Chapter 33

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I woke up to kisses on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile. "MMM..." I say and turn around to look back at those brown eyes that caught hold of me.

Theo leans down and places a kiss on my nose and smiles. "Morning baby," he says in his husky voice. "I thought I was dreaming when I woke up with you by my side," he says and places his mouth on mine again.

I can feel his erection against my stomach.

I move my mouth more with his as I slide my tongue into his without hesitation; we move them around, exploring every inch as a moan escapes his mouth. He pulls back and breathes hard. "Baby, I would take you all day but I need to get up to help Alpha Jacob with something," he says and places a kiss on my mouth again but before he can move, I move him onto his back and climb on top of him.

I straddle each side of him but move his cock as I lined it to my pussy and slide down on it which causes him to moan out "Not what I mmm..." is all he says as I cut him off with my mouth on his as I lean down to take his lips. I move up and down on his cock, but as I move, he thrusts up, meeting my movements. His hands are on both sides of my waist as he lifts me up and slams me down on his cock hard, which causes me to moan. "AHH," he keeps doing this, but I pull his hands from my sides and place them over his head and look at him with a smirk. "MINE," I say and I bounce on his cock up and down till I can feel my pussy clench around his cock but as I can feel myself coming Theo gets out of my grip pulls up so he is sitting, and places my mouth to his with one hand in my hair moving my hair out of the way and the other wrapped around me as he lifts me up and down on his cock.

"BITE HIS MARK," Raina says suddenly in my head.

His mouth works all the way down my neck as he pushes up into me hard and his mouth is over my mark, I can feel his teeth change to his wolves and I do the same as we both mark each other again but this time together sending pure pleasure right through each other as it takes us into intense orgasms we both could have, I come all around his cock as his cock pulses all his seed inside me.

Once we both come down from the high, I place soft kisses on his mouth.

"Fuck Hayley," he says in a raspy voice. "You certainly know how to have me."

I smirk. "Well, mate, I would say we should go again but you have a business to take care of," I say but he growls and plunges his tongue into my mouth, moving around again like he is looking for something.

But suddenly he moves back panting but has got a blank expression on his face. but when he comes back to me he smirks and leans up, placing kisses on my neck. "Baby, I have to go. Alpha Jacob wants to get a new couch," he says and pulls out of me, moving me to the side.

He moves out of his bed and I can't help but look at my mate. His cock is out, and he is hot as hell.

"Baby, please don't look like that at me," he says as I catch his look. I didn't even realize I was biting my bottom lip and staring at him.

"I'm going to get ready quickly and head down, you can get ready too," he says but stops and looks at me. "I think you need to talk to Summer. She was hurt after yesterday," he says.

Oh shit, I forget Summer found out, too.

I look at him and give him a half smile. "Okay, I will get dressed and see where she is," I say, but he looks at me with a smile. "She is in the hall having food and she wants to see you," he says.

He walks into the closet, grabs some clothes out, and goes into the bathroom, but he turns around and looks at me. "You coming in with me?" he says with a smirk.

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