Chapter 13

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I woke up early and went for a run.

I came back to the pack house just as everyone was waking up. I headed to the dining hall and grabbed some food. I was hungry.

I take my place and eat. Summer walks over to the table. "You're up early," she says and smirks. "Why is that I wonder?"

I smile, "Good morning Luna. It is a lovely morning, isn't it?" I say, which takes Summer by surprise, but I smile. "I am up early because there is one hell of a hot lady I need to see and talk to. I was wondering what the alpha and Luna have planned for the day?"

She smiles. "Well Beta, we are going to head to Ruth's help with the second part of the party so we can all go together if you want. We will be leaving in half an hour," she says.

I smile and nod.

I eat all of my food and head back to my room; I quickly showered and got myself dressed. I headed downstairs where I met Alpha Jacob and Summer, who looked at me, smiling. "Still looking dashing, Theo," says Alpha Jacob with a grin on his face.

"Do you two want a room?" Says Summer with a smirk. "It is quite interesting to see you two..." she says, but it cuts off with Alpha Jacob's mouth on hers.

He growls. "I'm not taking anyone else to my bed Luna, so be..."

I snarl, why the hell they have got to do this shit in front of me?

I walk out of the door with the two of them laughing behind me.

We all climb into the car and head straight to Ruth's.

It didn't take too long to get there. Some people were coming with food ready for tonight and also Aunt Jackie was there laughing.

We parked up, and all climbed out. We headed inside to find Ruth staring at the back window, looking towards the guest house.

"She has been like that all morning," says Aunt Jackie. "I told her to go and make up with her before she went to bed, but she didn't listen."

Aunt Jackie leaves as the delivery of the drink turns up.

Alpha Jacob and I hung back while Summer walked over to Ruth.

"Ruth," she says quietly. "You okay?"

Ruth keeps looking out of the window. "Yeah, I'm fine. I thought she would be awake by now as she went to bed early," she says.

"How about if I go and see if she is awake?" Says Summer.

Ruth nods but still looks out of the window.

Summer turns to Alpha Jacob and me. She smiles and walks out of the back door towards the guest house.

I couldn't help but stand with Ruth by the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl I love.

"You were there last night, weren't you?" asks Ruth. "How was she when you left?"

I don't say anything, as I can't get into that with Hayley's mother.

Suddenly, Alpha Jacob walks outside and heads to the guest house. This doesn't look good.

Something doesn't feel right.

I turn and leave; I head straight to the guest house. Summer standing by the door. "Her suitcase is here, but she's not."

I barge inside, nearly knocking Summer over; she growls.

I look around the guest house. There is no sign of Hayley anywhere.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?" Shouts Summer, who glares at me.

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