Chapter 42

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I slowly open my eyes, but they feel too heavy for me to open, but when I manage to open them, I'm definitely not in the town car park anymore.

I move slightly, but my wrists start to burn. I can't help but hiss out in pain.

"They're silver chains," says a voice in front of me; I look up towards the person who was talking to me, only to find it was Lucy.

She looks at me with a weak smile. "I'm sorry," she says.

I looked at her, confused. "Why are you sorry?" I ask her. "You didn't kidnap me."

I move till I could sit up, but the chains burn more I also realize that I'm in a t-shirt that is not mine or Theo's. Who the hell took me?

I can feel Lucy's eyes on me but turn to look towards the tent opening; I can't help but follow her gaze.

I can't feel Raina, which is worrying me.

Lucy looks back at me. "I don't know how much time I have but I was apologizing for everything that Carly put you through, I know I did some horrible things to you back in high school as well but I was thinking that I was being a good friend to Carly," she says as I look at her slightly, the wind blows the tent opening and a stream of light comes in, I can see Lucy's face is covered in bruises and she is tied up with rope and a chain around her neck.

"I accept your apology Lucy, but what does that have to do with me being here?" I ask.

Lucy looks at me. "Carly told us that we would be able to choose our own mates which included anyone from outside the pack which most of the girls we bothered with wanted as everyone in our year where terrible but most of us were all for it until we found out she lied to us and made us part of her father's schemes, he wanted intel on the pack as his long-lost love was there," she says, a tear slides down her face. "Most of the girls that came with her here are either dead or now being slaves to any rogues in here. There are only two of us left now, Ashley and I."

I remember Ashley. She used to follow them around, but one day she never came back.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside. "Make sure no one disturbs me," he says.

I look at Lucy and she places her finger on her lips; she closes her eyes just as the tent door opens to reveal a big man with his trousers undone. The stench of him alone makes me want to vomit as he is rogue but he recently had sex but the smell is familiar where...

"Well, sleeping beauty is awake," he says in a raspy tone and looks at me, he walks over to me and tries to come close to me but I kick out, and the chain on my leg moves which causes it to burn and be more painful.

I can't help the hiss that escapes my lips, but he grabs me by the hair and moves me. "I won't move if I were you," he says.

I can feel a slight breeze coming in from outside as if someone just walked in, "Boss, I will give her the next injection," says a familiar voice, I look to see a very drained pale looking face of Ashley, holding an injection.

She walks over with the needle, but he grabs it from her. "I will give this bitch the wolfsbane, you go and make sure the men are taken care of as we will all be leaving tomorrow on the pack," he says.

Ashley looks at me with a blank expression, but once she has gone, the man rams the needle into my neck.

I snarl, which causes him to smirk. "That's it, princess, this will make you drowsy but you can still hear what I have to say," he says as he flings back the needle away from us.

He grabs a chair and places it in front of me and sits on it. His eyes land on every inch of me. I can't help but pull my knees up to my chest but he smirks more. "You are one beauty I would give you that," he says, but sighs. "I think I better introduce myself. I'm Gary Lawson, the man that killed the young alpha's, beta's parents, and also your father," he says with a smile.

I stare back at him. I want to get up and rip his throat out, but something is telling me not to move.

I don't say a word.

Gary laughs. "I thought you would be crying at the mention of that, especially your father," he says. "Your mother always told me you were weak, pathetic, and stupid."

"What has my mother got to do with this?" I say, which comes out all dry and raspy.

Gary smirks. "Ah, you don't know, do you?" he says, moving quickly and leaning back on the chair. "You see, that beautiful goddess known as your mother has been my chosen mate for years," he says.

"How can that be?" I ask. "She was mated to my father; she can't be your chosen mate."

Gary looks at me and chuckles. "Well, let me tell you beautiful, the story goes like this when your mother and I were in high school. We were, as you would call us, high school sweethearts. We were in love," he says, but his face changes. "But then your mother met her mate, she dumped me for him," he says with a snarl, but I can't help but smirk at him.

He looks back at me and chuckles. "Your mother stayed with him for a few months and even had her first baby with him, but then he started to work away all the time. So she found me one night, and we began our affair once again which I know your father knew about as he probably felt every single thing we were doing but one night I found my mate, I wanted them both but my mate wanted me all to herself," he says smugly. "Your mother didn't like it but I had to beat her because she attacked my mate, after your mother left, my mate only stayed with me for a few years even gave me a pathetic daughter and even rejected me afterward," he says snarling.

He looks at me, leans forward in his chair, and moves closer to me. "Your mother was everything to me, so after I found out that my mate was a member of your pathetic pack I wanted to kill her so I did," he says but I also kept a close eye on my one true love, I watched her every day," he said.

He moves and gets up, leaning over me and sniffing my hair. "Damn, you smell like her," he says as his lips come to my neck, but he stops and inhales my scent and growls. He moves back quickly and punches me in the face. "Pathetic weakling," he says as he gets up and sits back in the chair.

"I arranged for rogues to kill the Alpha and Luna of the pack but it was really unfortunate that the betas were there," he says and smirks. "I bet my daughter loved fucking that beta to get his mind off them."

I don't say anything but look at him.

I can feel slight movements in my head.

He looks back at me. "You are so boring. I thought I would have gotten a rise out of you, but you are just stupid," he says.

He sits quietly for a few moments but smiles as if he just remembers something else. "I almost forgot. I also arranged for your precious father's killing too. The best part was I did that myself," he says. I can feel the anger build up inside me and I try so hard to stay blank but the smirk on Gary's face goes wider. "You know what else, sweet princess," he says and moves closer to me, and looks at me. "I fucked your mother all throughout the meeting as she was there and I can bet after your sweet ass not only that I have been fucking her all this time and before his funeral," he says.

My anger is tipped over the edge and I growl "You lie you prick, she would never..." I start to say but I'm stopped as the tent opens and Gary's smile widens as the scent comes through which is familiar to me that made me feel at home when I got here only a few days ago.

The woman who I called mum was standing with just a t-shirt on and nothing on the bottom half just smiled at me. "Hello daughter," she says as she steps inside.

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