Chapter 52

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I don't know how long I was sleeping, but I woke up still in Theo's arms.

I couldn't help but sniff at his scent.

Theo slowly opens his eyes to look down at me. "Hey baby," he says in a husky voice. "How are you feeling?"

I smile at him. "I'm okay, I was thinking if you could get me some clothes today so at least I can get out of this gown," I asked him.

He smiles. "I will, babe, but first we will have breakfast together," he says.

He gets off the bed and opens the door. A few seconds later, he comes in with a tray full of food. "I sent a nurse to get us some food about an hour ago," he says. "I have been awake watching you sleep."

I look at him and watch as he places the tray in front of me, but I frown. "Why would you watch me sleep?" I ask. "I think you would have been sick of seeing me sleep."

Theo smiles. "I would never get sick of watching you sleep baby, besides I wanted to make sure you were alright and you felt so amazing in my arms," he says as he walks back to me and sits on the bed.

I nod to him.

I can sense someone by the door, and I look up to see Harvey and Vivian.

They both walk into the room, both smiling.

"Hey," says Harvey. "Theo, I was wondering if you could help me. I have seemed to have misplaced my tools. I think I left them in your room," he says with a sly look. "Can we go and get them, as I need to fix a leak back at the house?"

Theo looks at me. "I don't want..." he says, but I shake my head at him. "You can go and sort out whatever it is Harvey needs to do; besides, I would like some clothes to change into."

Theo smiles. "Okay," he says and looks at Vivian. "Do you mind staying here with Hayley?" he asks.

I frown at him. "I don't need a babysitter," I say, but turn to Vivian, who nods her head. "Yeah, I will. Both of you take your time. We can catch up for a bit," she says as she walks over to the chair by the side of the bed.

Both of the men leave, and I turn around to look at Vivian. "I'm sorry about that, but I didn't know whether you wanted me to say anything about us talking," I said.

She smiles at me. "It's okay, I told Harvey to keep Theo busy for a while as I know you will want to see your scars and also I wanted to talk to you about something," she says.

I forgot all about the scars that my mother left me.

Vivian looks at me. "We can check your scars later," she says as she watches my face. "I wanted to ask you something."

I look back at her. "Ask away," I say.

She clears her throat. "Have you been in heat?" she asks.

My eyes widen at the question. "I don't know, I think so, but it was a long time ago," I say and look at her, confused. "Why would you ask me that?" I asked.

She looks at me with a slight blush on her face but quickly straightens up. "I think you may be pregnant," she says.

My mouth drops open but I don't speak.

"I think your body has been protecting you somehow," she says while looking at me "The injuries you had were life-threatening but when you started to heal, we thought you would be awake after three or five days at the most but it was longer," she says.

She can see the confusion on my face. "But why would my body be protecting me?" I ask. "It still doesn't answer my question. Why did you ask me about being in heat?"

Vivian smiles. "Being in heat can make you more fertile and as werewolves, we can get pregnant more easily than when we are not but also we can have babies like any human can anytime but when your body is craving for something, it will generally cause your heat to flare up," she says. "Can I take a blood test to find out if you are pregnant?"

I nod; Vivian gets up and leaves the room but comes back in with everything she needs to take my blood. While she sticks the needle in my arm, she looks up at me. "I'm going to take a sample of your blood to analyses, being a rare kind of blood is a weird thing, Nathan won't tell anyone about it so I thought I could run some tests on it to find out but it might be nothing," she says as she finishes drawing blood and places everything in a bag.

I watched her for a moment. "Don't tell Theo about the tests," I say quietly. "I don't want to get his hopes up just yet and besides, it might not be the case."

She nods. "It's safe with me. I am your doctor after all, doctor confidentiality," she says with a wink.

I can't help but smile, but I slowly place it with a frown.

"Can you help me to the bathroom?" I ask her, "I want to see my scars."

She looks at me but doesn't say anything at first; she helps me out of bed. My legs feel slightly shaky at first, but I manage to walk into the bathroom.

"I thought I should be here with you when you see them as everyone would make some sort of comment but Hayley I have seen the scars, they are not that bad and they don't define you," she says as she helps me sit on a chair in front of the mirror.

She helps me remove my gown and I can see the scars as soon as she moves it completely.

I slowly get up and walk towards the mirror. I stare at them.

They all look hideous.

I can feel tears prick behind my eyes. How will Theo want me now?

I move my hand to feel every one of them. They are weird to the touch, I move my hand away.

Vivian watches me, but I can't help but let the tears flow.

I close my eyes as they come.

My mum did this to me.

I look like a monster.

I open my eyes and I can feel Vivian's hand go to my arm. I look at her. "It's ok Hayley," she says quietly. "I knew you needed to do this on your own and I am glad you did but Harvey just mind-linked me to tell me that Theo and he will be back in half an hour," she says.

She moves her hand away from me and picks up my gown; I look back at the scars once more.

"How am I going to..." I start to say but stop.

Vivian stands in front of me and places her hand on my cheek. "Hayley, you are so strong. This won't define you, and Theo will love every ounce of you, whether you had scars or not. He loved you. You are his true mate," she says and wipes away my tears.

She helps me back out of the bathroom after I do my business, and she places me back in bed.

Due to the crying, I was tired.

I fell asleep before Harvey and Theo walked back in, but I could hear Vivian say to Theo. "She is tired, she just fell asleep," she says quietly.

I let my eyelids get heavy.

"We get through this," says Raina as I was about to fall asleep. "I got you, Hayley."

That's all I hear as I fall into a deep sleep once again.

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