

"Connie dear, can you draw up the right forms for us tonight," he asks her, she is startled but I look at her. "I'm leaving tonight but if it is too much hassle, send them to my email. I can scan them back through and sign everything. It can be all done really soon."

She nods and smiles. "We got a house baby," she says, doing a happy dance as she walks back to the kitchen. I can't help but giggle.

Once Connie was out of earshot, Mr. Norris looked at me. "I'm sorry about the whole thing you went through," he says with sadness.

I look at him. "I'm ok, I had people around me," I said, trying to change the subject.

I pulled out my phone and looked for a flight; the next one was at three am which I booked for. Mr. Norris wanted to take me to the airport. I sent Harvey a text saying I was coming back in the morning and if he would pick me up, which he agreed to.

"By any chance could I freshen up, please?" I asked Mr. Norris.

He was a wonderful house guest. He handed me towels for me to use in the shower and let me get on with it. I grabbed a dress from the suitcase and washed my hair. After the shower and I finished getting dressed, we all sat around and had some food.

The food was amazing as usual; Connie's cooking is out of this world.

We all sat around and watched a film, but not long after Connie went to bed. We stayed awake but left when it was time to leave for the airport. No one was on the road. It was really quiet.

Once we were outside the airport, Mr. Norris helped me with my suitcase and stood by the door, waving as I went up the steps to catch my flight. Connie told me before she went to bed that the forms would be ready by the time I got home. All they needed was my signature and the house will be there, I have to admit she knows how to do her job in the estate agency.

The plane landed, and I boarded.

The four-hour flight wasn't bad this time as I slept the whole flight. Both Raina and I were happy to be heading home even though I had to talk to Theo about everything that happened, which will be hard for me to tell him.

Once the plane touches down and I grab my suitcase, I head outside to a smiling Harvey waiting for me. "Hayley," he says as he grabs me in a hug.

He pulls back and looks at me. "You are one brave person," he says as he opens my door for me to climb in. I smile.

Once he climbs in and we start to drive off. "I think Theo stayed in the guest house last night," he said and looked at me. "He has been waiting to see you since he found out you left, they all have, including Mum."

My heart beats faster when Harvey mentions Theo to me.

"Everyone else can wait but I want to see Theo. I need to tell him about everything that has happened," I say and I can see a smile forming on his face when he hears me, but suddenly his face changes. "What about Harrison and mum?"

I am tense. "I will tell Harrison but mum can do one. She knew about prom night," I told him which stuns him and he turns to look at me. "What do you mean she knew about prom night?"

I sigh. "She didn't know I came home early. I hid when she came home. I couldn't handle seeing her after seeing Carly and Theo together," I said and looked up to stare out the window. "Carly came over after I caught them together at the pack house. She knocked on the door. Mum didn't know I snuck in and out, I told her I was going to stay at Summer's house but I found out that Alpha Jacob and Summer were mates so I didn't want to be a third wheel, anyway, Carly knocked on the door and told mum that Theo was her mate and to make sure I stayed away from him for now on," I said, I can see his knuckles are white on the steering wheel but I look over to him. "Harvey, Mum made threats and I left with Harrison because she made me but I was glad for the break but I also was glad to stay away."

"She never told us any of this," he says, with a growl slipping past his mouth.

"I don't care. I want to see Theo and sort it out with him. I will deal with Mum later," I said.

He is quiet for a moment, but we just have turned into my mother's street.

Once he parks up and gets the engine off, he turns to face me. "With mum, let me deal with her. I have to give her something from Dad when you have told everyone. I have been holding onto it for four years, Hayley. Now go and claim your mate," he says with a smirk on his face.

I open the door and head around the side of the house, straight towards the guesthouse door.

I open the guest house door and step in but I am hit with my mate's scent and stop in my tracks. No, please no.

I walk in slowly and stare at the bed. Raina looks through my eyes as we stare at the sight before us.

Both Theo and Carly are naked, they both are in my bed.

My heart breaks in two once again. Raina is crying in my head.

But suddenly Theo to starts move, and his eyes land on me.

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