Chapter 60

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After a full hour of making love to Hayley, she collapses on the couch with her eyes closed.

I can help but smirk. "Did I wear you out, baby?" I say as I pick her up and carry her bridal style to our bedroom.

Hayley rests her head on my shoulder. "I'm just tired," she says with a yawn.

I place her down on the bed and pull the covers over her. When I look down at her, she is out like a light.

I can't help but smile.

I grab a pair of sports shorts and head into the kitchen to make a coffee.

I boil the kettle, but a mind link opens up. "Hey Theo," says Summer. "Can we talk?" she says.

"Yeah, sum," I say. "What's up?" Once the kettle has boiled, I pour the water into my mug and stir. I have to have a strong mug of black coffee.

I take a seat at the kitchen table. Summer takes a few moments, but she comes back. "I was wondering if you fancy doing Christmas Day for Hayley tomorrow at the pack house since she was asleep."

I can't help but grin. I forgot all about celebrating Christmas Day.

"Yeah, that would be great. What do you have in mind?" I asked her.

I can hear her slight laugh. "Well, I was thinking of having everyone here for lunch and opening some gifts," she says. "Say about noon."

"Yeah, that would be great," I say.

We close the mind link down, but suddenly I realize that I never gave Hayley her actual gift.

I left it back at the pack house, damn it.

I opened a mind link. "Hey Harv, you in the pack house," I ask him.

"Yeah, why?" he says with a grunt. "This better be important. I was in the middle of..." he says, but I snarl. "Do not finish that sentence please or I will tell you what I have been doing with your sister in great detail," I say.

Harvey growls loud. "Fine, but don't stick that thought in my head, please," he says with a groan.

I can't help but chuckle.

"Look, Summer and Alpha Jacob are hosting a Christmas Day bash for Hayley tomorrow," I say.

"Yeah, she asked us earlier, why? What's up?" he says with a sigh.

"Well, I left her gift in my old room in the pack house. Can you get it for me and keep it with you till I see you tomorrow so I can hand it to her," I ask him.

There is silence for a moment, but suddenly he comes back. "Yeah, I can do that, but Theo, both Harrison and I want to do something for her and also you," he says. "Our boss, Mr. Norris, has a cabin in Hawaii; it is remote and out of sight. We were going to buy your tickets to go as a mate thing too and also as a Christmas gift from all four of us."

I smile brightly, a holiday for Hayley and me.

"That would be perfect," I say to him. I can feel the smile on his face. "Great, with everything that Hayley has been through, she deserves it," he says.

"That's true. Let me know what you need from me. We can surprise her with the tickets tomorrow," I say.

"Great, now I'm going to get back to my damn sexy witch," he says as he closes the mind link between us.

Hawaii, wow. I can't wait to see my gorgeous mate in a bikini.

Jake sends an image, which literally goes straight to my cock.

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