Chapter 27

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Jake and Raina have been chasing each other for ages. I know they have mated as Jake had this huge smile on his face as he pushed me forward and we shifted back into our human form.

Once I was back, I looked back at the beauty by the side of me. Hayley was looking at me, checking me out.

Fuck, this woman is going to be the death of me.

She catches me looking at her, but I can't help but smirk. "You like what you see baby," I ask her.

She smiles at me. "Of course I do," she says in a sexy tone.

Fuck, that went straight to my cock which is hardening at the sight of her. I move towards her slowly.

"I think you should let mate mark us," says Jake suddenly, which makes me stop in my tracks.

"What do you mean?" I ask, feeling slightly confused.

Jake laughs and comes closer. "Let mate mark us. When she does, she will be able to feel everything that you feel as in how you feel about her," he says. "We can let mate wait to mark us, but at least she can feel what we do."

"What's wrong?" asks Hayley suddenly who is looking at me with caution. "Who are you talking to?"

I look back at her. I'm only a few feet away from her and, with two huge movements, I'm right in front of her.

She gulps, as I know she can see and possibly feel my erection. I lean into her neck and sniff in her scent, fuck I need her so badly.

I place a kiss on her neck and let my breath touch her skin, which makes her shiver. I can see her nipples go hard at the feeling, which is making me hard. "Jake and I want you to mark us," I say in a hushed voice, placing kisses along her neck. "We won't mark you but you mark us," I say. She leans into me, her breathing is hard. "Why would you want me to do that?" She asks, not moving away.

I kiss her shoulder. "I want you to mark me so you can feel everything I feel, you need to trust me, and Hayley, I want you to want me," I say as I make my kisses go back the way I came, kissing and sucking on her neck. I place a kiss on the spot where my mark will go, which causes her to moan. "I want you to want me, Hayley," I say as I make my way to her jaw. Her eyes are closed as I move my lips to hers, but I hover over them.

She opens her eyes and looks at me, her eyes staring back. She doesn't say anything, but she looks at my lips. "Theo I..." she says in a whisper but that was all she could say as I place my lips on hers, she moans into me as I move my mouth on hers, sliding my tongue at her bottom to gain access and she lets me, I move my tongue inside tasting every inch of her mouth, she tries to fight me but it doesn't work.

I place my hand on the back of her neck and move her closer to me while my other hand slowly touches her rounded breast. She pulls away, panting. Both of us panting for breath, she quickly looks at me and moves closer and pulls my face to hers, and kisses me again but pushes me backward till my back and ass hit a tree, her hands roam my chest, sending goosebumps throughout me but her hand gets to my hard cock, she puts her hand on it and strokes slowly which I can't help but moan out. Her touch alone sends me into overdrive, her mouth moves away from mine but placing kisses on my lips and the corner, she makes her way down my neck sucking and licking as she goes along and makes her way down my chest as she goes on her knees till she is in front of my cock, licking her lips.

The sight of her alone...I want to claim her, she licks the head of my cock which has pre-cum leaking and she places my cock in her mouth, taking me inch by inch, sucking and licking the whole of my cock, still stroking it as she goes. Fuck, I'm going to lose my load.

"Fuck, Hayls, I'm going to come if you keep..." I say but I can't help the moan that slips past my lips, I place my hand behind her head and grab some of her hair pushing her further as she picks up speed.

"Hayl..." I moan out. "Please..." I am on the verge of coming.

I can't take it anymore. I love the fact she wants to do this, but I need her. I need to be deep inside her.

I remove her from my cock. "Theo...I was..." she says as I bring her closer but place my mouth on hers hard, taking her mouth with mine. I pick her up from off her knees and hoist her up, turning the tables on her as she is leaning against the tree.

I keep kissing her as I move my one hand and start to play with her breast and nipple, squeezing and pulling at it, Hayley moans out but I catch it in my mouth. I slowly move my hand further down to her mound and rub her clit with my thumb, placing sweet kisses on her neck.

"Theo...Theo" she moans out as I rub her clit harder and slide a finger into her.

"AHH," she moans, she is absolutely soaking.

"THEO," she moans. "Please I want you inside me," she says begging.

I can't help but smirk.

I unravel her from my body and remove my finger from her and I gently lay her down on the grass, opening her legs with mine placing my cock at her entrance and slowly taking her, I know she likes it hard but I want her to wait; I push slowly in feeling her walls stretch around my cock, Hayley moans slightly but I move back and ram my cock in as she moans out.

I thrust deep into her, moving her hands to above her head, while I placed her breast in my mouth as I thrust into her deeper.

"THEO...THEO...MORE," she screams. I keep the assault on her pussy, but pulling her nipple with my teeth lightly, she gasps. I can feel her pussy clenching around my cock.

"Theo...I'm coming..." she moans. I pound into her but I quickly move her so she is on top of me, panting hard.

She looks down and leans over me. "MINE," she says as she places her lips on my neck. I thrust up into her. "Make me yours baby," I say as we both moan out. I can feel she is on the verge of coming, and so am I.

I thrust up into her harder; I can feel her on my spot for my mark, sucking and licking. I want her to mark me so badly.

I kept thrusting upwards "Hayley make me yours," I say as I grunt into her. "PLEASE," I say and without any hesitation, Hayley's canines are piercing my neck. I roar out but in pure pleasure, not pain. Both of us moan out of our orgasm, my come all inside her, my seed mixing with her juices as we both come together.

I keep thrusting up as we both come down from the high, But I was soon drawn into the darkness. I started to feel tired and started to breathe heavily, my eyes slowly closing as Hayley fell on top of me, panting hard.

She slides off me and snuggles into me as we both hold each other, but I can't help but close my eyes.

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